Cazenave Tristan - CV


Cazenave Tristan

Professeur des universités



Cohen-Solal Q., Cazenave T. (2024), Athénan wins sixteen gold medals at the Computer Olympiad, ICGA Journal, vol. 45, n°2-3, p. 79-80

Roucairol M., Georgiou A., Cazenave T., Prischi F., Pardo O. (2024), DrugSynthMC: An Atom-Based Generation of Drug-like Molecules with Monte Carlo Search, Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, vol. 64, n°18, p. 7097-7107

Cazenave T. (2022), Mobile Networks for Computer Go, IEEE Transactions on Games, vol. 14, n°1, p. 76-84

Cazenave T. (2022), Jacques Pitrat, l’Intelligence Artificielle et les Jeux, Revue Ouverte d'Intelligence Artificielle (ROIA), vol. 3, n°1-2, p. 113-126

Cazenave T., Lucas J-Y., Triboulet T., Kim H. (2021), Policy adaptation for vehicle routing, AI Communications, vol. 34, n°1, p. 21-35

Cazenave T., Chen Y-C., Chen G-W., Chen S-Y., Chiu X-D., Dehos J., Gong Q., Hu H., Khalidov V., Li C-L., Lin H-I., Lin Y-J., Martinet X., Mella V., Rapin J., Roziere B., Synnaeve G., Teytaud F., Teytaud O., Ye S-C., Ye Y-J., Yen S-J., Zagoruyko S. (2020), Polygames: Improved Zero Learning, International Computer Games Association Journal, vol. 42, n°4

Cazenave T. (2018), Residual Networks for Computer Go, IEEE Transactions on Games, vol. 10, n°1, p. 107-110

Cornu M., Cazenave T., Vanderpooten D. (2017), Perturbed Decomposition Algorithm applied to the multi-objective Traveling Salesman Problem, Computers and Operations Research, vol. 79, p. 314-330

Cazenave T. (2016), Playout Policy Adaptation with Move Features, Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 644, p. 43-52

Cazenave T. (2015), Sequential Halving Applied to Trees, IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, vol. 7, n°1, p. 102-105

Cazenave T. (2013), Monte-Carlo expression discovery, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, vol. 22, n°1, p. 1-22

Cazenave T., Méhat J., Saffidine A. (2012), UCD : Upper confidence bound for rooted directed acyclic graphs, Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 34, p. 26-33

Cazenave T. (2012), Monte Carlo Beam Search, IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, vol. 4, n°1, p. 68-72

Méhat J., Cazenave T. (2011), A Parallel General Game Player, KI. Künstliche Intelligenz, vol. 25, n°1, p. 43-47

Méhat J., Cazenave T. (2010), Combining UCT and Nested Monte-Carlo Search for Single-Player General Game Playing, IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, vol. 2, n°4, p. 271-277

Saffidine A., Cazenave T. (2009), Utilisation de la recherche arborescente Monte-Carlo au Hex, Revue d'intelligence artificielle (RIA), vol. 23, n°2-3, p. 183-202

Cazenave T., Borsboom J. (2007), Golois wins Phantom-Go tournament, ICGA Journal, vol. 30, n°3, p. 165-166

Cazenave T., Lions P-L. (1982), Orbital stability of standing waves for some nonlinear Schrödinger equations, Communications in Mathematical Physics, vol. 85, n°4, p. 549-561


Iida H., Winands M., Cazenave T. (2014), Computer Games. Workshop on Computer Games, CGW 2013, Held in Conjunction with the 23rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2013, Beijing, China, August 3, 2013, Revised Selected Papers, Berlin: Springer, 133 p.

Cazenave T. (2011), Intelligence artificielle - une approche ludique Ellipses , 256 p.

