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Catherine Cavalin

Chargée de recherche CNRS

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Catherine Cavalin is a CNRS research sociologist at the Institut de recherche interdisciplinaire en sciences sociales (IRISSO). She was previously associated with the Centre d'études européennes de Sciences Po, in the framework of the SILICOSIS research project funded by the European Research Council (ERC) and led by Paul-André Rosental. She is also an associate researcher at the Centre d'études de l'emploi et du travail (CNAM).


After an interdisciplinary training in social sciences (Sciences Po, agrégation de sciences sociales, postgraduate studies in contemporary history and health economics) and ten years of teaching in economic and business preparatory classes, Catherine Cavalin coordinated the design and operation of the Life Events and Health Survey (EVS) at the Department of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (DREES) of the Ministry of Health. This survey focuses on the relationship between violence suffered and health status, the theme of her doctoral thesis in sociology and the subject of a collective work (Violences et santé en France: état des lieux, la documentation française, 2010) that she co-directed with François Beck and Florence Maillochon.


From 2009 to 2012, she worked on the relationships between health status, work and employment at the Centre d'études de l'emploi, combining a methodological approach and the production of results on the measurement of the health status of working-age populations.


In all her work, she crosses multiple statistical sources to question the construction of categories and to tend towards a qualitative interpretation of quantitative data. In particular, this approach gives the critical study of survey methods much more than a formal status.


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