Réglementation numérique européenne : le défi de la gouvernance - REPLAY
- 14h00 : Mots d'ouverture des Dauphine Digital Days
E.M. Mouhoud, Président de l’Université Paris Dauphine – PSL
Isabelle Ryl, Vice-Présidente IA et directrice de l'Institut PRAIRIE (PaRis Artificial Intelligence Research InstitutE), Université PSL
14h15 - 18h30 : Implementing the EU digital regulations: the Governance Challenge (en anglais)
Coordinateur : Eric Brousseau, professeur d’économie et de management, directeur de la Chaire Gouvernance et régulation, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL
- 14h15-15h30 : The Implementation Challenges
Chair: Joelle Toledano, Professor of Economics, Governance & Regulation Chair- Andreas Schwab, Member of the European Parliament
- Jens PRÜFER, Director, Tilburg Law and Economics Center ; Professor in Economics, School of Economics, University of East Anglia ; Deputy Director, Centre for Competition Policy ; Principal Investigator, Horizon Europe project AI4POL ; Member, Expert group to the EU Observatory on the Online Platform Economy
- Rishabh KAUSHAL, Postdoc at Institute of Data Science (IDS) in Department of Advanced Computer Science (DACS) at Maastricht University, Netherlands ; Assistant Professor at Department of Information Technology, Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women
- Thomas COURBE, General Director, Companies Division, Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industry
- 15h30-16h45 : Implementation in practice
Chair: Chiara Caccinelli, Deputy Head of the Economic Analysis and Digital Intelligence Unit, Arcep & Co-Chair of the Digital Markets Group, BEREC- Antoine BABINET, Deputy Head of Unit in Digital Platform directorate of DG Competition; European Commission
- Gabriele CAROVANO, Case handler - Italian Competition Authority - Digital platforms and communications Unit - Consumer Protection Directorate
- Guillaume DUQUESNE, Senior Vice President Compass Lexecon
- Oles ANDRIYCHUK, University of Exeter School of Law ; Digital Markets Research Hub YouTube weekly discussions
Coffee break
- 17h15-18h30 : Harmonization or Big Bang ?
Chair: Eric Brousseau, Professor of Economics, Governance & Regulation Chair- Irene ROCHE LAGUNA, Head of Unit “Coordination and Regulatory compliance”, DG CONNECT, European Commission
- Alexandre LACRESSE, Cour de Justice de l’Union Européenne
- Alexandre DE STREEL, CERRE & Université de Namur
- Jean-Yves OLLIER, State councilor
Session en collaboration avec la Chaire Gouvernance et Régulation
Informations Pratiques
Date :
lundi 18 novembre 2024
de 14h00 à 18h30
Lieu : Salle Raymond Aron