Chapitres d'ouvrage

Cazenave T. (2021), Games, in Sebastien Konieczny ; Henri Prade, Artificial Intelligence. What is it, exactly? College Publications

Cazenave T. (2020), Jeux, in Sébastien Konieczny ; Henri Prade, L’intelligence artificielle : De quoi s’agit-il vraiment ?, Toulouse: Cépaduès Editions, p. 41-43

Bouzy B., Cazenave T., Corruble V., Teytaud O. (2020), Artificial Intelligence for Games, in Pierre Marquis, Odile Papini, Henri Prade, A Guided Tour of Artificial Intelligence Research Volume II: AI Algorithms Springer, p. 313-337

Cazenave T. (2012), Deductive Learning, in Seel‎, Norbert M., Encyclopedia of the sciences of learning Springer, p. 909-911

Cazenave T. (2012), Learning with Monte-Carlo methods, in Seel‎, Norbert M., Encyclopedia of the sciences of learning Springer, p. 3536

Communications avec actes

Michelucci R., Pallez D., Cazenave T., Comet J-P. (2024), Improving continuous Monte Carlo Tree Search, in Michael Affenzeller ; Stephan M. Winkler ; Anna V. Kononova ; Heike Trautmann ; Tea Tušar, Penousal Machado ; Thomas Bäck, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer International Publishing

Buzer L., Cazenave T. (2023), GPU for Monte Carlo Search, in Meinolf Sellmann ; Kevin Tierney, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer International Publishing, 179-193 p.

Cazenave T., Sentuc J., Videau M. (2022), Cosine Annealing, Mixnet and Swish Activation for Computer Go, in , Berlin Heidelberg, Springer International Publishing, 53-60 p.

Li J., Zanuttini B., Cazenave T., Ventos V. (2022), Generalisation of Alpha-Beta Search for AND-OR Graphs With Partially Ordered Values, in Luc De Raedt, elsevier, International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization (IJCAI), 4769-4775 p.

Doux B., Negrevergne B., Cazenave T. (2022), Deep Reinforcement Learning for Morpion Solitaire, in Cameron Browne ; Akihiro Kishimoto ; Jonathan Schaeffer, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer International Publishing, 14-26 p.

Roucairol M., Cazenave T. (2022), Refutation of Spectral Graph Theory Conjectures with Monte Carlo Search, in Yong Zhang; Dongjing Miao; Rolf Möhring, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer International Publishing, 162-176 p.

Grosjean G., Cazenave T., Roziere B., Pappa A. (2022), MoliAIre, a theatrical agent which speaks like Molière's characters, in Celestino Soddu ; Enrica Colabella, Rome, Generative Art Lab, Argenia Association, 281-285 p.

Grosjean G., Pappa A., Roziere B., Cazenave T. (2022), Dialogue avec Molière, in , Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (ATALA)

Fabiano N., Cazenave T. (2022), Sequential Halving Using Scores, in Cameron Browne ; Akihiro Kishimoto ; Jonathan Schaeffer, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer International Publishing, 41-52 p.

Gnecco Heredia L., Cazenave T. (2022), Expert Iteration for Risk, in , Berlin Heidelberg, Springer International Publishing, 27-37 p.

Dang C., Bazgan C., Cazenave T., Chopin M., Wuillemin P-H. (2022), Monte Carlo Search Algorithms for Network Traffic Engineering, in , Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d’Aide à la Décision (ROADEF)

Pontoizeau T., Sikora F., Yger F., Cazenave T. (2022), Neural Maximum Independent Set, in , elsevier, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer International Publishing, 223–237 p.

Driss B., Cazenave T. (2022), Deep Catan, in , Berlin Heidelberg, Springer International Publishing, 503-513 p.

Li J., Cazenave T., Zanuttini B., Ventos V. (2022), Generalisation of alpha-beta search for AND-OR graphs with partially ordered values, in , Association française pour l'Intelligence Artificielle (AFIA) , 101-111 p.

Osanlou K., Frank J., Bursuc A., Cazenave T., Jacopin E., Guettier C., Benton J. (2022), Solving Disjunctive Temporal Networks with Uncertainty under Restricted Time-Based Controllability Using Tree Search and Graph Neural Networks, in , Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 9877-9885 p.

Cazenave T., Ventos V. (2021), The αμ Search Algorithm for the Game of Bridge, in Tristan Cazenave ; Olivier Teytaud ; Mark H. M. Winands, else, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer International Publishing, 1–16 p.

