Rasolofoarison Dina - CV


Rasolofoarison Dina

Maître de conférences


Dina Rasolofoarison a rejoint l’Université Paris Dauphine, PSL le 1er septembre 2018, en tant que Maîtresse de Conférences en Marketing et Communication. Auparavant, elle a débuté sa carrière d'enseignante-chercheuse au Royaume-Uni, tout d'abord à l'université de Aston (Birmingham) puis à l'université de Southampton. Dina a réalisé son doctorat à HEC Paris.

Ses recherches portent principalement sur les cultures visuelles, les pratiques de fans et les industries culturelles. Elles ont été publiées dans des revues internationales telles que Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Business Research, ou encore International Journal of Advertising.

Elle intervient sur les enseignements en sociologie de la culture, en media studies, et en méthodologie de la recherche, aux niveaux master et doctorat.



Rasolofoarison D., Russell C. (2024), Get the picture? Using visuals to represent theory, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, vol. 52, n°2, p. 599-603

Feiereisen S., Russell C., Rasolofoarison D., Schau H. (2022), From speed viewing to watching the end first: how streaming has changed the way we consume TV, The Conversation

Feiereisen S., Rasolofoarison D., Russell C., Schau H. (2021), One Brand, Many Trajectories: Narrative Navigation in Transmedia, Journal of Consumer Research, vol. 48, n°4, p. 651-681

Rasolofoarison D., Feiereisen S., Schmitt J., de Valck K. (2019), A l’heure de Netflix, les jeunes adultes conquis mais frustrés, The Conversation

Feiereisen S., Rasolofoarison D., de Valck K., Schmitt J. (2019), Understanding emerging adults' consumption of TV series in the digital age: A practice-theory-based approach, Journal of Business Research, vol. 95, n°February, p. 253-265

Russell C., Rasolofoarison D. (2017), Uncovering the power of natural endorsements: a comparison with celebrity-endorsed advertising and product placements, International Journal of Advertising, vol. 36, n°5, p. 761-778

Bascoul G., Schmitt J., Rasolofoarison D., Chamberlain L., Lee N. (2013), Using an Experiential Business Game to Stimulate Sustainable Thinking in Marketing Education, Journal of Marketing Education, vol. 35, n°2, p. 168-180

Atalay A., Bodur H., Rasolofoarison D. (2012), Shining in the Center: Central Gaze Cascade Effect on Product Choice, Journal of Consumer Research, vol. 39, n°4, p. 848-866

Chapitres d'ouvrage

Rasolofoarison D. (2023), Fans et stratégies de marque, in , L'état du management 2023, Paris: La Découverte, p. 78-89

Delacroix E., Rasolofoarison D., Jourdan P. (2021), La collecte des données quantitatives, in Delacroix, Éva ; Jolibert, Alain ; Monnot, Élisa ; Jourdan, Philippe, Marketing Research : Méthodes de recherche et d'études en marketing, Paris: Dunod, p. 57-88

Bascoul G., Schmitt J., Rasolofoarison D. (2015), Consumers’ biased perceptions of the environmental impact of products, and their influence on advertising efficiency, in Dato-on, Mary Conway, The Sustainable Global Marketplace. Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science Springer, p. 400-404

Communications avec actes

Feiereisen S., Rasolofoarison D., Russell C., Schau H. (2019), Navigating Narratives: Time and Space Navigation and Narrative Experiences, in , 2019 ACR Conference, Duluth, NA - Advances in Consumer Research

Feiereisen S., Rasolofoarison D., Russell C., Schau H. (2016), Navigating Narratives and Altering Time: Consumption Practices in the Digital Age, in Page Moreau and Stefano Puntoni, NA - Advances in Consumer Research, Urbana, Ill., Association for Consumer Research, 103-107 p.

Feiereisen S., Rasolofoarison D., de Valck K., Schmitt J. (2013), The End of Stigma? Understanding the Dynamics of Legitimisation in the Context of TV Series Consumption, in Gert Cornelissen, Elena Reutskaja, and Ana Valenzuela, E - European Advances in Consumer Research (Volume 10), Duluth, Association for Consumer Research, 184-185 p.

Atalay S., Bodur O., Rasolofoarison D. (2012), Center of Shelf Attention: Understanding the Role of Visual Attention on Product Choice, in Zeynep Gürhan-Canli, Cele Otnes, and Rui (Juliet) Zhu, Appreciating Diversity (2012 - Volume XL - Proceedings), Duluth, Association for Consumer Research, 809-810 p.

