Fairgrieve Duncan - CV


Fairgrieve Duncan


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Duncan Fairgrieve est professeur de droit comparé à l’université de Paris-Dauphine ainsi que Senior Fellow in Comparative Law au British Institute of International and Comparative Law, Londres. C’est un comparatiste reconnu au niveau international, spécialisé en droit public comparé ainsi qu’en droit comparé des obligations et en méthodologie du droit comparé et droit transnational. Il a publié plus de 20 ouvrages sur des thèmes divers de droit comparé et de multiples articles dans des revues juridiques françaises, anglaises et américaines sur ces thèmes.



Büyüksagis E., Fairgrieve D., Busch C., Garrett Z., Straetmans G., Karaiskos A., Linley R., Markou ., Paterson J., Sharkey C. (2024), Product Liability and Online Marketplaces : Comparison and Reform, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, vol. 73, n°1

Salim R., Fairgrieve D. (2023), Improving Collective Redress in Europe : Implementing the Representative Actions Directive, Civil Justice Quarterly , vol. 42, n°1, p. 52 - 70

Lenoir N., Blumrosen A., Fairgrieve D. (2023), Du privilège légal à la confidentialité de leurs avis juridiques des juristes d'entreprise, Recueil Dalloz, n°30, p. 1523-1525

Fairgrieve D., Salim R. (2022), ‘Collective Redress in Europe : Moving Forward or Treading Water’, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, vol. 71, n°4, p. 465

Fairgrieve D. (2021), "La clause d’indemnisation contenue dans le contrat conclu entre la Commission européenne et AstraZeneca", Recueil Dalloz, n°18, p. 972

Fairgrieve D., Holm S., Howells G., Kirchhelle C., Vanderslott S. (2021), In favour of a bespoke COVID-19 vaccines compensation scheme, The Lancet, n°4, p. 448-450

Fairgrieve D. (2021), Relevance of Risk-benefit for Assessing Defectiveness of a Product: A Comparative Study of Thirteen European Legal Systems, European Review of Private Law , vol. 29, n°1, p. 91-132

Fairgrieve D., Tomlinson J., Rylatt J. (2020), Panel Size Determination in the UK Supreme Court: a Critical and Empirical Analysis, Civil Justice Quarterly , vol. 39, n°2, p. 144-162

Fairgrieve D., Langlois N. (2020), Frustration and Hardship in Commercial Contracts : A Comparative Law Perspective, Jersey and Guernsey Law Review , vol. 24, n°2, p. 142-166

Fairgrieve D. (2020), L’impact de la force majeure dans le common law ?, La Semaine Juridique. Entreprise et Affaires, n°30, p. 519

Fairgrieve D., Feldschreiber P., Howells G., Pilgerstorfer M. (2020), Products in a Pandemic : Liability for Medical Products and the Fight against Covid-19, European Journal of Risk Regulation, vol. 11, n°3, p. 565-603

Fairgrieve D. (2019), Reforming the European Product Liability Directive : Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose ?, Journal of Personal Injury Law, vol. 2019, n°1, p. 33-40

Fairgrieve D., Rajneri E. (2019), Is Software a Product under the PL Directive ? Member State & Academic Perspectives, IWRZ: Zeitschrift für internationales Wirtschaftsrecht, vol. 2019, n°1, p. 24-27

Fairgrieve D., Purkis K. (2019), The Law of Unjust Enrichment in the Channel Islands: recognising the civil law strand, Jersey and Guernsey Law Review , vol. 2019, p. 7

Rajneri E., Borghetti J-S., Fairgrieve D., Rott P. (2018), Remedies for Damage Caused by Vaccines: A Comparative Study of Four European Legal Systems, European Review of Private Law , vol. 2018, n°1, p. 57– 96

Fairgrieve D., Pilgerstorfer M. (2017), European Product Liability after Boston Scientific: An Assessment of the Court’s Judgment on Defect, Damage and Causation, European Business Law Review, vol. 28, n°6, p. 879-910

Büyüksagis E., Ebert I., Fairgrieve D., Meurkens R., Quarta F. (2016), Punitive Damages in Europe and a Plea for the Recognition of Legal Pluralism, European Business Law Review, vol. 2016, p. 137-157

Bretonneau A., Dahan S., Fairgrieve D. (2015), L’influence grandissante du droit comparé au Conseil d’État : vers une procédure juridictionnelle innovante ?, Revue française de droit administratif, n°4, p. 855-860

Fairgrieve D. (2015), Etat de Droit and Rule of Law : Comparing Concepts, Public Law, vol. 2015, n°1, p. 40-59

Fairgrieve D. (2015), Misrepresentation: The risks of providing product information produced by third parties to consumers without adequate disclaimers, Journal de droit de la santé et de l'assurance maladie (JDSAM), n°2, p. 113-114

