Keppler Jan-Horst - CV


Keppler Jan-Horst

Professeur des universités

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Born:     Hamburg, 26 December 1961

Nationality:     German                 

Civil Status:      Married, one child

Tel.:    01 42 30 84 80

Port.:  06 77 81 37 46





  • Professor of economics after national examination (“agrégation”)


  • Habilitation in economics

      THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, Department of Economics, Baltimore, MD (1987-1990)

  • M.A. and Ph.D. in economics

      Thesis: Monopolistic Competition Theory 1926-1941 (Director, Peter Newman)

      BOLOGNA CENTRE of the JHU School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), (1986-1987)

  • Diploma in international relations and economics


  • Studies in semiotics (U. Eco), mass communication and urbanism

      FREE UNIVERSITY OF BERLIN, Department of Comparative Literature (1982-84, 1985-86)

  • M.A. in comparative literature and history

      Thesis: Diderot’s Jacques le Fataliste and Sterne’s Tristram Shandy as open works of art




Full Professor of Economics

Director of Chair European Electricity Markets (CEEM) with work on electricity market design for investment in low carbon electricity markets, flexibility management and infrastructure investment

Director of the Masters programme « Energy, Finance, Carbon » (Master 129)


Senior Economic Advisor in the Nuclear Development Division, research and project management in economics of nuclear power in low carbon electricity systems, carbon pricing, system effects, coordination with IEA on joint projects, COP21 coordination.

Other key responsibilities

  • Senior Researcher at CGEMP on electricity markets, carbon markets and energy economics
  • Senior Researcher at PHARE, Université Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne on theories of competition
  • Coordinator of undergraduate teaching in Industrial Economics
  • Teachings Environmental Economics, Energy and Industrial Economics and History of Thought
  • Member of the Exchange Council of EPEX Spot, the European power exchange
  • Technical work for Low Carbon 100 (low carbon stock market index by NYSE Euronext)
  • Director « European Governance and Geopolitics of Energy », Ifri, (2006-2008).



Professor of economics

  • Teaching Industrial economics, History of economic thought and Natural resource economics
  • Senior Researcher, GRESE, University Paris I – Pantheon Sorbonne


Full-time Associate Professor in economics

  • Teaching in Industrial Economics, Energy and Natural Resource Economics
  • Researcher at the C3ED, delegate to the European CATEP programme on emissions trading


Principal economist

  • IEA Economic Analysis Division and Energy and Environment Division
  • OECD Environment Directorate, Economics Division
  • Research in energy economics, energy subsidies and market reform, energy efficiency, emissions trading, biodiversity, energy and environment, sustainable development
  • Numerous publications, secretary for two OECD bodies, oversight of consultants

ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT STIFTUNG, Bonn and Washington, D.C. (1991-1994)

Director of North American Office

  • Creation of American subsidiary of worldwide organisation for scientific exchange
  • Implementation of high-level projects for international scientific collaboration

PROGNOS (European Centre of Applied Economics), Basel (CH), (1990-1991)


  • Development of conceptual framework for major study on energy externalities funded by German Ministry of Economics (BMWi)
  • Responsibility for the coordination of sub-contractors


Fellowship of the JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY                                                              1988-90

Fellowship of the JHU BOLOGNA-SAIS CENTRE                                                               1987-88

Fellowship of the DEUTSCHE AKADEMISCHE AUSTAUSCHDIENST                                              1984-85



German:                                           Native

English, French and Italian:          Fluent

Spanish:                                            Reading knowledge



Pichoud M., Dussartre V., Keppler J-H., Lâasri M. (2023), The value of distributed flexibility for reducing generation and network reinforcement costs, Utilities Policy, vol. 82

Keppler J-H., Quemin S., Saguan M. (2022), Why the sustainable provision of low-carbon electricity needs hybrid markets, Energy Policy, vol. 171, n°December 2022, p. 113-273

Keppler J-H., Cometto M. (2020), The Competitiveness of Nuclear Energy: From LCOE to System Costs, Annales des Mines - Responsabilité et environnement , vol. 1, n°97, p. 31-34

Keppler J-H., Cometto M. (2019), The True Costs of Decarbonisation, NEA News, vol. 37, n°1, p. 10-15

Keppler J-H. (2019), The Costs of Decarbonisation: Insights from a New Study of the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, Revue de l'énergie, vol. Hors-série 2019, p. 19-21

