Genc Caroline - CV


Genc Caroline



Communications sans actes

Genc C. (2021), On the stigma of failure for behavioral entrepreneurs, 37th International Conference of the French Finance Association (AFFI), Nantes, France

Genc C. (2019), On the stigma of failure for behavioral entrepreneurs, 11ème Congrés Académie de l'Entreprenariat et de l'Innovation, Montpellier, France

Genc C. (2019), A Behavioral Explanation to the Use of Staged Financing, 2019 Annual Private Capital Research Conference, Montreux, Suisse

Présentation(s) dans un séminaire de recherche

Genc C. (2019), A behavioral explanation of staged financing, in Workshop on Experiments in Corporate and Entrepreneurial Finance, Lyon

Genc C. (2019), A behavioral Explanation of Staged Financing, in ECBA 2019 : Entrepreneurship: Cognitive and Behavioral Approaches Workshop, Paris

Genc C., Lewis J. (2019), Surf VC investment waves at your own risk, in ECBA 2019 : Entrepreneurship: Cognitive and Behavioral Approaches Workshop, Paris

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