Simenhaus François - CV


Simenhaus François

Maître de conférences

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François Simenhaus est maître de conférences en mathématiques à l'Université Paris Dauphine.



Huveneers F., Simenhaus F. (2023), Evolution of a passive particle in a one-dimensional diffusive environment, Electronic Journal of Probability, vol. 28, p. 1 - 31

Poisat J., Simenhaus F. (2020), A limit theorem for the survival probability of a simple random walk among power-law renewal obstacles, Annals of Applied Probability, vol. 30, n°5, p. 2030-2068

Salvi M., Simenhaus F. (2018), Random Walk on a Perturbation of the Infinitely-Fast Mixing Interchange Process, Journal of Statistical Physics, vol. 171, n°4, p. 656-678

Lacoin H., Simenhaus F., Toninelli F. (2015), The heat equation shrinks Ising droplets to points, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 68, n°9, p. 1640-1681

Huveneers F., Simenhaus F. (2015), Random walk driven by simple exclusion process, Electronic Journal of Probability, vol. 20, p. 42

Toninelli F., Simenhaus F., Lacoin H. (2014), Zero-temperature 2D stochastic Ising model and anisotropic curve-shortening flow, Journal of the European Mathematical Society, vol. 16, n°12, p. 2557-2615

Caputo P., Simenhaus F., Toninelli F., Martinelli F., Lacoin H. (2012), Polymer dynamics in the depinned phase: metastability with logarithmic barriers, Probability Theory and Related Fields, vol. 153, n°3-4, p. 587-641

Simenhaus F., Martinelli F., Caputo P., Toninelli F. (2011), "Zero" temperature stochastic 3D Ising model and dimer covering fluctuations: a first step towards interface mean curvature motion, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 64, n°6, p. 778-831

Enriquez N., Simenhaus F., Lucas C. (2010), The Arcsine law as the limit of the internal DLA cluster generated by Sinai's walk, Annales Henri Poincaré, vol. 46, n°4, p. 991-1000

Simenhaus F., Comets F. (2008), Random walk delayed on percolation clusters, Journal of Applied Probability, vol. 45, n°3, p. 689-702

Simenhaus F. (2007), Asymptotic direction for random walks in random environments, Annales Henri Poincaré, vol. 43, n°6, p. 751-761

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Poisat J., Simenhaus F. (2022), Localization of a one-dimensional simple random walk among power-law renewal obstacles, Paris, Cahier de recherche CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, 55 p.

Poisat J., Simenhaus F. (2018), A limit theorem for the survival probability of a simple random walk among power-law renewal traps, Paris, Cahier de recherche CEREMADE, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, 36 p.

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