Garrigue Louis
Cancès É., Garrigue L., Gontier D. (2023), Simple derivation of moiré-scale continuous models for twisted bilayer graphene, Physical Review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics, vol. 107, n°15, p. 155403
Garrigue L. (2020), Unique continuation for many-body Schrödinger operators and the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem. II. The Pauli Hamiltonian, Documenta Mathematica, vol. 25, p. 869–898
Garrigue L. (2019), Hohenberg-Kohn theorems for interactions, spin and temperature, Journal of Statistical Physics, vol. 177, p. 415–437
Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche
Cancès É., Garrigue L., Gontier D. (2022), A simple derivation of moiré-scale continuous models for twisted bilayer graphene, Paris, Cahier de recherche CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, 35 p.