A hub from Université Paris Dauphine – PSL
Embodying the commitment of Université Paris Dauphine – PSL to Entrepreneurship since 2019
The goal of the House of Entrepreneurship is to develop, coordinate, support and promote all initiatives and players related to entrepreneurship at Université Paris Dauphine – PSL, including training and new learning, incubator activities, all awareness-raising events and actions, as well as research and technology transfer projects in laboratories.
The House of Entrepreneurship promotes entrepreneurship in the broad sense, helping with company creation and support, but also company takeovers, high-impact entrepreneurship, family entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship and SME growth management.
Key missions:
- Awareness-raising & Inspiration: awakening the entrepreneurial spirit in the Dauphine community
- Pre-incubation: supporting the idea until completion of the project
- Promotion of student entrepreneurship: highlighting students’ skills acquired within the context of entrepreneurial projects
- Academic reputation: positioning Université Paris Dauphine – PSL as a leader in entrepreneurship
Université Paris Dauphine – PSL provides a number of resources for entrepreneurship or for getting to know more about it.
Training courses, an incubator that has been running for over a decade, associations, conferences, workshops and round-table sessions, events to try out your business idea and find a partner (Startup Weekends, Pitch & Meet sessions, etc.), a mentoring scheme that draws on Dauphine’s alumni, and much more.
Initial training and executive education
Many of Dauphine’s courses and programs put entrepreneurship at the heart of the curriculum, preparing students for careers as entrepreneurs.
Support structures

Paris Incubator - graduates
Incubated at the heart of the Paris campus, entrepreneurs are immersed in a rich ecosystem. In addition to offices, they have access to tailored support, a network of mentors and experts, preferential rates and financing, depending on eligibility.

Paris Incubator - students
This program is aimed at any student of Dauphine and PSL who is highly motivated to develop their project in parallel with their studies. It provides access to a shared work room, tailored support and a network of experts and gives national student entrepreneur status.

Incubator London
The incubator on the London campus is located in Islington. It provides incubated start-ups with a co-working space, access to shared professional services, mentoring sessions and a gateway to French and European markets.

PSL-Pépite provides a comprehensive system for students or young alumni to conduct their project and obtain a student entrepreneur diploma (D2E), with tailored support and a work space for discussion and synergy, in the heart of Paris.

Entrepreneurship is a hot topic
within the scientific community at Dauphine
Chairs and Research circle
Scientific Publications
- Ottmann J._Y., Mahut D., Gazier B. (2022), "Entre emploi atypique et entrepreneuriat : Le portage salarial comme « forme d’emploi de transition"
- Laurent A., Mayol A. (2022), "Maryse Duval, entrepreneuriat social et coopération comme leviers face à la crise Covid"
- Delacroix E., Benoit-Moreau F., Parquel B. (2021), "Digital subsistence entrepreneurs in developed countries: Opportunities and limitations of peer-to-peer platforms"
- Chtioui T., Thiery Dubuisson S. (2020), "Towards a communication-based typology of management control modes: showing the relevance of communicative action for entrepreneurial settings"
- Nogatchewsky G., Donada C. (2020), "Collaborer pour innover avec les start-up"
- Landour J. (2019), "Sociologie des Mompreneurs – Entreprendre pour concilier travail et famille ?"
Key figures
incubators in Paris and London
students, doctoral students and alumni educated on the issue each year
partners committed alongside the House of Entrepreneurship
lectures & events per year
Our action is supported by :