Comprendre le monde,
éclairer l’avenir

Myriam Merad

Directeur de recherche CNRS

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Myriam Mérad is a CNRS researcher at LAMSADE. She has been a sustainable development project manager at INERIS and led a study and research team on societal risk management and the consideration of human and organizational factors. She is a member of the Scientific and Technical Council (CST) of CEMAGREF. She co-leads working groups on decision support, urbanization control, consultation and mediation at the Institute for Risk Management (IMdR), the French Association of Environmental Engineers and Technicians (AFITE) and the European Safety and Reliability Data Association (ESREDA).


Géopolitique, Droit, Société

Analyse de la dynamique de gestion de crise dans onze pays européens

Le 01 mars 2021 - 11 mn - Myriam Merad