Fairgrieve D., Andenas M. (2014), Simply a Matter of Style? Comparing Judicial Decisions, European Business Law Review, vol. 25, n°3, p. 361-387

Antoine A., Fairgrieve D. (2014), Écrire les décisions de justice… une comparaison franco-britannique, Revue du droit public et de la science politique en France et à l'étranger, n°3, p. 759-783

Fairgrieve D. (2014), Suing the military : the justiciability of damages claims against the armed forces, Cambridge Law Journal, vol. 2014, n°73, p. 18-21

Fairgrieve D., Derycke C., Albrecht F. (2014), La délicate question de la qualification des produits de santé : la Cour de Justice de l'Union Européenne face aux divergences, Journal de droit de la santé et de l'assurance maladie (JDSAM), n°2, p. 117-119

Fairgrieve D. (2013), Regulatory Standards and Damages Liability, Journal de droit de la santé et de l'assurance maladie (JDSAM), n°1, p. 130-132


Fairgrieve D., Goldberg R. (2020), Product Liability, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1040 p.

Fairgrieve D., Squires D. (2019), The Negligence Liability of Public Authorities, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 960 p.

Fairgrieve D. (2016), Comparative law in practice : contract law in a mid-channel jurisdiction Hart Publishing, X-194 p.

Lein E., Fairgrieve D., Otero Crespo M., Smith V. (2015), Collective Redress in Europe : Why and How? British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 550 p.

Andenas M., Fairgrieve D. (2015), Courts and Comparative Law Oxford University Press, XX-735 p.

Lein E., Fairgrieve D. (2012), Extraterritoriality and Collective Redress, Oxford: Oxford University Press, XLI-447 p.

Lichère F., Fairgrieve D. (2011), Public procurement law : damages as an effective remedy, Oxford ; Portland: Hart Publishing, VIII-239 p.

Markesinis B., McKendrick E., Fairgrieve D., Andenas M. (2009), Tom Bingham and the transformation of the law : a liber amicorum, Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press, LXXII-892 p.

Fairgrieve D. (2007), The influence of the french Civil Code on the Common law and beyond, Londres: British Institute of International and Comparative Law, IX-517 p.

Stirn B., Fairgrieve D., Guyomar M. (2006), Droits et libertés en France et au Royaume Uni, Paris: Odile Jacob, 300 p.

Chapitres d'ouvrage

Fairgrieve D., Lichère F. (2024), Style and Form of Judgments in France : enter the Rapporteur public, in Guido Alpa, Carl Baudenbacher, Eirik Bjorge, Giuseppe Conte and Duncan Fairgrieve., The transformation of private law – Principles of Contract and Tort as European and International Law, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, p. 99-124

Fairgrieve D. (2022), The Intriguing Notion of “Retained EU Law”, in Vanessa Barbé ; Christina Koumpli, Brexit, droits et libertés, Gent: Editions Larcier, p. 31-48

Fairgrieve D., Lichière F. (2019), Tentations et défis de la comparaison pour les juges administratifs anglais et français, in Collectif, Mélanges en l’Honneur de Bernard Stirn, Paris: Dalloz, p. 201-224

Fairgrieve D., Howells G., Mogelvang-Hansen P., Straetmans G., Verhoeven D., Machnikowski P., Janssen A., Schulze R. (2017), Product Liability Directive, in Piotr Macnikowski, European Product Liability : An Analysis of the State of the Art in the Era of New Technologies (Intersentia, 2017), Mortsel: Intersentia, p. 17-110

Fairgrieve D., Lichère F. (2016), The Liability of Public Authorities in France, in Ken Oliphant, The Liability of Public Authorities in Comparative Perspective, Mortsel: Intersentia

Fairgrieve D., Lichère F. (2016), La Responsabilité administrative en droit anglais, in , La Responsabilité de la Puissance Publique en Droit Comparée, Paris: Société de législation comparée, p. 73-84

Directions d'ouvrage

Fairgrieve D., Weaver R. (2023), Damages, Injunctive Relief, and Other Remedies in Tort and Free Speech Cases Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 235 p.

Weaver R., Cole M., Friedland S., Fairgrieve D., Koltay A., Raynouard A. (2020), Free Speech, Privacy and Media: Comparative Perspectives Carolina Academic Press, 244 p.

Weaver R., Fairgrieve D., Friedland S. (2019), Administrative Law, Administrative Structures, and Administrative Decisionmaking Carolina Academic Press, 150 p.

Fairgrieve D., Friedland S., Raynouard A., Weaver R. (2017), Cybersurveillance in a Post-Snowden World : Balancing the fight against Terrorism against Fundamental Rights Carolina Academic Press, 138 p.

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