Entrepreneurship and Innovative Projects - 264 - Master's Year 2

Program Objectives of the Master's year 2 Entrepreneurship and Innovative Projects - 264

The goal of this program is to equip students with the tools, techniques, methods, and approaches necessary to entrepreneurship, supporting entrepreneurship, and matrix management. The Entrepreneurship and Innovative Projects track offers a unique training program in entrepreneurial approaches and innovative project management in all its forms and in a variety of contexts (social businesses, family businesses, transfers and takeovers, start ups, intrapreneurship, etc.).

The first year of the Master's program is offered only as an initial training course, with the possibility of a gap year before entering the second year of the Master's program.

Program objectives:

  • Develop expertise in managing innovative projects
  • Develop expertise in matrix, strategic, and operational management
  • Develop the ability to be agile, to ideate, and to design innovatively
  • Have a firm grasp of business development
  • Manage the project lifecycle (initiation, scaling, transfer, etc.)
  • Know how to design classic and socially innovative business models
Types of education
Initial training
Executive Education
Work-based training
ECTS Credits
60 credits
20 weeks
No work-based training
Type of Diploma
Diploma from a major institution conferring the Master's degree
Academic Year



    Associate Professor

    Director of the 2nd year of the Master's degree

  • Edith MULLER

    Teaching assistant

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The challenges of the ecological and social transition in the Master's degree programs

Several courses and tools are offered to students in the Master’s program, regardless of their specialization

After Dauphine

Employability Indicators After Graduation - Survey Conducted in Collaboration with CGE

- 1 Month

job hunting's average duration

90,9 %

Professional integration rate


Median salary

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