Students enrolled
Paris campus
- Tuition Reduction/Waiver
- Scholarship for Graduate Program in Finance
- Scholarship for the Graduate Management Program
- Scholarships Master's Graduate Program in Mathematics and Applications
- Graduate Program in Computer Science Excellence Scholarships
- PRAIRIE Scholarship
- Paris Mathematical Sciences Foundation (FSMP) Scholarship
International Mobility Scholarship
Dauphine's students a study-abroad trip
- Dauphine Foundation Scholarship
- Dauphine US Foundation Scholarship
- Erasmus+ Scholarship
- Supplemental Erasmus+ Scholarship for Students with Disabilities
- Scholarship from the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation – International Mobility Aid
- Scholarship from the Regional Council of Ile-de-France
- Scholarship for Students Pursuing a Bachelor's in Organizational Sciences
Foreing students welcomed at Dauphine
Partner Banks
Finance Your Studies
Students enrolled
All campuses
CROUS Scholarship
Level of study:
- Bachelor's
- Master's
- Doctorate
Eligibility requirements:
- Needs-based scholarship available to any enrolled student whose tax residence is in France
- Cannot be combined with other CROUS scholarships
- Depends on income
- Submit a request online between January and May
- Replies sent out starting in July
Merit-Based CROUS Scholarship
Level of study:
- Bachelor's
Eligibility requirements:
- CROUS scholarship recipients
- Received an A+ on the baccalaureate exam
- Students who received this aid the previous year
- €900
- Eligible students will be contacted by CROUS
Hardship Assistance
Level of study:
- Bachelor's
- Master's
- Doctorate
Eligibility requirements:
- Enrolled students with financial difficulties
Campus de Paris
Tuition Reduction/Waiver
Level of study:
- Bachelor's
- Master's
Eligibility requirements:
- Enrolled students whose tax residence is in France
- Students enrolled in a grand établissement degree (DGE) program with a flexible fee structure
- Cannot be combined with a CROUS or Campus France scholarship
- Applications due in late November
- Replies sent out in December
Scholarship for the Finance Graduate Program
Level of study:
- Master's
Eligibility requirements:
- French and international students enrolled in one of the following Finance Master’s programs:
- Master’s 1 degree in Finance - Research in Finance major
- Master’s 2 degree in Research in Finance - 104 - Academic excellence-based scholarship
The excellence scholarship is set at €12,000 per year. The winners selected for the 1st year of the Master’s degree in Finance in the Graduate Program receive an annual scholarship.
This scholarship, subject to conditions and approval from the commission, may be extended by one year if the student enrolls in the 2nd year of the Research in Finance Master’s degree in the Graduate program in Finance at Université Paris Dauphine–PSL.
The winners selected for the 2nd year of the Research in Finance Master’s degree receive an annual scholarship.
At the M1 and M2 levels of the Master’s degree, this scholarship is paid in 2 installments. The first instalment can be paid only after the student’s enrollment date and the second instalment will come during the second semester, provided that the student passes the first semester for M1 and the third semester for M2.
Tuition fees are not covered and are payable by the student.
- Request submitted with admission application
- Replies sent out in July
Scholarship for the Graduate Management Program
Academic-based scholarship
Level of study:
- University Degree level Research In Management (pre-doctoral curriculum for the Graduate Management Program)
Eligibility requirements:
- For the first year: Students enrolled in the 1st Year of the University Degree level Research in Management program (check requirements)
- For the second year: Students enrolled on a dual degree program (check requirements)
- 2nd year of a University Degree in Research In Management
And in one of the following Master’s Degree Year 2 programs:
- Master's Year 2: Strategy and Organization (101)
- Master’s Year 2: Business Consulting and Digital Organization (128)
- Master’s Year 2: Marketing Research and Consulting (102)
- Master’s Year 2: Consulting and Research in Audit and Control (124)
- Master’s Year 2: Sustainable Development: Corporate and Institutional Responsibility (239)
- Master’s Year 2: Network Industries and Digital Economy (116)
- Master’s Year 2: Fashion & Materials
- Master’s Year 2: Research in Socio-Economics (300)
Amount: 3 000 €, 6 000 € ou 12,000 € per year paid in 1 or 2 installments. The award amount may vary
Tuition fees are not reflected in the scholarship amount, and remain payable by students at registration.
