Aïd René
Professeur des universités
Professor of economics at Paris-Dauphine University since 2016 and lecturer at the Ecole Polytechnique since 2015, René Aid was before EDF R&D research-engineer in financial economics of energy markets and then manager, before becoming Deputy-Director of EDF R&D Research department on generation and financial risk management. He cofounded and managed the Finance for Energy Markets Research Initiative, which received the AEF 2014 award of the best enterprise - university research initiative. He is specialized in energy markets and worked at the frontier of economics and mathematics.
Aïd R., Ben Ajmia L., Gaîgi M., Mnif M. (2024), Nonzero-sum stochastic impulse games with an application in competitive retail energy markets, ESAIM. Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, vol. 30, p. 42
Aïd R., Bahlali M., Creti A. (2023), Green innovation downturn: the role of imperfect competition, Energy Economics, vol. 123
Aïd R., Biagini S. (2023), Optimal dynamic regulation of carbon emissions market, Mathematical Finance, vol. 33, n°1, p. 80-115
Aïd R., Cosso ., Pham H. (2022), Equilibrium price in intraday electricity market, Mathematical Finance, vol. 32, n°2, p. 517-554
Aïd R., Possamaï D., Touzi N. (2022), Optimal Electricity Demand Response Contracting with Responsiveness Incentives, Mathematics of Operations Research, p. 1-26
Aïd R., Bonesini O., Callegaro G., Campi L. (2022), A McKean-Vlasov game of commodity production, consumption and trading, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, vol. 86, n°40
Aïd R., Campi L., Li L., Ludkovski M. (2021), An Impulse-Regime Switching Game Model of Vertical Competition, Dynamic Games and Applications
Aïd R., Dumitrescu R., Tankov P. (2021), The entry and exit game in the electricity markets: A mean-field game approach, Journal of Dynamics and Games, p. 28
Aïd R., Basei M., Pham H. (2020), A McKean-Vlasov approach to distributed electricity generation development, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, vol. 91, p. 269–310
Aïd R., Callegaro G., Campi L. (2020), No-arbitrage commodity option pricing with market manipulation, Mathematical and Financial Economics, vol. 4, n°3, p. 577–603
Aïd R., Basei M., Callegaro G., Campi L., Vargiolu T. (2020), Nonzero-sum stochastic differential games with impulse controls: a verification theorem with applications, Mathematics of Operations Research, vol. 45, n°1, p. 205-232
Aïd R., Basei M., Callegaro G., Campi L., Vargiolu T. (2019), Nonzero-Sum Stochastic Differential Games with Impulse Controls: A Verification Theorem with Applications, Mathematics of Operations Research
Aïd R., Bernal F., Mnif M., Zabaljauregui D., Zubelli J. (2019), A policy iteration algorithm for non-zero sum stochastic impulse games, ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys, vol. 65, n°CEMRACS 2017, p. 27 - 45
Aïd R., Li L., Ludkovski M. (2017), Capacity Expansion Games with Application to Competition in Power Generation Investments, Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, vol. 84, p. 31
Aïd R., Gruet P., Pham H. (2016), An optimal trading problem in intraday electricity markets, Mathematics and Financial Economics, vol. 10, p. 49-85
Aïd R., Federico S., Pham H., Villeneuve B. (2015), Explicit investment rules with time to built and uncertainty, Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, vol. 51, p. 240-256
Aïd R., Campi L., Langrené N., Pham H. (2014), A probabilistic numerical method for optimal multiple switching problem in high dimension, SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics, vol. 5, n°1, p. 191–231
Aïd R., Campi L., Langrené N. (2012), A structural risk-neutral model for pricing and hedging electricity derivatives, Mathematical Finance, vol. 23, n°3, p. 387-438
Aïd R., Chemla G., Porchet A., Touzi N. (2011), Hedging and Vertical Integration in Electricity Markets, Management Science, vol. 57, n°8, p. iv-1509
Aïd R., Campi L., Nguyen Huu A., Touzi N. (2009), A structural risk-neutral model of electricity prices, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, vol. 12, n°7, p. 925-947
Chapitres d'ouvrage
Aïd R., Campi L., Lautier D. (2019), A model on the spot-futures no-arbitrage relations in commodity markets, in J. Chevallier, S. Goutte, D. Guerreiro, S. Saglio and B. Sanhaji, Financial Mathematics, Volatility and Covariance Modelling Routledge, p. 170-190
Aïd R., Ben Tahar I. (2015), Transition to electric mobility: an optimal subsidy price rule, in Aïd R., Ludkovski M., Sircar R., Commodities, Energy and Environmental Finance. Fields Institute Communications, vol 74 Springer, p. 301-313|
Aïd R. (2013), A review of optimal investment rules in electricity generation, in Benth F., Kholodnyi V., Laurence P., Quantitative Energy Finance : Modeling, Pricing, and Hedging in Energy and Commodity Markets Springer, p. 3-40