Spend your summer in London for your CV! Information session

Secure your project by enrolling in one of the Summer Schools at Université Paris Dauphine – PSL, London campus
FINANCE SUMMER SCHOOL (minimum L3 level required)
Take part of a 5 or 3-week programmes that will help you to secure your dream internship/job or Master’s in Finance and prepare you to work in global finance centres like London, New York, and Singapore.
Do you want to find out more?
Register to one of the online information sessions:
- Tuesday 18 January – 13h (French time)
- Tuesday 3 February – 13h (French time)
- Tuesday 15 February – 18h (French time)
Find out more about the Summer Schools here.
Up to 15% off for early bird applicants (by 20 February 2022)
Key Administrative Contact : Veronique Mendy, veronique.mendy@dauphine.psl.eu
Informations Pratiques
Date :
jeudi 3 février 2022
de 13h00 à 14h00
Lieu : Vidéoconférence