Schoonejans Alice - CV


Schoonejans Alice




Sobande F., Schoonejans A., Johnson G., Thomas K., Harrison A. (2021), Strolling with a Question: Is it Possible to Be a Black Flâneur?, ISRF Bulletin, n°XXIII, p. 13-26

Sobande F., Schoonejans A., Johnson G., Thomas K., Harrison A. (2020), Enacting anti-racist visualities through photo-dialogues on race in Paris, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, vol. 40, n°2, p. 165-179

Editoriaux, directions de revue

Sobande F., Schoonejans A., Johnson G., Thomas K., Harrison A., Grier S. (2021), Editorial : Race and Markets, ISRF Bulletin, n° XXIII, p. 4-6

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