Under the auspices of the Vice-president for Research, the Research Support Direction (DSR) implements the University’s research and doctoral training promotion policy.
The DSR is the single point of contact for research departments and centers as well as external partners (institutions and companies) for all matters relating to these three areas.
Within the framework of PSL, the DSR participates in the activities of the SAAP (Support Service for Partnership Activity) of which it is a member. It shares the objective of SAAP members to increase the number of projects submitted by SAAP member institutions in response to various national and European CFPs.
Mireille MOULIN
Director of Research Support
Véronique HENRY
Deputy Director
Sylvie LOPES
Financial Manager

A structure with 3 focuses
Science Committee Center
- Provides the secretariat of the Science Committee and its committees
- Handles requests for Authorization to Conduct Research
- Ensures the secretariat of the referent Scientific Integrity
Karine Beauvallet
Center for Research Administration and Promotion
- Implements the research policy defined in the Five-Year Contract in conjunction with the research centers, and coordinates relations with the Ministry of Research and partner research organizations.
- Coordinates and manages the DFIS research information system
- Monitors specific indicators
- Ensures the monitoring and coordination of the policy on teaching and research chairs and relations with the Foundations.
- Develops communication actions relating to research (production of the journal Dauphine Recherches, research directory, organization of events).
Adeline Rabastens
Communications officer
Gautier Hengy
Communications officer - DFIS support
The partnership research and development center supports teams in the research centers with their responses to national, European and international calls for proposals and calls for tenders and for the establishment and implementation of their partner research projects. It carries out the following missions:
- Monitoring regulatory and policy developments in national and European research and innovation systems.
- Monitoring national, European and international calls for projects, and assisting research centers in responding to calls for proposals
- Establishment of contractual research partnerships: confidentiality agreement, research collaboration, consortium agreement, service provision, chair contract, license, publication, etc.
- Legal protection and exploitation of research results
- Support for the creation of innovative companies
- Participation in national professional networks: CURIE network, CLORA network, National Thematic Group of Humanities and Social Sciences, CAP ANR network.
Amélie Castan
Aurore Coillet
Project Officer for national project development and partner relations
Delphine Deschamps
Project Officer for European and international development
Bertrand Féry
Technology transfer assistant
Provides secretarial service for 5 doctoral programs, administrative tracking and support for the doctoral program:
- law, computer science, sociology and political science (contact: Clémence Antoine-Durand)
- mathematics, economics, management and finance (contact: Hubert Radenac)
- Manages the thesis defense process (contact: Linda Arbane)
- Ensures the follow-up of the doctors and their professional integration (contact: Linda Arbane)
- Manages travel for thesis jury (contact: Sylvie Lopes)