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Meltem Ozturk

Professeure des universités

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Meltem Öztürk Escoffier is Full Professor in Computer Sciences at Université Paris-Dauphine (LAMSADE). She was invited researcher at Rutger's University (DIMACS), Université Libre de Bruxelles and CSIR (South Africa). Her research activities evolved around decision making, social choice and preference modeling.  Shel has co-organized international/national conferences, summer schools and colloquia. She has supervised three PhD students. Meltem has also participated in several real life applications in decision aiding (such as evaluation of trains comfort, management of industrial risk, evaluation of toxic substance, etc.). Her teaching activities concern many fields such as decision making, game theory, compilation, data base, operations research and programming. 


Sciences & Technologies

À l'occasion du Séminaire Soutenabilités d'avril 2023, Meltem Öztürk-Escoffier, maître de conférences HDR (LAMSADE) est intervenue sur le sujet «...

Le 17 avril 2023 - 7 mn - Meltem Ozturk