The Université Paris Dauphine-PSL combines the best aspects of a university and a "grande école"
Artists, Athletes and Entrepreneurs:
Find a Program Adapted
to Your Schedule
Dauphine Talents Program
Students complete their 1st and 2nd years of the Bachelor's program as part of a group, over 6 semesters instead of 4. The curriculum is the same.
Our Master's degree programs lead to over 50 careers after graduation
90% of recent Dauphine graduates are executives. They mostly work in the financial, insurance, consulting and engineering sectors, or in culture or communications.
- Compliance Officer
- Corporate Lawyer
- Financial Lawyer
- Insurance Lawyer
- Lawyer
- Lobbying Officer
- Notary
- Parliamentary Assistant
- Tax lawyer
- Defense and Security Consultant
- Demand Planner
- European Affairs Officer
- Health Economist
- Health economic evaluation officer
- Market Access Officer
- Supply Chain Consultant
- Technical Advisor or Consultant
- Asset Manager
- Broker
- ESG Analyst
- Financial Analyst
- Investment Analyst
- M&A Analyst
- Private Equity Analyst
- Trader
- Wealth Management Advisor
- Business Analyst
- Business Intelligence Consultant
- Data Scientist
- Data analyst
- Decision Making IT Consultant
- Doctoral candidate in Computer Science
- IT Consultant for Finance
- IT Project Manager
- Technology Consultant for Finance
- Business developper
- CRM Consultant
- Digital Marketing Manager
- Human Resources Manager
- Innovation project manager
- Management Controller
- Product Owner
- Risk Manager
- Social Entrepreneur
- Actuary
- Data scientist in insurance or banking
- Doctoral Candidate
- Quantitative Analyst
- Quantitative Financial Market Analyst
- Research Engineer
- Statistical/Actuarial Studies Officer
- Actuary
- Asset Manager
- Broker
- Business Analyst
- Business Intelligence Consultant
- Business developper
- CRM Consultant
- Compliance Officer
- Corporate Lawyer
- Data Scientist
- Data analyst
- Data scientist in insurance or banking
- Decision Making IT Consultant
- Defense and Security Consultant
- Demand Planner
- Digital Marketing Manager
- Doctoral Candidate
- Doctoral candidate in Computer Science
- ESG Analyst
- European Affairs Officer
- Financial Analyst
- Financial Lawyer
- Health Economist
- Health economic evaluation officer
- Human Resources Manager
- IT Consultant for Finance
- IT Project Manager
- Innovation project manager
- Insurance Lawyer
- Investment Analyst
- Lawyer
- Lobbying Officer
- M&A Analyst
- Management Controller
- Market Access Officer
- Notary
- Parliamentary Assistant
- Private Equity Analyst
- Product Owner
- Quantitative Analyst
- Quantitative Financial Market Analyst
- Research Engineer
- Risk Manager
- Social Entrepreneur
- Statistical/Actuarial Studies Officer
- Supply Chain Consultant
- Tax lawyer
- Technical Advisor or Consultant
- Technology Consultant for Finance
- Trader
- Wealth Management Advisor
Dauphine cultivates 1,500+ relationships (in the form of chairs, research contracts, apprenticeships, and internships) with companies
90% of Dauphine graduates are employed within 2 weeks after graduating.
*Annual survey conducted by Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE) among its 190 French member institutions.
Orientation and Professional Integration
Two Major Opportunities to Find Out
More about our Undergraduate and Master’s Programs
High School Saturday
Which program should I choose on Parcoursup? High School Saturday helps future undergraduate students choose a career path. Held both in person at the university and online, the event features a showcase of Université Paris Dauphine-PSL’s undergraduate programs, as well as conferences and opportunities to talk to students and faculty members.
Masters’ Day
This event is for students interested in pursuing a one- or two-year Master’s Degree at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL. It is an opportunity for them to find out more about the available programs and to talk to students and faculty in each of the Master’s programs in order to better prepare their applications.
![[Translate to Anglais:] Etudiants escalier hall accueil dauphine](/fileadmin/images/Choisir_sa_formation/samedi_des_lyceens-journee_masters-dauphine.jpg)
Career Guidance and Professional Integration Assistance for Dauphine Students
Career guidance
The university provides support for its students throughout their studies to help them understand the career options available to them, whether they want to work in industry or in research
Career guidance and professional integration at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL
Recruitment and work-study fair
Two events expressly designed to connect Dauphinois students with the world of business, either in the context of a work-study program or in their search for their first job.