Murat Cécile - CV


Murat Cécile

Maître de conférences

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Tel : 01 44 05 44 83

Bureau : P 630


Mon activité de recherche s'inscrit dans le domaine de la recherche opérationnelle qui a pour objectif la résolution de problèmes de décision. L'objet central de mes recherches est de créer et développer des outils en optimisation combinatoire ; les uns, pour intégrer d'avantage les notions liées à l'aléatoire, l'incertitude et les autres, pour la résolution de problèmes concrets difficiles.



Demange M., Gabrel V., Haddad M., Murat C. (2020), A robust p-Center problem under pressure to locate shelters in wildfire context, EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, vol. 8, n°2, p. 103-139

Boria N., Murat C., Paschos V. (2018), The probabilistic minimum dominating set problem, Discrete Applied Mathematics, n°234, p. 93-113

Gabrel V., Murat C., Thiele A. (2018), Portfolio optimization with pw-robustness, EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, vol. 6, n°3, p. 267-290

Gabrel V., Manouvrier M., Moreau K., Murat C. (2018), QoS-aware automatic syntactic service composition problem: Complexity and resolution, Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 80, p. 311-321

Gabrel V., Manouvrier M., Murat C. (2015), Web services composition: Complexity and models, Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 196, p. 100-114

Gabrel V., Thiele A., Murat C. (2014), Recent advances in robust optimization: An overview, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 235, n°3, p. 471-483

Gabrel V., Lacroix M., Murat C., Remli N. (2014), Robust location transportation problems under uncertain demands, Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 146, n°part 1

Gabrel V., Wu L., Murat C. (2013), New models for the robust shortest path problem: complexity, resolution and generalization, Annals of Operations Research, vol. 207, n°1, p. 97-120

Boria N., Murat C., Paschos V. (2012), On the probabilistic min spanning tree Problem, Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, vol. 11, n°1, p. 45-76

Murat C., Gabrel V., Remli N. (2010), Linear Programming with interval right hand sides, International Transactions in Operational Research, vol. 17, n°3, p. 397-408

Murat C., Paschos V. (2010), Probabilistic optimization in graph-problems, Algorithmic Operations Research, vol. 15, n°1, p. 49-64

Gabrel V., Murat C. (2010), Robustness and duality in linear programming, Journal of the Operational Research Society, vol. 61, p. 1288-1296

Paschos V., Della Croce F., Murat C., Escoffier B., Bourgeois N. (2009), Probabilistic graph-coloring in bipartite and split graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, vol. 17, n°3, p. 274-311

Paschos V., Murat C. (2006), On the probabilistic minimum coloring and minimum k-coloring, Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 154, n°3, p. 564-586

Paschos V., Murat C. (2002), The probabilistic minimum vertex covering problem, International Transactions in Operational Research, vol. 9, n°1, p. 19-32

Murat C., Paschos V. (2002), A priori optimization for the probabilistic maximum independent set problem, Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 270, n°1-2, p. 561-590

Paschos V., Murat C. (1999), The probabilistic longest path problem, Networks, vol. 33, n°3, p. 207-219

Moulet A., Gabrel V., Paschos V., Murat C. (1997), A new single model and derived algorithms for the satellite shots planning problem using graph theory concepts, Annals of Operations Research, vol. 69, n°0, p. 115-134

Murat C., Paschos V., Bellalouna M. (1995), Probabilistic combinatorial optimization problems: a new domain in Operational Research, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 87, n°3, p. 693-706

Paschos V., Murat C. (1995), Problème du stable probabiliste, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris, vol. 321, n°4, p. 495-498


Murat C., Paschos V. (2006), Probabilistic combinatorial optimization on graphs, London Newport Beach: ISTE, 267 p.

Chapitres d'ouvrage

Murat C., Paschos V. (2010), Probabilistic combinatorial optimization, in Vangelis, Paschos, T., Combinatorial optimization volume 2 Paradigms of combinatorial optimization : problems and new approaches, London, Hoboken: Wiley-ISTE, p. 687

Gabrel V., Murat C. (2010), Robust Shortest Path Problems, in Paschos, Vangelis, Paradigms of Combinatorial Optimization Wiley, p. 704

Paschos V., Murat C., Demange M., Toulouse S. (2010), A model for the design of a minimum-cost telecommunications network, in Paschos, Vangelis T., Combinatorial Optimization Volume 3, Applications, London, Hoboken: Wiley-ISTE, p. 371

Paschos V., Murat C., Gabrel V. (2008), Mission planning for observation satellites, in G. Finke, Operations research and networks Wiley-ISTE, p. 352

Koskas M., Murat C. (2008), Flows, in Paschos, Vangelis, Combinatorial optimization and theorical computer science: interfaces and perspectives: 30th anniversary of the LAMSADE, Hoboken NJ: Wiley, p. 515

Murat C., Gabrel V. (2007), Plus courts chemins robustes, in Paschos, Vangelis Th., Optimisation combinatoire 5 : problèmes paradigmatiques et nouvelles problématiques, Paris: Lavoisier, p. 271-XI

Murat C., Paschos V. (2005), L'optimisation combinatoire probabiliste, in Paschos, Vangelis, Optimisation combinatoire 2: concepts avancés, Paris: Lavoisier, p. 298

Murat C., Gabrel V., Paschos V. (2002), Planification de prises de vue par satellite, in Finke, Gerd, Recherche opérationnelle et réseaux: Méthodes d'analyse spatiale (Traité IGAT, série Aspects fondamentaux de l'analyse spatiale), Paris: Lavoisier, p. 272

Communications avec actes

Haddad M., Murat C., Demange M. (2019), Formulations PLNE pour le problème du p-Centre non déterministe, in Adnan Yassine, Éric Sanlaville, 20ème congrès annuel de la société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d’Aide à la Décision (ROADEF 2019), Le Havre, Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision

Demange M., Haddad M., Murat C. (2018), The probabilistic k-center problem, in G. Di Stefano, A. Navarra, Proceedings of the GEO-SAFE workshop - Robust Solutions for Fire Fighting (RSFF'18),, 62-74 p.