Keppler J-H. (2018), The Full Costs of Electricity Provision: A new NEA report, NEA News, vol. 36, n°1, p. 16-19

Keppler J-H., Meunier W. (2018), Determining Optimal Interconnection Capacity on the Basis of Hourly Demand and Supply Functions of Electricity, The Energy Journal, vol. 39, n°3, p. 117-139

Keppler J-H. (2017), Rationales for Capacity Remuneration Mechanisms: Security of Supply Externalities and Asymmetric Investment Incentives, Energy Policy, vol. 105, p. 562-570

Finon D., Keppler J-H., Roques F. (2017), Special Section: Towards Hybrid Market Regimes in the Power Sector, Energy Policy, vol. 105, p. 547-549

Keppler J-H., Le Pen Y., Phan S. (2016), The impacts of variable renewable production and market coupling on the convergence of French and German electricity prices, The Energy Journal, vol. 37, n°3, p. 343-359

Keppler J., Cometto M. (2013), L’interaction entre les énergies nucléaire et renouvelables et ses effets systémiques dans les réseaux électriques bas carbone, Annales des Mines - Responsabilité et environnement , vol. 1, n°69, p. 29-35

Geoffron P., Keppler J., Finon D. (2013), Sept propositions pour une Europe électrique efficace et dynamique, Revue de l'énergie, n°612, p. 95-105

Keppler J. (2012), The economic costs of the nuclear phase-out in Germany, NEA News, vol. 30, n°1, p. 8-14

Cruciani M., Keppler J. (2010), Rents in the European Power Sector due to Carbon Trading, Energy Policy, vol. 38, n°8, p. 4280-4290

Keppler J., Mansanet-Bataller M. (2010), Causalities between CO2, electricity, and other energy variables during phase I and phase II of the EU ETS, Energy Policy, vol. 38, n°7, p. 3329-3341

Keppler J. (2010), L'énergie nucléaire est-elle vraiment compétitive ?, AEN infos, n°28.1, p. 4-8

Keppler J. (2009), Barriers to Entryn : Abolishing the Barriers to Understanding, Economia delle Scelte Pubbliche, vol. 27, n°2-3, p. 90-124

Keppler J., Cruciani M. (2009), Les rentes dues au marché du CO2 dans le secteur européen de l'électricité, Economies et Sociétés. Série EN, Economie de l'énergie, vol. 43, n°10, p. 1623-1627

Keppler J. (2008), Carbone, entre profits et taxe, Environnement et Stratégie, n°265, p. 7

Keppler J. (2008), Le triangle des prix carbone-gaz-électricité sur le marché au comptant, Tendances carbone, n°29, p. 4

Keppler J. (2007), L’Union européenne et sa politique énergétique, Politique étrangère, vol. 3, p. 529-543

Keppler J. (2007), Security of Energy Supply : A European Perspective, European Review of Energy Markets, vol. 2, n°2, p. 5-37

Keppler J. (2007), Energy Interdependence in a Multi-polar World : Towards a Market-based Strategy for Safeguarding European Energy Supplies, Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, vol. 46, n°4, p. 31-48

Keppler J. (2007), Mai 2007 - Echec du bilatéralisme dans les négociations énergétiques, BIP. Bulletin de l'Industrie Pétrolière, n°10864, p. 6-7

Keppler J. (2007), Piero Sraffa and Attilio Da Empoli : competing solutions for the crisis of the theory of the firm in the early 20th century, Il pensiero economico italiano, vol. 15, n°2, p. 51-67

Keppler J. (2006), L'Europe doit bâtir une politique énergétique réaliste, Energies news, n°116, p. 10-11

Lallement J., Keppler J. (2006), The Origins of the U-Shaped Average Cost Curve: Understanding the Complexities of the Modern Theory of the Firm, History of Political Economy, vol. 38, n°4, p. 733-774

Keppler J. (2006), Une logique économique qui cherche à s'affirmer, BIP. Bulletin de l'Industrie Pétrolière, n°10508, p. 6-8

Keppler J. (2005), The Future of Nuclear Energy in Europe : A Lesson in Risk Management from Finland, Revue de l'énergie, n°567, p. 305-310

Keppler J., Méritet S. (2004), Les perspectives énergétiques de la Chine, Revue de l'énergie, n°557, p. 5

