Jeunet Jully - CV


Jeunet Jully

Chargé de recherche CNRS

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Jully Jeunet is a Research fellow at the The French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) since 2000 and affiliated to the Laboratory for Analysis and Modeling Systems for Decision Support (LAMSADE), University Paris Dauphine. She received her Ph.D. in Operations Management in 1997 from Louis Pasteur University in Strasbourg where she first held a position of assistant professor in management science. Her main research interests are operational research, discrete optimisation, simulation, metaheuristics, planning and scheduling in manufacturing and services.



Druetto A., Grosso A., Jeunet J., Salassa F. (2025), Efficient arc-flow formulations for makespan minimisation on parallel machines with a common server, Computers and Operations Research, vol. 174

Jeunet J. (2024), Project acceleration using temporary workers with heterogeneous efficiency: optimal and best recruitment policies, International Journal of Production Research, vol. 62, n°17, p. 6102-6119

Jeunet J., Salassa F. (2023), The discrete time break scheduling problem under fatigue and no preemption: solution methods and impact of work regulations, International Journal of Production Research, vol. 61, n°16, p. 5372-5391

Jeunet J., Della Croce F., Salassa F. (2021), Heuristic solution methods for the selective disassembly sequencing problem under sequence-dependent costs, Computers and Operations Research, vol. 127, p. 105151

Jeunet J., Bou Orm M. (2020), Optimizing temporary work and overtime in the Time Cost Quality Trade-off Problem, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 284, n°2, p. 743-761

Bou Orm M., Jeunet J. (2018), Time Cost Quality Trade-off Problems: A survey exploring the assessment of quality, Computers & Industrial Engineering, vol. 118, p. 319-328

Dellaert N., Jeunet J. (2017), A variable neighborhood search algorithm for the surgery tactical planning problem, Computers and Operations Research, vol. 84, p. 216–225

Dellaert N., Jeunet J. (2016), Dominant strategies to reduce patient waiting time under multiple constrained resources, Journal européen des systèmes automatisés, vol. 49, n°1, p. 7-30

Dellaert N., Cayiroglu E., Jeunet J. (2016), Assessing and controlling the impact of hospital capacity planning on the waiting time, International Journal of Production Research, vol. 54, n°8, p. 2203-2214

Jeunet J., Mincsovics G., Dellaert N. (2011), Budget Allocation for Permanent and Contingent Capacity under Stochastic Demand, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 131, n°1, p. 128-138

Dellaert N., Vissers J., Bekkers J., Jeunet J., Adan I. (2011), Improving operational effectiveness of tactical master plans for emergency and elective patients under stochastic demand and capacitated resources, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 213, n°1, p. 290-308

Jeunet J., Giard V. (2010), Optimal sequencing of mixed models with sequence-dependent setups and utility workers on an assembly line, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 123, n°2, p. 290-300

Jeunet J., Giard V. (2006), Modélisation du problème général d'ordonnancement de véhicules sur une ligne de production et d'assemblage, Journal européen des systèmes automatisés, vol. 40, n°4-5, p. 463-496

Jeunet J. (2006), Demand forecast accuracy and performance of inventory policies for multi-level rolling schedule MRP problems, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 103, n°1, p. 401-419

Jonard N., Jeunet J. (2005), Single-point stochastic search algorithms for the multi-level lot-sizing problem, Computers and Operations Research, vol. 32, n°4, p. 985-1006

Dellaert N., Jeunet J. (2005), An alternative to safety stock policies for multi-level rolling schedule problems, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 163, n°3, p. 751-768

Jeunet J., Dellaert N. (2003), Randomized multi-level lot-sizing heuristics for general product structures, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 148, n°1, p. 211-228

Jeunet J., Dellaert N. (2003), Controlling multi-level production in a rolling-schedule environment, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 85, n°1, p. 113-121

Jonard N., Dellaert N., Jeunet J. (2000), A genetic algorithm to solve the general multi-level lot-sizing problem with time-varying costs, International Journal of Production Research, vol. 38, n°5, p. 241-257

Jeunet J., Dellaert N. (2000), Randomized heuristics for multi-level lot-sizing problems, Journal européen des systèmes automatisés, vol. 34, n°9, p. 1137-1152

Jeunet J., Dellaert N. (2000), Solving large unconstrained multilevel lot-sizing problems using a hybrid genetic algorithm, International Journal of Production Research, vol. 38, n°5, p. 1083-1099

Jonard N., Jeunet J. (2000), Measuring the performance of lot-sizing techniques in uncertain environments, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 64, n°1-3, p. 197-208

Chapitres d'ouvrage

Vissers J., Adan I., Dellaert N., Jeunet J., Bekkers J. (2012), Patient mix optimisation for inpatient planning with multiple resources, in Elena Tànfani, Angela Testi, Advanced Decision Making Methods Applied to Health Care, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, p. 213-236

Communications avec actes

Dellaert N., Flapper S., Tan T., Jeunet J. (2012), Integrated capacity and inventory decisions, in Diethard Klatte, Hans-Jakob Lüthi, Karl Schmedders, Operations Research Proceedings 2011. Selected Papers of the International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2011), August 30 - September 2, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer, 463-468 p.

Dellaert N., Jeunet J. (2008), Hospital admission planning to optimize major resources utilization under uncertainty, in Michiya Morita, Barbara B. Flynn, Jose A. D. Machuca, The 3rd World Conference on Production and Operations Management, POM TOKYO, Kyoto, Japanese Operations Management and Strategy Association (JOMSA)

Communications sans actes

Jeunet J., Dellaert N. (2013), A variable neighbourhood search algorithm for the hospital case mix planning problem, 26th European Conference on Operational Research, Rome, Italie


Dellaert N., Jeunet J. (2009), Budget Allocation for Permanent and Contingent Capacity under Stochastic Demand, 23rd European Conference on Operational Research, Bonn, Allemagne

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Dellaert N., Jeunet J. (2003), Demand forecast accuracy and performance of inventory policies under multi-level rolling schedule environments, Paris, Université Paris-Dauphine, 23 p.


Dellaert N., Jeunet J. (2009), Hospital admission planning to optimize major resources utilization under uncertainty, European Institute for Statistics, Probability, Stochastic Operations Research and their Applications

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