How does artificial intelligence support data management? Online conference

Students of the Master's degree in Organizational Management invite 3 speakers for an online conference about artificial intelligence.

It is now well known that personal data empowers brands to constantly target customers to provide them a unique and adapted experience. But do you know how companies do that?  

On the 28th of January at 6pm, three AI experts will take a deep dive on how AI supports international data management from a scientific, financial and generational spectrum.
Interested ? Please sign up using the following link: 

Register here


Meet our speakers ! 

- Ho Jimmy Anh-Tuan, CS student specialized in machine learning - Université de Montréal
- Esma Aïmeur, Director of the laboratory "Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity" (website)
- Sammy Mohammad, Managing director at Credit Suisse 

Informations Pratiques

Date : jeudi 28 janvier 2021
de 18h00 à 20h00
Lieu : En ligne

Dossier : démocratie sous tension : enjeux, fractures et perspectivesDossier : démocratie sous tension : enjeux, fractures et perspectives