Keppler J. (2004), La quête d’une théorie de la concurrence empiriquement pertinente : Les leçons de la révolution de la concurrence monopolistique, Revue économique, vol. 55, n°3, p. 557-567

Keppler J. (2001), Attilio da Empoli’s contribution to monopolistic competition theory, Journal of Economic Studies, vol. 28, n°4/5, p. 305 - 323

Birol F., Keppler J. (2000), Prices, technology development and the rebound effect, Energy Policy, vol. 28, n°6–7, p. 457–469

Keppler J., Mountford H. (1999), Financing incentives for the protection of biodiversity, Science of The Total Environment, vol. 240, p. 133-144

Keppler J. (1998), The Genesis of 'Positive Economics' and the Rejection of Monopolistic Competition Theory: A Methodological Debate, Cambridge Journal of Economics, vol. 22, n°3, p. 261-276

Keppler J. (1998), Economists and Language, History of Economic Ideas, vol. VI, n°3, p. 35-50

Keppler J. (1998), Externalities, fixed costs and information, Kyklos, vol. 51, n°4, p. 547-563

Keppler J. (1994), Luigi Amoroso (1886–1965): Mathematical Economist, Italian Corporatist, History of Political Economy, vol. 26, n°4, p. 589-611


Keppler J-H. (2024), Economie de marché et inconscient : la pulsion à l'origine de la valeur économique Classiques Garnier, 561 p.

Keppler J-H., Slifi A. (2023), Economie industrielle, Bruxelles: De Boeck Supérieur, 176 p.

Keppler J-H. (2022), Financing New Nuclear Power Plants: Minimising the Cost of Capital by Optimising Risk Management, Paris: OCDE / OECD, 68 p.

Keppler J-H. (2021), Ensuring the Adequacy of Funding Arrangements for Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management, Paris: OCDE / OECD, 239 p.

Keppler J-H., Lorenczik S. (2020), Projected Costs of Generating Electricity: 2020 Edition, Paris: OCDE / OECD, 223 p.

Keppler J-H. (2018), The Full Costs of Electricity Provision, Paris: OCDE / OECD, 216 p.

Keppler J-H., Cometto M. (2012), Nuclear Energy and Renewables : System Effects in Low-carbon Electricity Systems, Paris: OCDE / OECD, 285 p.

Keppler J. (2010), Adam Smith and the Economy of the Passions, London: Routledge, 164 p.

Keppler J., Kérébel C. (2009), La gouvernance mondiale de l'énergie, Paris: IFRI, 256 p.

Keppler J. (2008), L'économie des passions selon Adam Smith : les noms du père d'Adam, Paris: Kimé, 170 p.

Chevalier J-M., Keppler J., Frison-Roche M-A. (2008), Economie et droit de la régulation des infrastructures : perspectives des pays en voie de développement, Paris: LGDJ - Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence, 274 p.

Girod J., Bourbonnais R., Keppler J. (2007), The Econometrics of Energy Systems, Basingstoke (UK), New York: Springer, 266 p.

Keppler J., Lesourne J. (2007), Abatement of CO2 emissions in the European Union, Paris: IFRI, 156 p.

Chapitres d'ouvrage

Keppler J-H., Gardes C. (2022), Les coûts de la transition énergétique, in Michel Derdevet, Clémence Pèlegrin, Dans l’urgence climatique : penser la transition énergétique, Paris: Gallimard, p. 140-159

Keppler J-H., Hammes K. (2020), Carbon Pricing and Zero Emission Credits, in Stefan Lorenczik et Jan Horst Keppler, Projected Costs of Generating Electricity: 2020 Edition, Paris: OCDE / OECD, p. 119-144

Keppler J-H. (2016), Review of the New English Translation of Heinrich von Stackelberg (1934, 2011) , Translated by Damien Bazin (Scientific Director), Lynn Urch and Rowland Hill, Berlin, Springer, 2011, in Scott Scheall, Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology (Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology Emerald Publishing , p. 405-411

Keppler J. (2010), Going with Coase beyond Coase : the dynamic approach to the internalization of external effects, in Lautier, Delphine, The economics of sustainable development, Paris: Economica, p. 368

Keppler J. (2010), The Security of Energy Supply and the Contribution of Nuclear Energy – Concepts and Issues, in Lokhov, Alexey, The Security of Energy Supply and the Contribution of Nuclear Energy, Paris: OCDE / OECD, p. 19-63