- Scholarship requests to be submitted to the Education Office during registration, by sending a blank email with the subject line: “Excellence Scholarship” to
- Replies will be sent between October and November
Excellence Scholarships Master's Graduate Program in Mathematics and Applications
Level of study:
- Master's
Eligibility requirements:
- French and international students enrolled in one of the following PSL Master’s programs in Mathematics and Applications (See):
- Master's degree 1 Mathematics and Applications Advanced Mathematics program
- Master's degree 1 Mathematics and Applications Foundational Mathematics program
- Master's degree 2 Mathematics and Applications MATH program in Applied and Theoretical Mathematics
- Master's degree 2 Mathematics and Applications MASH program in Mathematics, Apprenticeship, and the Humanities
- Master's degree 2 Mathematics and applications MASEF program in Mathematics of Insurance, Economics, and Finance
- Academic excellence-based scholarship
Fixed monthly allowance of € 650 plus (upon presentation of receipts) a contribution to housing costs up to a maximum of € 500, excluding APL, for a period of 10 months.
Continuation of the scholarship for first-year Master’s students is dependent on their acceptance into a second-year Master’s program and subject to a review of their performance by program faculty.
Tuition is included in the scholarship amount but must be paid by the student when they register.
• Application in may
• Replies sent out in July
Contact :
Graduate Program in Computer Science Excellence Scholarships
Level of study:
- Master’s degree
Eligibility requirements:
- French and international students enrolled in one of the PSL Computer Science Master’s academic paths
At Dauphine:
- First-year Master’s degree Computer Science, Decision, Data (I2D)
- Second-year Master's degree Artificial Intelligence, Systems, Data (IASD)
- Second-year Master's degree Modeling, Optimization, Decision and Organization (MODO)
Fixed monthly stipend of €1,200 a month for 10 months.
PRAIRIE Scholarship
Level of study:
- Master's
Eligibility requirements:
- Students enrolled in programs in the 3IA (Artificial Intelligence; Data Systems and Mathematics; Apprenticeship; and Science and Humanities)
- Academic-based scholarship
- €12,000
- Request submitted with admission application
- Replies sent out in July
Paris Mathematical Sciences Foundation (FSMP) Scholarship
Level of study:
- Master's
Eligibility requirements:
- Foreign students who've completed a Bachelor's or their first year of a Master's in Mathematics or Fundamental Computer Science
- Students who've completed a Bachelor's or their first year of a Master's in Mathematics or Fundamental Computer Science within the FSMP network
- Academic-based scholarship
- €600 a month
- Flat-rate aid of €500 a month (subject to supporting documentation) for 10 months, with the possibility to receive two extra months as long as the student pursues their doctoral studies in France the following year
- Social security and registration fees covered
Remote Programs (Francfort, Londres, Madrid)
Tuition Scholarship for the French-German University for Dual French-German Bachelor's Students
Level of study:
- Bachelor's
Eligibility requirements:
- Students enrolled at Goethe Universität - Francfort - Sciences in Economics and Business Bachelor's Administration
- Cannot be combined with other scholarships
- €300 a month
- Applications due by November
- Replies sent out in December
Tuition Scholarship for Students in the Remote Bachelor's Program in London
Level of study:
- Bachelor's
Eligibility requirements:
- Students enrolled in the Bachelor's program (L1, L2, or L3) or the summer school at Dauphine London
- Academic- and needs-based scholarship
- Depends on the applicant's situation
- Applications due by June or October
International Mobility Scholarship
Dauphine's students on a study-abroad trip
Dauphine Foundation Scholarship
Level of study:
- L3 (Bachelor's 3rd year)
- Master's
Eligibility requirements:
- Students enrolled at Dauphine who are going to study abroad in or outside Europe
- Needs-based scholarship
- Cannot be combined with other scholarships (theoretically)
- Determined each year by the Dauphine Scholarship Board In AY 2019-20 the total was €300 a month for the duration of a study-abroad trip.
- Applications due by June
- An application form (common for all mobility scholarships) will be sent directly by email at the beginning of June 2021 to the students going on mobility next year. The application form will be submitted before the end of June, following the instructions given by the Office of International Affairs.
Dauphine US Foundation Scholarship
Dauphine students on international mobility in the United States/Canada
Dauphine students on internship in the United States/Canada
Level of study :
- L3
- Master
Conditions of eligibility :
- Students registered at Dauphine who go in the United States or Canada for an internship, an exchange, or a VIE
- Scholarship based on social criteria
- CROUS scholarship holder
- or family quotient less than €35,000 (calculation of QF: overall gross income/number of shares)
Funding :
- Minimum funding duration : 4 months
- Amount : between $2000 / $3000
Application file :
- CV in English
- Motivation letter in English (including project details, objectives, and its importance for academic or professional development)
- A note specifying the location and duration of the internship/exchange, the amount of any other scholarships, the internship compensation, the total estimated expenses, etc…
- Application form for the Scholarship Program - PARIS-DAUPHINE FOUNDATION USA
- If scholarship holder : Final scholarship notification + 2024 tax notice (must include the portion for the student applying for the scholarship)
- If not a scholarship holder : 2024 tax notice (must include the portion for the student applying for the scholarship)
- Supporting document : For an exchange, an acceptance letter from the host university, or for an internship, an employer's certificate or signed agreement
Calendar :
- The complete application file must be submitted by October 11 at the latest to the foundation (
- The selection committee will meet during the week of October 21
Erasmus+ Scholarship
Level of study:
- L3 (Bachelor's 3rd year)
- Master's
Eligibility requirements:
- Students enrolled at Dauphine-PSL who are going to study abroad in one of the European member states in the Erasmus+ program
- Scholarship automatically awarded if a student will be studying in a country that participates in the European Erasmus+ program
- Applications due by June
- An application form (common for all mobility scholarships) will be sent directly by email at the beginning of June 2021 to the students going on mobility next year. The application form will be submitted before the end of June, following the instructions given by the Office of International Affairs.