Cazenave T. (2021), Generalized Nested Rollout Policy Adaptation, in Tristan Cazenave ; Olivier Teytaud ; Mark H. M. Winands, elsevier, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer International Publishing, 71-83 p.

Buzer L., Cazenave T. (2021), Playout Optimization for Monte-Carlo Search Algorithms. Application to Morpion Solitaire, in , elsevier, Piscataway, NJ, IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 01-08 p.

Sironi C., Cazenave T., Winands M. (2021), Enhancing Playout Policy Adaptation for General Game Playing, in Cazenave, Tristan; Teytaud, Olivier; Winands, Mark H. M., First Workshop, MCS 2020, Held in Conjunction with IJCAI 2020, Springer, 116-139 p.

Cazenave T., Legras S., Ventos V. (2021), Optimizing αµ, in , elsevier, Piscataway, NJ, IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1-8 p.

Cazenave T. (2021), Monte Carlo Game Solver, in Tristan Cazenave ; Olivier Teytaud ; Mark H. M. Winands, elsevier, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer International Publishing, 56-70 p.

Cazenave T. (2021), Improving Model and Search for Computer Go, in , elsevier, Piscataway, NJ, IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1-8 p.

Cazenave T., Diemert E. (2018), Memorizing the Playout Policy, in Tristan Cazenave; Mark H.M. Winands; Abdallah Saffidine, elsevier, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer International Publishing, 96-107 p.

Cazenave T. (2017), Improved Policy Networks for Computer Go, in Mark H.M. Winands; H. Jaap van den Herik; Walter A. Kosters, Advances in Computer Games, 15th International Conferences, ACG 2017, Leiden, The Netherlands, July 3–5, 2017, Revised Selected Papers, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer, 90-100 p.

Negrevergne B., Cazenave T. (2017), Distributed Nested Rollout Policy for Same Game, in Tristan Cazenave, Mark H.M. Winands, Abdallah Saffidine, Computer Games, 6th Workshop, CGW 2017, Springer, 108-120 p.

Cazenave T., Saffidine A., Schofield M., Thielscher . (2016), Nested Monte Carlo Search for Two-Player Games, in Dale Schuurmans, Michael Wellman, Proceedings of the Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-16), Palo Alto (USA), AAAI Press, 687-693 p.

Cazenave T. (2015), Generalized Rapid Action Value Estimation, in Qiang Yang, Michael Wooldridge, IJCAI'15 Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Palo Alto (USA), AAAI Press, 754-760 p.

Cazenave T., Ben Hamida S. (2015), Forecasting Financial Volatility Using Nested Monte Carlo Expression Discovery, in IEEE, 2015 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, Piscataway, NJ, IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 726-733 p.

Buron C., Cazenave T., Jouandeau N., Saffidine A. (2014), Material Symmetry to Partition Endgame Tables, in Van den Herik, H.Jaap, Computers and Games 8th International Conference, CG 2013, Yokohama, Japan, August 13-15, 2013, Revised Selected Papers, Yokohama, Springer, 257 p.

Menif A., Jacopin É., Cazenave T. (2014), SHPE: HTN Planning for Video Games, in Tristan Cazenave, Mark H. M. Winands, Yngvi Björnsson, Computer Games. Third Workshop on Computer Games, CGW 2014, Held in Conjunction with the 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI 2014, Prague, Czech Republic, August 18, 2014, Revised Selected Papers, Springer, 119-132 p.

Cazenave T., Saffidine A. (2014), Developments on Product Propagation, in Van den Herik, H.Jaap, Computers and Games 8th International Conference, CG 2013, Yokohama, Japan, August 13-15, 2013, Revised Selected Papers, Yokohama, Springer, 257 p.

Sato Y., Cazenave T. (2014), Automated Generation of New Concepts from General Game Playing, in Winands, Mark H.M., Workshop on Computer Games, CGW 2013, Berlin, Springer, 71-80 p.