Keppler J. (2009), Climate Change, Security of Supply and Competitiveness: Does Europe Have the Means to Implement its Ambitious Energy Vision?, in Chevalier, Jean-Marie, The new energy crisis : Climate, Economics and Geopolitics Springer, p. 295

Keppler J., Schülke C. (2009), Investir dans le secteur de l'énergie : une question de gouvernance, in Kérébel, Cécile, La gouvernance mondiale de l'énergie, Paris: IFRI, p. 43

Keppler J. (2008), Saving the whole by saving the parts : nature, biodiversity and the market, in Lasry, Jean-Michel, Finance and sustainable development : opposition or partnership ? Proceedings of the 2007 overview symposium, Paris: Economica, p. 82-186

Keppler J. (2008), Dépasser des oppositions dogmatiques désuètes pour créer un véritable marché unique sur la base de solutions concrètes intelligentes, in , La France face aux défis énergétiques : quels choix stratégiques ?, Paris: Altedia M&M Conseil, p. 56-59

Keppler J. (2008), Building a common european energy policy around a market based approach, in Lesourne, Jacques, The external energy policy of the European Union, Paris: IFRI, p. 15-42

Keppler J. (2008), Dealing with environmental externalities : the economic approach, in Lasry, Jean-Michel, Finance and sustainable development : opposition or partnership ? Proceedings of the 2007 overview symposium, Paris: Economica, p. 211

Keppler J. (2008), Marché, administration, régulation : théorie économique et régulation des industries de réseau, in Keppler, Jan Horst, Économie et droit de la régulation des infrastructures‎. Perspectives des pays en voie de développement, Paris: LGDJ - Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence, p. 53-72

Keppler J. (2007), Causality and Cointegration between Energy Consumption and Economic Growth in Developing Countries, in Keppler, Jan Horst, The econometrics of energy systems, New York: Springer, p. 75-97

Keppler J. (2007), Pétrole. La nécessité d'une approche multilatérale, in Moreau Defarges, Philippe, RAMSES 2008 : rapport annuel mondial sur le système économique et les stratégies, Paris: Dunod, p. 68-71

Keppler J. (2007), We Do not yet Have the Answers, but We Know the Right Questions : Lessons Learned from the 2005 - 2007 Trial Phase of the EU Emission Trading System, in Lesourne, Jacques, Abatement of CO2 emissions in the European Union, Paris: IFRI, p. 156

Keppler J. (2002), Marktform un Gleichgewicht, in Lallement, Jérôme, Dictionnaire des grandes oeuvres économiques, Paris: Dalloz, p. 642

Pershing J., Varangu K., Keppler J. (2001), Energie, in , Développement durable : les grandes questions, Paris: OCDE / OECD, p. 552

Keppler J. (2001), Principales caractéristiques et principes essentiels, in , Développement durable : les grandes questions, Paris: OCDE / OECD, p. 552

Keppler J., Swanson T., Guillaud Y. (1999), Aspects économiques du partage des avantages, in Organisation de coopération et de développement economiques, Direction de l'environnement, Aspects économiques du partage des avantages : concepts et experiences pratiques, Paris: OCDE / OECD, p. 6-38

Keppler J. (1996), Public goods, infrastructure, externalities and subsidies: a conceptual framework for the "IEA questionnaire on government interventions in the energy sector", in , Subsidies and environment: exploring the linkages, Paris: OCDE / OECD, p. 221

Communications sans actes

Cometto M., Keppler J. (2013), Short-term and Long-Term System Effects of Intermittent Renewables on Nuclear Energy and the Electricity Mix, "Les effets de systeme des energies renouvelables intermittentes : mesure et internalisation". Séminaire de la Chaire European Electricity Markets, Université Paris Dauphine, Paris, France

Keppler J. (2007), Smith - Debreu : social Interaction and Mathematical Metaphors. Origin and conclusion of the Principal Scientific Research Project in Economic Theory, General Equilibrium as Knowledge, Paris, France

Hervé-Mignucci M., Keppler J. (2007), Do Carbon Permits Constitute a Respectable Asset Class? Efficiency, Liquidity and Volatility in comparison with Other Financial Markets, 5th International Financial Research Forum, Paris, France

