Herrera Araujo Daniel - CV


Herrera Araujo Daniel

Maître de conférences


My research interests are on Empirical Industrial Organization, Health Economics and Environmental Economics.



Herrera Araujo D., Rheinberger C., Hammitt J. (2022), Valuing non-marginal changes in mortality and morbidity risk, Journal of Health Economics, vol. 84, p. 102627

Herrera Araujo D., Mikecz O., PicaCiamarra U. (2020), Placing a monetary value on the human health component of zoonotic diseases- A methodological note with an application to cysticercosis in Africa, Preventive Veterinary Medicine, vol. 175

Herrera Araujo D., Rochaix L. (2020), Competition between Public and Private Maternity Care Providers in France: Evidence on Market Segmentation, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 17, n°21, p. 7846

Herrera Araujo D., Rochaix L. (2020), Does the Value per Statistical Life vary with age or baseline health? Evidence from a compensating wage study in France, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 103, n°September 2020, p. 102338

Herrera Araujo D., Hammitt J., Rheinberger C. (2020), Theoretical bounds on the value of improved health, Journal of Health Economics, vol. 72, n°July 2020, p. 102341

Florez Acosta J., Herrera Araujo D. (2020), Multiproduct retailing and consumer shopping behavior: The role of shopping costs, International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 68

Herrera Araujo D., Hammitt J. (2018), Peeling back the onion: Using latent class analysis to uncover heterogeneous responses to stated preference surveys, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 87, p. 165-189

Herrera Araujo D., Shaywitz B., Holahan J., Marchione K., Michaels R., Shaywitz S., Hammitt J. (2017), Evaluating Willingness to Pay as a Measure of the Impact of Dyslexia in Adults, Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, vol. 8, n°1, p. 24-48

Herrera Araujo D. (2016), Folic acid: a public health challenge?, Health Economics, vol. 25, n°9, p. 1104-1122

Rheinberger C., Herrera Araujo D., Hammitt J. (2016), The value of disease prevention versus treatment, Journal of Health Economics, vol. 50, n°December 2016, p. 247-255

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