Saint Macary Camille
Chargé de recherche IRD
Hoang Q., Saint Macary C., Pasquier-Doumer L. (2021), Ethnicity And Risk Sharing Network Formation: Evidence From Rural Vietnam, The Journal of Development Studies
Saint Macary C., Oudin X., Hoang Q. (2020), Accroissement des Inégalités au Vietnam, La Francophonie en Asie-Pacifique, vol. 6, n°6
Chauvet L., Lavallée E., Mesplé-Somps S., Saint Macary C. (2018), Third DIAL Conference on Barriers to Development, The Journal of Development Studies, vol. 55, n°5, p. 859-860
Saint Macary C. (2018), Le suivi des dynamiques de pauvreté en milieu rural : retour d'expérience des observatoires ruraux à Madagascar., Statéco, n°112, p. 6
Herrera J., Roubaud F., Saint Macary C., Torelli C., Zanuso C. (2014), Post-earthquake living conditions in Haiti: a much-needed diagnosis, Dialogue, n°28, p. 2-9
Saint Macary C. (2014), Microeconomic Impacts of Institutional Change in Vietnam's Northern Uplands. Empirical Studies on Social Capital, Land and Credit Institutions, Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 160 p.
Chapitres d'ouvrage
Saint Macary C., Lamballe Y. (2017), Are household businesses contrained in their access to credit ?, in Laure Pasquier-Doumer, Xavier Oudin, Nguyen Thang, The importance of household businesses and the informal sector for inclusive growth in Vietnam IRD, p. 187-212
Communications sans actes
Burnod P., Rakotomalala H., Saint Macary C., Gubert F. (2017), After 10 years of land reform in Madagascar: is the process of land certification massive and inclusive?, Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty : "Responsible land governance: towards an evidence based approach", Washington, États-Unis
Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche
Adjegan K., Gubert F., Marion B., Roubaud F., Saint Macary C., Comblon V. (2023), Evaluation de l'impact du projet PILAEP 2 dans les quartiers périphériques de Kinshasa (RDC), AFD Research Papers ExPost, 36 p.
Saint Macary C., Adjegan K., Gubert F., Comblon V., Marion B., Roubaud F. (2023), Evaluation d'impact d'un projet d'adduction en eau potable à Kinshasa - rapport complet, DIAL Documents de travail, 135 p.
Boaz M., Gubert F., Makabu Ma Nkenda T., Munandi Munkunda J., Roubaud F., Saint Macary C., Zanuso C. (2020), Eau, assainissement et conditions de vie au Congo, AFD Research Papers, 81 p.
Hoang Q., Pasquier-Doumer L., Saint Macary C. (2018), Ethnicity and risk sharing network formation: Evidence from rural Viet Nam, DIAL Documents de travail, 44 p.
Saint Macary C., Zanuso C. (2015), Build back better? Long-lasting impact of the 2010 Earthquake in Haiti., DIAL Documents de travail