Chartouny Lucie
Chapitres d'ouvrage
Chartouny L. (2022), Phenomenology and the Political Philosophy of Hannah Arendt, in F-X. de Vaujany, J. Aroles, & M. Perézts, The Oxford Handbook of Phenomenologies and Organization Studies, Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 161-179
Communications sans actes
Chartouny L., Bancou L. (2023), Inheriting as socio-material commoning: The case of L’Après M, a former McDonald’s in the north of Marseille, 39th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Cagliari
Lecomte L., Chartouny L. (2023), “PLUS ÉCOUTÉ•E•S MORT•E•S QUE VIVANT•E•S”: Commoning to change the public sphere. The case of Collages Féminicides movement in France and abroad., 39th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Cagliari, Italie
Lecomte L., Chartouny L. (2023), “PLUS ÉCOUTÉ•E•S MORT•E•S QUE VIVANT•E•S”: Commoning to change the public sphere. The case of Collages Féminicides movement in France and abroad., Pre-Development Workshop Organization Studies, Palerme, Italie
Chartouny L. (2023), Organizing a common world: an encounter between Arendt and Dewey, Organizations, Artifacts and Practices (OAP) Workshop -ESADE, Barcelone, Espagne
Chartouny L., Lecomte L. (2022), “More listened to dead than alive”: Commoning and Public Space. The case of Collages Féminicides movement in France and abroad., Pre-Colloquium Development Workshop - EGOS, Vienna, Autriche
Lecomte L., Chartouny L. (2022), « Plus écoutées mortes que vivantes » : commoning et espace public, AIMS 2022 - SP9 : Communautés & actions collectives, Annecy, France
Lecomte L., Chartouny L. (2022), More listened to dead than alive: commoning and public space, Gender, Work and Organization 2022, Bogota, Colombie
Présentation(s) dans un séminaire de recherche
Chartouny L. (2022), The "ways of doing" civic engagement: An experiential approach to the management of solidarity, in Pre-Colloquium PhD Workshop - EGOS, Vienne