Workshop : Globalization and Workforce Composition

The goal of this workshop is to promote the exchange between researchers in the field of labor and trade economy, and on the impacts of international trade shocks in the labor market.
Program: invited lecturers, academic sessions, policy panel and international speakers.
September 1st 2022 / 8:45 am - 6:30 pm
Université Paris Dauphine - PSL
Salle Raymond Aron (2nd floor)
Invited speakers:
- Mouhoub El Mouhoud, President, Université Paris Dauphine - PSL,
- Lorenzo Caliendo, Yale University,
- Fabrizio Colella, HEC-University Lausanne,
- Marva Corley-Coulibally, ILO,
- Rui Costa, London School of Economics,
- Lionel Fontagné, Banque de France,
- Thierry Mayer, Sciences Po,
- Iodice Iodice, Bielefeld University,
- Marion Jansen, OECD,
- Zornitsa Kutlina-Dimitrova, EU Commission,
- Farid Toubal, Université Paris Dauphine - PSL
08:45-09:00 - Greetings
Mouhoub El Mouhoud, President, Université Paris Dauphine - PSL
09:00-10:15 - Invited Lecture 1:
Chair: Mouhoub El Mouhoud, President, Université Paris Dauphine - PSL
Speaker: Thierry Mayer, Sciences Po: “The Laffer Curve for Rules of Origin”
10:15-10:45 - Coffee break
10:45-12:15 - Session 1: Trade shocks and labor market
Chair: Eve Caroli, Université Paris Dauphine - PSL
Paper 1: Rui Costa, London School of Economics “Real Wage Stagnation and Brexit Exchange Rate Depreciation”
Paper 2: Farid Toubal, Université Paris Dauphine - PSL: “Trade Liberalization, Collective Bargaining and Workers: Wages and Working Conditions”
12:15-13:45 - Lunch*
13:45-15:00 - Invited Lecture 2:
Chair: Gianluca Orefice, Université Paris Dauphine - PSL
Speaker: Lorenzo Caliendo, Yale University: “On the Mechanics of Spatial Growth”
15:00-15:30 - Coffee break
15:30-17:00 - Session 2: The role of workers’ occupation
Chair: Ariell Reshef, University Paris 1
Paper 1: Iodice Iodice, Bielefeld University: “Heterogeneous Trade Elasticity and Managerial Skills”
Paper 2: Fabrizio Colella, HEC-University Lausanne “The Effect of Trade on Skill Requirements: Evidence from Job Postings”
17:00-17:30 - Coffee break
17:30-18:30 - Policy Panel: Managing the labor market consequences of international trade
Chair: Lionel Fontagné, Banque de France
Panelists: Marva Corley-Coulibally (ILO), Marion Jansen (OECD), Zornitsa Kutlina-Dimitrova (EU Commission), Mouhoub El Mouhoud (Université Paris Dauphine - PSL).
* We provide lunch for speakers and chairs only