Organizational Sciences: Bachelor's Year 1

Program Year

Tronc commun

  • Sciences sociales et méthode
  • Macroéconomie
  • Microéconomie
  • Introduction à la gestion
  • Comptabilité financière
  • Informatique
  • Introduction au droit privé
  • Introduction au droit public
  • Anglais
  • Outils mathématiques
  • Les enjeux écologiques du 21ème siècle
  • Soft Skills
  • Culture économique


  • Chinois
  • Allemand
  • Espagnol
  • Anglais avancé
  • Anglais : civilisation américaine
  • Introduction to globalization
  • Préparation aux certificats d'Anglais
  • Prise de parole en public
  • Histoire des faits économiques
  • Culture et compétences numériques
  • Sport

Filière droit

  • Introduction générale au droit
  • Initiation à la recherche juridique et aux méthodes de droit
  • Droit de la cinquième république
  • Droit des personnes
  • Savoir prendre la parole en public (Filière droit)

Certificat Langues et enjeux contemporains : parcours anglophone

  • Debating/Public Speaking
  • News and Media

Certificat Introduction aux Médias et au Journalisme

  • Techniques d'écriture journalistique

Tronc commun

  • Sciences sociales et méthodes : sciences politiques
  • Macroéconomie
  • Microéconomie
  • Introduction à la gestion
  • Comptabilité financière
  • Mathématiques
  • Statistiques
  • Introduction au droit européen
  • Anglais
  • Soft Skills


  • Chinois
  • Allemand
  • Espagnol
  • Anglais avancé
  • Anglais : civilisation américaine
  • Introduction to globalisation
  • Préparation aux certificats d'Anglais
  • Prise de parole en public
  • Histoire des faits économiques
  • Culture et compétences numériques
  • Sport

Filière droit

Certificat Langues et enjeux contemporains : parcours anglophone

  • Screen Studies
  • Cultural Icons

Certificat d’Introduction aux Médias et au Journalisme

  • Techniques d'écriture journalistique

Academic Training Year 2024 - 2025 - subject to modification

Modalités pédagogiques

Instruction primarily takes the form of group tutorials with around 30 students. The school year is divided into two twelve-week semesters, as well as two pre-semester week in the fall.
Each year, students take 22 credits (UE) from the core curriculum and one elective, divided over the two semesters. Student learning is primarily assessed on the following criteria:

  • A continuous assessment grade (50% of the final grade) which includes: one or two tests, student participation in group tutorials, submitted work (determined by the credits taken),
  • A final exam (50% of the grade).

Classes begin: early September,
Classes end: end of May,
Retake examinations: end ofJune.

Teaching Modalities

Instruction primarily takes the form of group tutorials with around 30 students. The school year is divided into two twelve-week semesters, as well as two pre-semester week in the fall.
Each year, students take 22 credits (UE) from the core curriculum and one elective, divided over the two semesters. Student learning is primarily assessed on the following criteria:

  • A continuous assessment grade (50% of the final grade) which includes: one or two tests, student participation in group tutorials, submitted work (determined by the credits taken),
  • A final exam (50% of the grade).

Classes begin: early September,
Classes end: end of May,
Retake examinations: end ofJune.

Internships and Supervised Projects

Students must complete an internship of at least 5 weeks duration or hold a paid position for at 175 hours during their first two years of the Bachelor's degree.
Domestic labor such asbaby sittingand running errands is not acceptable. All other types of work are allowed. The goal is to introduce the student to the world of work and get them accustomed to a professional environment. In practice, the internship will take place in the summer between the first and second year of the Bachelor's degree.