Edelkamp S., Gath M., Cazenave T., Teytaud F. (2013), Algorithm and knowledge engineering for the TSPTW problem, in Rong Qu, Ling Wang, Quanke Pan, 2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Scheduling (CISched), IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 44-51 p.

Menif A., Guettier C., Cazenave T. (2013), Planning and Execution Control Architecture for Infantry Serious Gaming, in Michael Buro, Eric Jacopin, Stavros Vassos, Proceedings of the 3rd International Planning on Games Workshop (ICAPS - PG 2013), ICAPS, 31-35 p.

Saffidine A., Cazenave T. (2012), A General Multi-Agent Modal Logic K Framework for Game Tree Search, in Tristan Cazenave, Jean Méhat, Mark Winands, Computer Games Workshop at ECAI 2012, Montpellier, European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 18 p.

Saffidine A., Cazenave T. (2012), Multiple-outcome proof number search, in Luc De Raedt, Christian Bessiere, Didier Dubois, Patrick Doherty, Paolo Frasconi, Fredrik Heintz, Peter Lucas, ECAI'12 Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IOS Press, 708-713 p.

Cazenave T., Teytaud F. (2012), Beam Nested Rollout Policy Adaptation, in Tristan Cazenave, Jean Méhat, Mark Winands, Computer Games Workshop at ECAI 2012, Montpellier, European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 13 p.

Cazenave T., Jouandeau N., Saffidine A. (2012), Solving breakthrough with Race Patterns and Job-Level Proof Number Search, in Van den Herik, H. Jaap, Advances in Computer Games 13th International Conference, ACG 2011, Tilburg, The Netherlands, November 20-22, 2011, Revised Selected Papers, Tilburg, Springer, 356 p.

Teytaud F., Cazenave T. (2012), Application of the Nested Rollout Policy Adaptation Algorithm to the Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows, in Schoenauer, Marc, Learning and Intelligent Optimization 6th International Conference, LION 6, Paris, France, January 16-20, 2012, Revised Selected Papers, Paris, Springer, 514 p.

Cazenave T., Saffidine A. (2011), Score Bounded Monte-Carlo Tree Search, in van den Herik, H. Jaap, International Conference on Computers and Games 2010, Kanazawa, Springer, 93-104 p.

Teytaud F., Cazenave T., Rimmel A. (2011), Optimization of the Nested Monte-Carlo Algorithm on the Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows, in Uyar, Sima A., EvoApplications 2011, Turin, Springer, 501-510 p.

Cazenave T. (2010), Nested Monte-Carlo Expression Discovery, in , ECAI 2010 - 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lisbonne, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 1057-1058 p.

Cazenave T. (2010), Partial Move A*, in , 22th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Arras, IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 25-31 p.

Csernel M., Cazenave T. (2010), Comparing Sanskrit Texts for Critical Editions, in Jurafsky, Dan, COLING 2010, 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Posters Volume, 23-27 August 2010, Beijing, China, Beijing, Chinese Information Processing Society of China, 206-213 p.

Saffidine A., Méhat J., Cazenave T. (2010), UCD: Upper Confidence Bound for Rooted Directed Acyclic Graphs, in , TAAI 2010, Hsinchu City, IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 467-473 p.

Cazenave T. (2010), Monte-Carlo Kakuro, in Van Den Herik, H. Jaap, Advances in Computer Games: 12th International Conference, ACG 2009 Pamplona, Spain, May 11-13, 2009, Revised Papers, Pamplona, Springer, 233 p.

Balbo F., Cazenave T., Pinson S. (2009), Using a monte-carlo approach for bus regulation, in , 12th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2009. ITSC '09. Proceedings, Saint Louis, IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1-6 p.

Helmstetter B., Cazenave T. (2004), Incremental Transpositions, in Netanyahu, Nathan S., Computers and Games 4th International Conference CG 2004 Ramat-Gan Israël, July 2004, Revised Papers, Ramat-Gan, Springer, 220-231 p.

