Nordman Christophe Jalil - CV


Nordman Christophe Jalil

Directeur de recherche IRD

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Hilger A., Nordman C., Leopold R Sarr L. (2022), Which Skills Matter for What Type of Worker? Cognitive Skills, Personality Traits, Hiring Channels and Wages in Bangladesh, Indian Journal of Human Development , vol. 16, n°2, p. 219-247

Guérin I., Michiels S., Natal A., Nordman C., Venkatasubramanian G. (2022), Surviving Debt, Survival Debt in Times of Lockdown, Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 57, n°1, p. 41-49

Nordman C., Sharma S., Sunder N. (2022), Here Comes the Rain Again: Productivity Shocks, Educational Investments, and Child Work, Economic Development and Cultural Change

Reboul ., Guérin I., Nordman C. (2021), The Gender of Debt and Credit: Insights from Rural Tamil Nadu, World Development, vol. 142, n°June 2021, p. 105363

Michiels S., Nordman C., Seetahul . (2021), Many Rivers to Cross: Social Identity, Cognition and Labour Mobility in Rural India, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. 697, n°1, p. 66–80

Chapus Q., Nordman C. (2021), You’re All I Need to Get By? Analyzing Young Entrepreneurs’ Networks in Morocco from a Quantified Narratives, Social Networks, vol. 66, p. 211-223

Nordman C., Sarr L., Sharma S. (2019), Skills, Personality Traits and Gender Wage Gaps: Evidence from Bangladesh, Oxford Economic Papers, vol. 71, n°3, p. 687-708

Nguyen H., Nordman C. (2018), Household Entrepreneurship and Social Networks: Panel Data Evidence from Vietnam, The Journal of Development Studies, vol. 54, n°4, p. 594-618

Muller C., Nordman C. (2017), Wages and On-the-Job Training in Tunisia, Middle East Development Journal, vol. 9, n°2, p. 294-318

Guérin I., Lanos Y., Michiels S., Nordman C., Venkatasubramanian G. (2017), Understanding Social Networks and Social Protection: Insights on Demonetisation from Rural Tamil Nadu, Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 52, n°52, p. 44-53

David M-A., Nordman C. (2017), Education Mismatch and Return Migration in Egypt and Tunisia, Espace, Populations, Sociétés, n°1

Nordman C., Rakotomanana F., Roubaud F. (2016), Informal versus Formal: A Panel Data Analysis of Earnings Gaps in Madagascar, World Development, vol. 86, p. 1-17

Nordman C. (2016), Do family and kinship networks support entrepreneurs? Family and kinship ties offer multiple benefits to developing country entrepreneurs but can also have adverse effects, IZA World of Labor, vol. 262, n°mai 2016

Kuépié M., Nordman C. (2016), Where Does Education Pay Off in Sub-Saharan Africa? Evidence from Two Cities of the Republic of Congo, Oxford Development Studies, vol. 44, n°1, p. 1-27

Nordman C., Pasquier-Doumer L. (2015), Transitions in a West African Labour Market: The Role of Family Networks, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, vol. 54, p. 74–85

Nordman C., Pasquier-Doumer L. (2014), Vocational education, on-the-job training, and labour market integration of young workers in urban West Africa, Prospects, vol. 44, n°3, p. 445-462

Dimova R., Nordman C. (2014), Understanding the Links between Labour and Economic Development, European Journal of Development Research, vol. 26, n°4, p. 387-396

Grimm M., Gubert F., Koriko O., Lay J., Nordman C. (2013), Kinship ties and entrepreneurship in Western Africa, Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, vol. 26, n°2, p. 125-150

Nguyen H., Roubaud F., Nordman C. (2013), Who Suffers the Penalty? A Panel Data Analysis of Earnings Gaps in Vietnam, The Journal of Development Studies, vol. 49, n°12, p. 1694-1710

Nordman C., Robilliard A-S., Roubaud F. (2011), Gender and Ethnic Earnings Gaps in Seven West African Cities, Labour Economics, vol. 18, n°Supp. 1, p. S132-S145