Rasolofoarison D. (2009), How consumer tiredness and ad complexity level affect consumers' visual processing of advertisements: an eye-tracking study, in , Proceedings of the 38th European Marketing Academy Conference, EMAC Conference proceedings

Rasolofoarison D. (2008), Interaction effect of fatigue level and advertisement complexity on consumer's advertising processing, in , American Marketing Association summer educators' conference, American Marketing Association

de Valck K., Kretz G., Rasolofoarison D. (2007), Show Bizz Becomes Show Buzz; How Viral Diffusion Changes the Traditional Meaning-Making Process of a Rising Star, in , European conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Duluth, E - European Advances in Consumer Research, 434-437 p.

Communications sans actes

Rasolofoarison D., Russell C. (2024), Theory visualization workshop, 2024 Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) Conference, San Diego, États-Unis

Pantin-Sohier G., Sohier R., Rasolofoarison D., Russell C. (2024), The interplay of LGBTQ imagery in advertising, Intimacy Cues and Perceptions of Brand Coolness, 22nd International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA) 2024, Thessaloniki, Grèce

Rasolofoarison D. (2024), Hairy stories. Histoires de cheveux et de poils, Les colloques CERISY : La mode : lois, logiques et fictions du paraître, Cerisy, France

Rasolofoarison D., Feiereisen S., Russell C., Schau H. (2022), Autodriving to Reveal Insights About Television Consumption, Consumer Culture Theory conference, Corvallis, États-Unis

Letifi S., Rasolofoarison D. (2022), Remake, Reboot, Franchise, or Adaptation? - Rallying Fans in a Fragmented Market to Survive, Popular Culture Association conference, Online

Rasolofoarison D., Hoffman J. (2022), Where is fandom acted out in 2022? An update on places of fan practices, Fan Studies Network North America (FSNNA) conference, Chicago, États-Unis

Hoffman J., Rasolofoarison D. (2022), How music fandom is acted out in 2022 ?, Economics of the music industry conference, Hambourg, Allemagne

Russell C., Rasolofoarison D. (2016), Not all Celebrity-Brand Associations are alike: An Experimental Comparison of the Effectiveness of Advertising, Product Placement and Real Life Celebrity Endorsements, International Conference for Research in Advertising (ICORIA), Ljubljana, SlovÉnie

Feiereisen S., Rasolofoarison D., Russell C., Schau H. (2016), Narrative Navigational Practices in the Digital Age, Consumer Culture Theory conference, Lille, France

Feiereisen S., Rasolofoarison D., Russell C., Schau H. (2015), Narrative Pace Control Practices in the Digital Age: How do People Consume Television (tv) Series?, European Marketing Academy Conference, Leuven, Belgique

Bascoul G., Schmitt J., Rasolofoarison D. (2011), Consumers' biased Perceptions of the Environmental Impact of Products, and Their Influence on Advertising Efficiency, Academy of Marketing Science, Coral-Gables, États-Unis

Rasolofoarison D. (2010), Investigating tiredness and ad complexity effects on visual processing of advertisements: an eye-tracking study, Academy of Marketing Conference, Coventry, Royaume-Uni

Schmitt J., Rasolofoarison D. (2010), Les motivations pour le magasinage: démêler les impacts des motivations individuelles et des motivations liées au contexte, 26ème congrès de l'Association Française de Marketing, Le Mans, France

de Valck K., Rasolofoarison D. (2009), Les Pratiques de Co-Création Dans l’Industrie de Divertissement; Une Analyse Critique des Dynamiques du Marché, 25ème congrès de l'Association Française de Marketing, Londres, Royaume-Uni

Bascoul G., Schmitt J., Rasolofoarison D. (2008), Disentangle contextual and permanent individual motivations: an application to shopping behavior, 37th European Marketing Academy conference, Brighton, Royaume-Uni

Rasolofoarison D. (2008), Effets d’interaction de la fatigue du consommateur et de la complexité d’une publicité sur le processus de traitement de la publicité, 24ème congrès de l'Association Française de Marketing, Vincennes, France

Présentation(s) dans un séminaire de recherche

Rasolofoarison D. (2024), From eye-tracking to TV series content analysis via photo-elicitation: a visual research methods journey, in TSM (Toulouse School of Management) PhD day, Toulouse

Russell C., Rasolofoarison D. (2023), Visualization Workshop, in Atelier de recherche IAE Paris, Paris

Rasolofoarison D., Russell C. (2023), Visualization Workshop, in Atelier de recherche Audencia Nantes, Nantes

Rasolofoarison D., Russell C. (2023), Visualization Workshop, in Atelier de recherche DRM-ERMES Université Paris-Dauphine PSL, Paris

Rasolofoarison D. (2023), La réception des séries TV : quelles évolutions ? quelles permanences ?, in Séminaire Axe transversal DRM Art & Culture- Université Paris-Dauphine PSL, Paris

Rasolofoarison D. (2022), Trajectoire d’une idée de recherche, in Publication booster AFM 2022, PARIS

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