Workshop : Globalization and Workforce Composition 2024

The third edition of the yearly workshop "Globalization & Workforce Composition" will take place on the 7th of October, 2024.

The aim of the workshop is to foster interaction between researchers in the field of trade and labor economics, with a particular focus on the consequences of globalization shocks (such as trade and migration) on the labor market.

A workshop presented by Université Paris Dauphine - PSL, in partnership with ANR and CEPR
On the program: invited lecturers, posters sessions, and international speakers.

Online registration


8:45-9:00 - Introduction

Greetings by El Mouhoud Mouhoub, President, University Paris Dauphine - PSL

9:00-10:45 - SESSION I

Chair: Gianluca Orefice, University Paris Dauphine - PSL

  • Paper 1: David Hummels, Purdue University, “How Globalization Affects CEO Pay”
  • Paper 2: Joana Silva, World Bank and CEPR, “Adjusting to Transitory Shocks: Worker Im- pact, Firm Channels, and (Lack of) Income Support”
  • Paper 3: Nathalie Chen, Warwick University and CEPR, “Trade Diversion and Labor Mar- ket Outcomes”

10:45-11:15 - COFFEE BREAK

11:15-12:25 - SESSION II

Chair: Farid Toubal, University Paris-Dauphine - PSL and CEPR

  • Paper 1: Beata Javorcik, Oxford University and CEPR, “Globalisation and the Gender Gap in Mental Well-being”
  • Paper 2: Rosario Crino, University of Bergamo and CEPR, “Artificial Intelligence and Jobs: Evidence from US Commuting Zones”

12:30-14:00 - LUNCH 

14:00-15:45 - SESSION III

Chair: Maria Bas, University Paris-1

  • Paper 1: John McLaren, University of Virginia, “A Geography of the Gains from Immigration”
  • Paper 2: Federico Trionfetti, Aix-Marseille University, “Immigration and the skill premium”
  • Paper 3: Davide Suverato, ETH Zurich, “How Aggregate Uncertainty Shapes the Spatial Economy”

15:45-16:15 - COFFEE BREAK 

16:15-17:25 - SESSION IV

Chair: Lionel Fontagné, Banque de France

  • Paper 1: Peter Schott, Yale University and CEPR, “To Find Relative Earnings Gains After the China Shock, Look Upstream and Outside Manufacturing”
  • Paper 2: Mine Senses, Johns Hopkins University and CEPR, “Trade Shocks: The Next Generation”

Download the program (PDF)

Informations Pratiques

Date : lundi 7 octobre 2024
de 8h30 à 17h30
Lieu : Salle Raymond Aron

Dossier : démocratie sous tension : enjeux, fractures et perspectivesDossier : démocratie sous tension : enjeux, fractures et perspectives