Muller C., Nordman C. (2011), Within-Firm Human Capital Externalities in Tunisia, The Journal of Development Studies, vol. 47, n°4, p. 657-675

Dimova R., Roubaud F., Nordman C. (2010), Allocation of Labor in Urban West Africa: Insights from the Pattern of Labor Supply and Skill Premiums, Review of Development Economics, vol. 14, n°1, p. 74-92

Nordman C., Vescovo A., Bocquier P. (2010), Employment Vulnerability and Earnings in Urban West Africa, World Development, vol. 38, n°9, p. 1297-1314

Nordman C., Gubert F. (2009), Migration trends in North Africa: focus on Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria, OECD Journal : General Papers, vol. 9, n°4, p. 75-108

Wolff F-C., Nordman C. (2009), Is there a glass ceiling in Morocco? Evidence from matched worker-firm data, Journal of African Economies, vol. 18, n°4, p. 592-633

Nordman C., Roubaud F. (2009), Reassessing the Gender Wage Gap in Madagascar: Does Labour Force Attachment Really Matter?, Economic Development and Cultural Change, vol. 57, n°4, p. 785-808

Nordman C., Jellal M., Wolff F-C. (2008), Evidence on the glass ceiling effect in France using matched worker-firm data, Applied Economics, vol. 40, n°24, p. 3233-3250

Chapitres d'ouvrage

Guérin I., Nordman C., Michiels S., Reboul ., Venkatasubramanian G. (2020), There Has Been No Silent Revolution: A Decade of Empowerment for Women in Rural Tamil Nadu, in Marta Ochman and Araceli Ortega-Díaz, Advances in Women’s Empowerment: Critical Insight from Asia, Africa and Latin America (Advances in Gender Research, Vol. 29), Bradford: Emerald Publishing , p. 183-200

Nordman C., Sharma S. (2020), Pecuniary Returns to Working Conditions in Vietnam, in John Rand and Finn Tarp, Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Vietnam, Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 208-229

Rakotomanana F., Nordman C., Roubaud F. (2015), Micro analysis of formal-informal nexus in Madagascar: job transitions and earnings dynamics, in Roubaud, François, The informal economy in developing countries, Londres: Taylor & Francis, p. 334

Koriko O., Lay J., Grimm M., Gubert F., Nordman C. (2015), Does forced Solidarity Hamper Entrepreneurial Activity? Evidence from Seven West-African Countries, in Roubaud, François, The informal economy in developing countries, Londres: Taylor & Francis, p. 334

Robilliard A-S., Roubaud F., Nordman C. (2013), Inégalités de rémunérations entre sexes et entre groupes ethniques, in Roubaud, François, Les marchés urbains du travail en Afrique subsaharienne, Marseille: IRD, p. 454

Nordman C., Roubaud F., Kuépié M. (2013), Education et marchés du travail, in Roubaud, François, Les marchés urbains du travail en Afrique subsaharienne, Marseille: IRD, p. 454

Gubert F., Nordman C. (2011), Return Migration and Small Enterprise Development in the Maghreb, in Plaza, Sonia, Diaspora for Development in Africa, Washington, DC: The World Bank, p. 354

Robilliard A-S., Nordman C., Rakotomanana F. (2010), Gender Disparities in the Malagasy Labour Market, in Kolev, Alexandre, Gender Disparities in Africa's Labor Market The World Bank, p. 87-154

Nordman C. (2010), Regards croisés sur les inégalités de genre sur le marché du travail malgache, in Roubaud, François, Madagascar face au défi des Objectifs du millénaire pour le développement, Marseille: IRD, p. 335

Nordman C., Wolff F-C. (2010), Gender Differences in Pay in African Manufacturing Firms, in Kolev, Alexandre, Gender Disparities in Africa's Labor Market, Washington, DC: The World Bank, p. 452

Nordman C., Wolff F-C. (2009), Islands through the glass ceiling? Evidence of gender wage gaps in Madagascar and Mauritius, in Svejnar, Jan, Labour markets and economic development, New York: Taylor & Francis, p. 555

Nordman C. (2009), Vulnérabilité au travail, in Delaunay, Daniel, "OUAGA. 2009", Peuplement de Ouagadougou et développement urbain : rapport provisoire, Marseille: IRD, p. 249

Communications avec actes

Gubert F., Nordman C., Lay J., Koriko O., Grimm M. (2012), La solidarité forcée bride-t-elle l'activité des micro-entrepreneurs ? Une analyse à partir de données ouest-africaines, in Roubaud, François, Le secteur et l'emploi informels. Mesure statistique, implications économiques et politiques publiques, Paris, Agence Française de Développement, 363 p.

