"The Politics of Time: From Control to Self-Control in a Digital World"

The 11th Organizations, Artifacts & Practices (OAP) workshop by the university research center Dauphine Recherches en Management (DRM).

The Organizations, Artifacts & Practices (OAP) workshop presents recent research in organization studies around a specific topic each year since 2010. For its 11th edition, "The Politics of Time", the workshop will take place online on the 17th and 18th of June.

Register to attend the 11th OAP Workshop

This OAP workshop will focus on the topics of time, temporality, temporal structures, temporal work and their relationships with the politics of organizing. More general submissions about more traditional OAP topics (new materialities, performativity and ontologies of organizing) are also welcome.

Keynote speakers :

  • Pr TIM BARKER, University of Glasgow "From Mass Media to Analytical Media: Media Philosophy and TimeDiscrete Images"
  • Pr MONA LILJA, University of Gothenburg "The politics of time and temporality in Foucault’s theorisation of resistance: ruptures, time-lags and decelerations"

3 panels, 15 agoras and 27 paper presentations will constitute the programm of the OAP workshop's 2021 edition.

Full program & panelists

Contact: workshopoap@gmail.com

Informations Pratiques

Dates :
Du jeudi 17 juin 2021 au vendredi 18 juin 2021
Lieu : En ligne

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