Nefedova Tamara - CV


Nefedova Tamara

Professeur assistant


Tamara Nefedova is an Associate Professor of Finance at DRM Finance of the Université Paris Dauphine - PSL. She holds a Ph.D. in Finance from the Swiss Finance Institute. Tamara’s research was published in the Journal of Financial Economics. Her research papers were presented at major finance conferences: AFA, EFA, and FIRS among others. Her work was picked up by Reuters and Bloomberg News.

Her research interests are empirical corporate finance and capital markets. She mainly focuses on incentives in fund industry and brokerage business



Nefedova T., Pratobevera G. (2020), Do institutional investors play hide-and-sell in the IPO aftermarket?, Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 64

Eisele A., Nefedova T., Parise G., Peijnenburg K. (2020), Trading Out of Sight: An Analysis of Cross-Trading in Mutual Fund Families, Journal of Financial Economics, vol. 135, n°2, p. 359-378

Chapitres d'ouvrage

Brière M., Lehalle C-A., Nefedova T., Raboun A. (2020), Modelling Transaction Costs When Trades May Be Crowded: A Bayesian Network Using Partially Observable Orders Imbalance, in Emmanuel Jurczenko, Machine Learning for Asset Management Wiley-ISTE, p. 387-427

Communications avec actes

Parise G., Nefedova T., Eisele A. (2015), Are Star Funds Really Shining? Cross-trading And Performance Shifting In Mutual Fund Families, in , 32nd International Conference of the French Finance Association - AFFI 2015, Cergy, 42 p.

Communications sans actes

Nefedova T., Brown D., Kovbasyuk S. (2022), On the Origin of IPO Profits, American Finance Association Meeting, 2022, Boston, États-Unis

Brown D., Kovbasyuk S., Nefedova T. (2021), On the Origin of IPO Profits, Finance Meeting EUROFIDAI – ESSEC, Paris, France

Brière M., Lehalle C-A., Nefedova T., Raboun A. (2020), Stock Market Liquidity and the Trading Costs of Asset Pricing Anomalies, 12th Annual Hedge Fund Research Conference, Paris, France

Brière M., Lehalle C-A., Nefedova T., Raboun A. (2019), Modelling Transaction Costs when Trades May Be Crowded: A Bayesian Network Approach, International Conference on Fintech & Financial Data Science (University College Dublin - UCD), Dublin, Irlande

Nefedova T., Brière M., Lehalle C-A., Raboun A. (2019), Stock Market Liquidity and the Trading Costs of Asset Pricing Anomalies, 12th Financial Risks International Forum, Paris, France

Nefedova T., Pratobevera G. (2018), Do Institutions Play Hide-and-Sell in the IPO Aftermarket?, Journal of Corporate Finance (JCF) Special Issue Conference, Hong-Kong, Hong kong

Nefedova T., Pratobevera G. (2018), Do Institutions Play Hide-and-Sell in the IPO Aftermarket?, 30th Annual Conference - Northern Finance Association, Charlevoix, Canada

Eisele A., Nefedova T., Parise G. (2017), Are Star Funds Really Shining? Cross‐trading and Performance Shifting in Mutual Fund Families, 9th Annual Hedge Fund and Private Equity Research Conference, Paris, France

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Brière M., Nefedova T., Raboun A. (2020), Stock Market Liquidity and the Trading Costs of Asset Pricing Anomalies, Paris, Preprints LEDa, 37 p.

Brière M., Lehalle C-A., Nefedova T., Raboun A. (2019), Stock Market Liquidity and the Trading Costs of Asset Pricing Anomalies, SSRN Working Paper Series, 34 p.

Nefedova T., Pratobevera G. (2019), Do Institutional Investors Play Hide-and-Sell in the IPO Aftermarket?, Social Business

Nefedova T. (2017), Tippers and Tippees: Brokers’ Pre-Release of Price-Sensitive Information to Their VIP Clients, SSRN Working Paper Series, 47 p.

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