Communications sans actes

Pappa A., Cazenave T., Grosjean G., Roziere B. (2022), Un chatbot qui donne la réplique ! : poster, PFIA’22 - ACAI : atelier "Affects, Compagnons Artificiels et Interactions", Saint-Étienne, France

Cazenave T., Lucas J-Y., Kim H., Triboulet T. (2020), Monte Carlo Vehicle Routing, 11th International Workshop on Agents in Traffic and Transportation (ATT 2020) held in conjunction with ECAI 2020, Saint Jacques de Compostelle, Espagne

Cazenave T., Sevestre J-B., Toulemont M. (2020), Stabilized Nested Rollout Policy Adaptation, Monte Carlo Search 2020, IJCAI Workshop, Yokohama (virtual), Japon

Cazenave T., Saffidine A. (2011), Generalized Proof Number Search, MFI'06, Rouen, France

Cazenave T., Saffidine A. (2011), A Forward Chaining Based Game Description Language Compiler, GIGA 2011 -- IJCAI 2011, Barelone, Espagne

Cazenave T., Méhat J. (2011), Tree Parallelization of Ary on a Cluster, GIGA 2011 -- IJCAI 2011, Barelone, Espagne

Cazenave T., Chevaleyre Y., Marceau G., Maudet N. (2010), Troc Combinatoire à Monte-Carlo, ROADEF 2010, Toulouse, France

Saffidine A., Cazenave T. (2010), Monte-Carlo Hex, Board Game Studies XIIIth Colloquium, Paris, France

Cazenave T., Méhat J. (2010), Ary, a general game playing program, Board Game Studies XIIIth Colloquium, Paris, France

Cazenave T., Jouandeau N. (2010), Towards deadlock free Sokoban, Board Game Studies XIIIth Colloquium, Paris, France

Jouandeau N., Cazenave T. (2009), Parallel Nested Monte-Carlo search, 12th International Workshop on Nature Inspired Distributed Computing (NIDISC’09), Rome, Italie

Cazenave T. (2009), Nested Monte-Carlo Search, IJCAI 2009 International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence, Pasadena, États-Unis

Cazenave T. (2007), Reflexive Monte-Carlo Search, Computer Games Workshop 2007 (CGW 2007), Amsterdam, Pays-Bas

Actes d'une conférence

Cazenave T., Teytaud O., Winands M. (2021), Monte Carlo Search: First Workshop, MCS 2020, Held in Conjunction with IJCAI 2020, Virtual Event, January 7, 2021, Proceedings, in , Berlin Heidelberg, Springer International Publishing

Cazenave T., van den Herik J., Saffidine A., Wu I-C. (2020), Advances in Computer Games: 16th International Conference, ACG 2019, Macao, China, August 11–13, 2019, Revised Selected Papers, in , Berlin Heidelberg, Springer International Publishing

Cazenave T., Saffidine A., Sturtevant N. (2019), Computer Games: 7th Workshop, CGW 2018, Held in Conjunction with the 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2018, Stockholm, Sweden, July 13, 2018, Revised Selected Papers, in , Berlin Heidelberg, Springer International Publishing

Cazenave T., Winands M., Saffidine A. (2018), Computer Games: 6th Workshop, CGW 2017, Held in Conjunction with the 26th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2017, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, August, 20, 2017, Revised Selected Papers, in , Berlin Heidelberg, Springer International Publishing

Cazenave T., Winands M., Edelkamp S., Schiffel S., Thielscher M., Togelius J. (2017), Computer Games: 5th Workshop on Computer Games, CGW 2016, and 5th Workshop on General Intelligence in Game-Playing Agents, GIGA 2016, Held in Conjunction with the 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2016, New York, USA, July 9-10, 2016, Revised Selected Papers, in , Berlin Heidelberg, Springer International Publishing

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Michelucci R., Pallez D., Cazenave T., Comet J-P. (2024), Improving continuous Monte Carlo Tree Search, Paris, Preprint Lamsade

Editoriaux, directions de revue

Cazenave T. (2009), Modélisation et décision pour les jeux, Revue d'intelligence artificielle (RIA), vol. 23, n° 2-3, p. 407

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