Gabrel V., Manouvrier M., Murat C. (2014), Optimal and Automatic Transactional Web Service Composition with Dependency Graph and 0-1 Linear Programming, in Xavier Franch, Aditya K. Ghose, Grace A. Lewis, Sami Bhiri, Service-Oriented Computing. 12th International Conference, ICSOC 2014, Paris, France, November 3-6, 2014. Proceedings, Springer, 108-122 p.

Gabrel V., Megdiche I., Murat C., Manouvrier M. (2012), A new 0–1 linear program for QoS and transactional-aware web service composition, in , 2012 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Cappadoce, IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 845-850 p.

Boria N., Murat C., Paschos V. (2011), On the probabilistic min spanning tree problem, in , Proceedings of the 2010 International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology (IMCSIT), Wisla, IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 893-900 p.

Remli N., Murat C., Gabrel V., Lacroix M. (2010), Recourse problem of the 2-stage robust location transportation problem, in , ISCO International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization, Hammamet, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 167-174 p.

Murat C., Paschos V. (2008), Vertex-uncertainty in graph-problems, in Yang, Boting, Second International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications (COCOA'08), St John's, Springer, 480 p.

Murat C., Remli N., Gabrel V. (2008), Best and Worst optimum for linear programs with interval right hand sides, in Pham Dinh, Tao, Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences. Second International Conference MCO 2008, Metz, France - Luxembourg, September 8-10, 2008. Proceedings, Metz, Springer, 618 p.

Escoffier B., Della Croce F., Paschos V., Murat C. (2005), Probabilistic coloring of bipartite and split graphs, in Taniar, David, International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA'05), Singapour, Springer, 91-97 p.

Murat C., Paschos V. (1998), A priori optimization of the probabilistic maximum independent set, in Gursoy, Attila, International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS'98), Antalya, IOS Press, 584 p.

Murat C., Paschos V. (1995), The probabilistic maximum independent set problem, in McClean, S., 7th International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA'95), Ulster, University of Ulster

Communications sans actes

Demange M., Gabrel V., Haddad M., Murat C. (2019), New mathematical models to locate shelters, 6th Fire Behavior and Fuels International Conference - European Component, Marseille, France

Haddad M., Demange M., Gabrel V., Murat C. (2019), Variants of the Robust p-Center problem under Pressure, GEOSAFE2019, Melbourne, Australie

Gabrel V., Murat C., Manouvrier M. (2013), Web Services Composition : Complexity and models, XXVI Conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimisation (ECCO 2013), Paris, France

Gabrel V., Murat C., Thièle A. (2013), La pw‐robustesse : pourquoi un nouveau critère de robustesse et comment l’appliquer ?, 14e Congrès ROADEF 2013, Troyes, France

Murat C., Wu L., Gabrel V. (2011), La bw-robustesse pour le problème du plus court chemin, ROADEF 2011, Saint Etienne, France

Gabrel V., Remli N., Murat C. (2011), Robust Supply Chain Management Problem with Uncertain Demands, Journées de l'optimisation 2011, Montreal, Canada

Remli N., Gabrel V., Murat C. (2010), Nouvelle approche pour traiter des problèmes linéaires avec seconds membres incertains. Application au problème de transport, Congrès ROADEF 2010, Toulouse, France

Gabrel V., Pietrasz S., Murat C. (2010), Investir sur les réseaux de transport gaziers sans regretter : par quoi commence-t-on ?, Congrès ROADEF 2010, Toulouse, France

Murat C., Gabrel V. (2009), Robust Solutions for Linear Programming, MUGI 2009 European Technical Conference and Courses, Dublin, Irlande

Murat C., Paschos V. (1998), The probabilistic longest path problem, 3rd International Symposium on Operations Research and its Applications (ISORA'98), Kunming, Chine

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Murat C., Manouvrier M., Gabrel V. (2013), A new linear program for QoS-aware web service composition based on complex workflow, Paris, Cahiers du LAMSADE, 9 p.

Boria N., Murat C., Paschos V. (2012), An emergency management model for a wireless sensor network problem, Paris, Cahiers du LAMSADE

Wu L., Murat C., Gabrel V. (2010), Application d’un nouveau critère de robustesse pour le problème du plus court chemin, Paris, Note de recherche du LAMSADE, 61 p.

Gabrel V., Remli N., Murat C., Lacroix M. (2010), A New Bound for Solving the Recourse Problem of the 2-Stage Robust Location Transportation Problem, Note de recherche du LAMSADE, 15 p.

Gabrel V., Murat C. (2008), Robustesse et dualité en programmation linéaire, Paris, Note de recherche du LAMSADE, 26 p.

Murat C., Demange M., Toulouse S., Paschos V. (2000), Un nouveau modèle pour la construction de réseau de télécommunication à coût minimum, Paris, Cahiers du LAMSADE, 15 p.

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