Razafindrakoto M., Demenet A., Cling J-P., Roubaud F., Nordman C. (2012), Discriminations ethniques et de genre : mesure et méthodes de décomposition, in Lagrée, Stéphane, Les Journées de Tam Dao, Hà Nội, Maison d’Édition Tri Thức, 359 p.

Communications sans actes

Pasquier-Doumer L., Nordman C. (2011), Transitions and Occupational Changes in a West African Urban Labour Market: The Role of Social Network, CSAE 25th Anniversary Conference 2011: Economic Development in Africa, Oxford, Royaume-Uni

Nordman C., Koriko O., Grimm M., Lay J., Gubert F. (2010), Does Forced Solidarity Hamper Entrepreneurial Activity? Evidence from seven West-African Countries, International Conference "The Informal Sector and Informal Employment: Statistical Measurement, Economic Implications and Public Policies", Hanoï, Viet nam

Wolff F-C., Nordman C. (2009), On-the-job learning and earnings: Comparative evidence from Morocco and Senegal, 1er Colloque bi-annuel du GDRI-DREEM « Inégalités et développement dans les pays méditerranéens », Istanbul, Turquie

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Nordman C., David A. (2014), Skill Mismatch and Migration in Egypt and Tunisia, Paris, DIAL Documents de travail, 31 p.

Nordman C., Nguyen H. (2014), Household Entrepreneurship and Social Networks: Panel Data Evidence from Vietnam, Paris, DIAL Documents de travail, 41 p.

Nordman C., Vaillant J. (2013), Inputs, Gender Roles or Sharing Norms? Assessing the Gender Performance Gap Among Informal Entrepreneurs in Madagascar, Paris, DIAL Documents de travail, 45 p.

Nordman C., Pasquier-Doumer L. (2013), Transitions in a West African Labour Market: The Role of Social Networks, Paris, DIAL Documents de travail, 43 p.

Nordman C., Roubaud F., Rakotomanana F. (2012), Informal versus Formal: A Panel Data Analysis of Earnings Gaps in Madagascar, Paris, DIAL Documents de travail, 45 p.

Kuépié M., Nordman C. (2011), Education et marchés du travail à Brazzaville et Pointe Noire (Congo-Brazzaville), Paris, DIAL documents de travail, 45 p.

Nordman C., Wolff F-C. (2007), On-the-job learning and earnings in Benin, Morocco and Senegal, Paris, DIAL Documents de travail, 37 p.

Gubert F., Nordman C. (2006), Migration from MENA to OECD Countries: Trends, Determinants, and Prospects, Washington DC, The World Bank, 90 p.

Nordman C., Muller C. (2006), Wages and Human Capital in Exporting Firms in Morocco, Paris, DIAL Documents de travail, 21 p.

Roubaud F., Kuépié M., Nordman C. (2006), Education and Labour Market Outcomes in Sub-Saharan West Africa, Paris, DIAL Documents de travail, 40 p.

Muller C., Nordman C. (2004), Which Human Capital Matters for Rich and Poor’s Wages? Evidence from Matched Worker-Firm Data from Tunisia, Paris, DIAL Documents de travail, 26 p.


Guérin I., Lanos Y., Michiels S., Nordman C., Venkatasubramanian G. (2017), The use of social networks in a self-inflicted macroeconomic shock context: Demonetisation in India, Université Paris-Dauphine, 8 p.

Editoriaux, directions de revue

Vari-Lavoisier I., Fiske S., Nordman C., Massey D. (2021), Making Sense of One Another in Crossing Borders: Social Cognition and Migration Politics, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. 697, n° 1

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