Workshop : Globalization and Workforce Composition 2024

The aim of the workshop is to foster interaction between researchers in the field of trade and labor economics, with a particular focus on the consequences of globalization shocks (such as trade and migration) on the labor market.
A workshop presented by Université Paris Dauphine - PSL, in partnership with ANR and CEPR.
On the program: invited lecturers, posters sessions, and international speakers.
8:45-9:00 - Introduction
Greetings by El Mouhoud Mouhoub, President, University Paris Dauphine - PSL
9:00-10:45 - SESSION I
Chair: Gianluca Orefice, University Paris Dauphine - PSL
- Paper 1: David Hummels, Purdue University, “How Globalization Affects CEO Pay”
- Paper 2: Joana Silva, World Bank and CEPR, “Adjusting to Transitory Shocks: Worker Im- pact, Firm Channels, and (Lack of) Income Support”
- Paper 3: Nathalie Chen, Warwick University and CEPR, “Trade Diversion and Labor Mar- ket Outcomes”
10:45-11:15 - COFFEE BREAK
11:15-12:25 - SESSION II
Chair: Farid Toubal, University Paris-Dauphine - PSL and CEPR
- Paper 1: Beata Javorcik, Oxford University and CEPR, “Globalisation and the Gender Gap in Mental Well-being”
- Paper 2: Rosario Crino, University of Bergamo and CEPR, “Artificial Intelligence and Jobs: Evidence from US Commuting Zones”
12:30-14:00 - LUNCH
14:00-15:45 - SESSION III
Chair: Maria Bas, University Paris-1
- Paper 1: John McLaren, University of Virginia, “A Geography of the Gains from Immigration”
- Paper 2: Federico Trionfetti, Aix-Marseille University, “Immigration and the skill premium”
- Paper 3: Davide Suverato, ETH Zurich, “How Aggregate Uncertainty Shapes the Spatial Economy”
15:45-16:15 - COFFEE BREAK
16:15-17:25 - SESSION IV
Chair: Lionel Fontagné, Banque de France
- Paper 1: Peter Schott, Yale University and CEPR, “To Find Relative Earnings Gains After the China Shock, Look Upstream and Outside Manufacturing”
- Paper 2: Mine Senses, Johns Hopkins University and CEPR, “Trade Shocks: The Next Generation”
Useful Information
Date :
Monday 7 October 2024
from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm
Location : Salle Raymond Aron
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