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Management control

Ects : 4

Enseignant responsable :


Volume horaire : 36

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

Information is a crucial resource for organizations. It enables managers to make decisions, evaluate options, formulate plans and monitor their implementation. The tools that enable this monitoring are therefore omnipresent in the work of managers, from the most strategic to the most operational levels of organizations. It is important to master them, to know how to use them, but also to identify their limits and potential dysfunctional effects.

The course therefore presents the different tools of management control and performance management. It presents the principles and methods of cost calculation, how these calculations can be used to inform operational and strategic decisions. It also presents the tools used to guide and control financial (budgets) and operational (dashboards) performance.

It aims to train skillful users who are not only capable of mastering the fundamental techniques and tools, but who are also able to interpret the results obtained, question the adequacy of the methods used, and assess the coherence between control and monitoring systems in on hand, and organizational objectives in the other.

Course methods: Lecture and case studies in tutorials.

Pré-requis recommandés :

There are no pre-requisites but the course will be easier for students with a basic background in accounting and/or management accounting.

Coefficient : 1

Compétence à acquérir :

Course Objectives:

- Mastering the tools and fundamental principles of cost calculation and analysis (partial cost methods, full cost methods).

- Mastering the tools and fundamental principles of performance control and management (budgets, budgetary control, dashboards).

- Give future managers sufficient knowledge to use and adapt the tools at their disposal.

- Provide controllers with the technical knowledge to interpret the signals sent by their managers on their expected performance.

- Introduce future management controllers to the technical mastery of piloting and control tools.

Mode de contrôle des connaissances :

Grading Criteria: - Continuous assessment (mid-term test): 50%. - Final exam: 50%

Bibliographie, lectures recommandées

Kenneth Merchant et Wim Ven der Stede, Management Control Systems 4th Edition, 2017