Supplemental Erasmus+ Scholarship for Students with Disabilities
Level of study:
- L3 (Bachelor's 3rd year)
- Master's
Eligibility requirements:
- Students with disabilities enrolled at Dauphine-PSL who are going to study abroad in one of the European member states in the Erasmus+ program
- Additional fees for specific needs are covered. The amount is based on actual costs, calculated by the school after assessing the student's needs.
- Applications due by June
- An application form (common for all mobility scholarships) will be sent directly by email at the beginning of June 2021 to the students going on mobility next year. The application form will be submitted before the end of June, following the instructions given by the Office of International Affairs.
Scholarship from the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation – International Mobility Aid
Level of study:
- L3 (Bachelor's 3rd year)
- Master's
Eligibility requirements:
- CROUS scholarship recipients enrolled at Dauphine-PSL who are going to study abroad in or outside Europe
- 3-9 month stay
- Needs-based scholarship
- Cannot be combined with other scholarships, except for the Erasmus+ scholarship
- Applications due by June
- Replies sent out in October for 1st-semester or full-year stays, and in March for 2nd-semester stays
Scholarship from the Regional Council of Ile-de-France
Level of study:
- L3 (Bachelor's 3rd year)
- Master's
Eligibility requirements:
- Students enrolled at Dauphine-PSL who are going to study abroad outside Europe
- Needs-based scholarship
- Cannot be combined with other scholarships from the French government
- Applications due by June
- An application form (common for all mobility scholarships) will be sent directly by email at the beginning of June 2021 to the students going on mobility next year. The application form will be submitted before the end of June, following the instructions given by the Office of International Affairs.
Scholarship for Students Pursuing a Bachelor's in Organizational Sciences
Level of study:
- L3 (Bachelor's 3rd year)
Eligibility requirements:
- Students enrolled at Dauphine-PSL who are going to study abroad in or outside Europe
- Needs-based scholarship
- Applications due by June
- An application form (common for all mobility scholarships) will be sent directly by email at the beginning of June 2021 to the students going on mobility next year. The application form will be submitted before the end of June, following the instructions given by the Office of International Affairs.
Foreing students welcomed at Dauphine
Eiffel Excellence Scholarship
Level of study:
- Master's
- Doctorate
Eligibility requirements:
- Students enrolled at Dauphine-PSL in one of these 5 fields: economics and management; law; engineering; and political science; mathematics and digital ;
- Age limit: 30 for Master's students; 35 for PhD students
- Criteria are academic excellence and location
- Cannot be combined with other scholarships from the French government or Erasmus+ scholarships
- Before submitting an application, check your eligibility by reading the Campus France guide.
- Université Paris Dauphine–PSL accepts and promotes your application and forwards it to Campus France.
- Your application can be sent to Campus France by one institution of higher education only.
- €1,181 a month in a Master's program
- €1,800 a month in a PhD program
- International (round-trip flight) and national (round-trip train ticket) travel costs are covered
- A housing stipend may also be paid (outside university housing)
- Our deadline for applications is Friday, November 15, 2024
- Replies sent out in March
Contact :
Merit-Based Scholarships for Non-EU Students
Level of study:
- M2 (Master's 2nd year)
Eligibility requirements:
- Non-EU students enrolling in a grand établissement degree (DGE) program with a flexible fee structure
- Applications due by June
- Replies sent out in July
Request submitted with admission application
Level of study:
- Master’s Year 2
Conditions of eligibility:
- Non-EU students (whose tax residence is outside European Economic Area) enrolling in the 2nd year of a traditional Master’s degree.
- Academic merit scholarships are awarded based on academic performance and financial need.
- The scholarship can only be used for a partial (50%) or total tuition exemption in the second year of the Master’s program.
Time frame:
- Applications should be submitted along with the program application on MyCandidature (Dauphine-PSL students applying for the second-year Master’s on MyCourse should email
- Results in July
Partner Banks
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