7th Dauphine Phenomenology Worshop | DPW 2023

The Dauphine Phenomenology Worshop 2023, in collaboration with Stockholm School of Economics, will involve international experts.

Anti-Phenomenologies as Opening the Way to New Philosophies or Regenerating Phenomenology Itself?
Misunderstandings, Paradoxes and Benefits of a Critique for MOS


This 7th Dauphine Phenomenology by the university research center Dauphine Recherches en Management (DRM) in partnership with Stockholm School of Economics (Method Lab and Art initiative) will explore anti-phenomenologies, their paradoxes, benefits but also misunderstandings, and their contributions to MOS. 

The workshop will take place at Université Paris Dauphine - PSL, on Avril 20th and 21st, 2023.

Keynotes speakers : Professors Tim Ingold (University of Aberdeen), Anne Simon (EHESS) and Luca Paltrinieri (Université de Rennes)

This event will also be an opportunity to meet the contributors and co-editors of the Oxford Handbook of Phenomenologies and Organization Studies 


Register to attend the 7th Dauphine Phenomenology Workshop

About the DPW

The Dauphine Phenomenology Workshop (DPW) is an annual event focused on continental philosophies and their relationships with social sciences in general, and Management and Organization Studies in particular. Although primarily interested in phenomenologies and post-phenomenologies, our agora also covers all major philosophical ventures linked to continental philosophy and post-continental philosophy and their relationships with MOS. This year, we would like to come back to the critique of phenomenologies in the course of the 20th centuries.

Many contemporary philosophers (e.g. Bergson, Deleuze, Braidotti…) have built their thought in reaction and/or against phenomenology , in particular traditional orthodox phenomenology and its core concepts such as consciousness, eidetic reduction, perception and intentionality.
Whereas this critique has also existed from the inside of phenomenology with Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty or Arendt among others, post-modern thinkers, process philosophers and some post-Marxist have radicalized this deconstruction, which has opened the way more explicitly to an ontological reversal (subjectivity is secondary to the event), a disappearance of traditional subjectivity and subjectivation (‘indiscernible’, ‘evasive’, highly or too ‘epiphenomenal’) but also more questionable critiques in view of the directions of non-orthodox phenomenologies, post-phenomenologies or more qualified interpretations of Husserl’s work.

Informations Pratiques

Dates :
Du jeudi 20 avril 2023 à 10h00 au vendredi 21 avril 2023 à 18h30
Lieu : Université Paris Dauphine-PSL

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