Keppler J. (1996), Policy Instruments for Environmental Improvement in a Changing Market: An Overview, "New electricity markets and the environment : a workshop on instruments for environmental improvement in the context of commercial, institutional and technological change". Second EC/OECD/IEA workshop on energy externalities, Brussels, Belgique

Comptes-rendus d'ouvrages

Keppler J-H. (2016), Review of the New English Translation of Heinrich von Stackelberg (1934, 2011) Market Structure and Equilibrium, Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, vol. 34, p. 405-411

Keppler J-H. (2011), Blaug, M. - Lloyd, P. (eds), "Famous Figures and Diagrams in Economics", Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice, vol. 29, n°1-3, p. 209-212

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Keppler J-H., Quemin S., Saguan M. (2021), Why the Sustainable Provision of Low-Carbon Electricity Needs Hybrid Markets: The Conceptual Basics, CEEM Working Paper, 29 p.

Pichoud M., Dussartre V., Lâasri M., Keppler J-H. (2021), Optimal DSO/Market Coordination for the Activation of Distributed Flexibility, CEEM Working Paper, 31 p.

Keppler J-H., Paskoff A. (2020), Rents of Electricity Generators in France and Germany due to Carbon Trading under Different Allocation Mechanisms, CEEM Working Paper, 24 p.

PHAN S., Le Pen Y., Keppler J., Boureau C. (2014), The Impact of Intermittent Renewable Production and Market Coupling on the Convergence of French and German Electricity Prices, Paris, CEEM Working Paper, 17 p.

Keppler J., Bourbonnais R. (2013), Estimation de l’élasticité prix de la demande électrique en France, Paris, CEEM Working Paper, 5 p.

Notz K., Méritet S., Keppler J. (2009), Les relations franco-allemandes dans le secteur de l'énergie, Paris, Note de l'Ifri, 66 p.

Kérébel C., Cruciani M., Keppler J. (2008), Le paquet énergie et climat du 23 janvier 2008 : un tournant pour l’Europe de l’énergie, Paris, Note de l’Ifri : gouvernance européenne et géopolitique de l’énergie, 29 p.

Keppler J. (2007), La sécurité des approvisionnements énergétiques en Europe : principes et mesures, Note de l’Ifri, 16 p.

Gruenspecht H., Lee R., Eyre N., Kram T., Keppler J. (1997), Full Cost Pricing. Annex I Expert Group on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Paris, Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis, 33 p.


Keppler J-H., Mazauric A-L., Tassi F., Krivtchik G. (2022), Scenarios for Switzerland to achieve net zero emissions in 2050: An NEA system cost analysis, OECD, 136 p.

Keppler J-H., Cameron D., Berthélemy M. (2022), New Perspectives for Financing Nuclear New Build. Financing New Nuclear Power Plants: Minimising the Cost of Capital by Optimising Risk Management, OCDE / OECD, 68 p.

Keppler J-H. (2021), Ensuring the Adequacy of Funding Arrangements for Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste Management, OCDE / OECD, 239 p.

Keppler J-H., Cometto M. (2019), The Cost of Decarbonisation: System Costs with High Shares of Nuclear and Renewables, OCDE / OECD, 244 p.

Keppler J-H. (2018), The Full Costs of Electricity Provision, OCDE / OECD, 210 p.

Keppler J-H., Cometto M. (2015), Nuclear New Build: Insights into Financing and Project Management, OCDE / OECD, 248 p.

Cometto M., Keppler J. (2012), Nuclear Energy and Renewables - System Effects in Low-Carbon Electricity Systems, OCDE / OECD, 284 p.

Marcantonini C., Cameron R., Keppler J. (2011), Carbon Pricing, Power Markets and the Competitiveness of Nuclear Power, Nuclear development, 110 p.

Keppler J., Salvadore M. (2010), Projected Costs of Generating Electricity : 2010 Edition, OCDE / OECD, 218 p.

Keppler J. (2007), International Relations and Security of Energy Supply : Risks to Continuity and Geopolitical Risks, European Parliament - Directorate General for External Policies of the Union, 43 p.

Keppler J., Lesourne J., Mentré M., Verneyre F. (2002), Electricity for all, EDF, 77 p.

Gudmundsson E., Keppler J., Sutinen J. (1998), Les contingents individuels transférables en tant que mesure d'incitation à la préservation et à l'utilisation durable de la diversité biologique des mers, OECD working papers, 45 p.

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