The profession of social sciences research officer
The Social Sciences Research Officer is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting quantitative and qualitative data to help the organization they work for make informed decisions.
Through continuous monitoring, they track competitor actions and movements while ensuring compliance with regulatory frameworks. They are also responsible for managing study requests or information needs from the operational departments of the company or organization.
Université Paris Dauphine – PSL offers a comprehensive Master's in Economic and Social Sciences to provide students with advanced knowledge in policy analysis, institutions, organizations, and contemporary economics. Future graduates aiming to become Social Sciences Research Officers will acquire all the necessary skills to perform this role.
Role and responsibilities of the social sciences research officer
The Social Sciences Research Officer is responsible for overseeing all stages of a study for their company or organization. They may work within public institutions (such as CNRS, INSEE), local authorities, consulting firms, or private companies.

Daily tasks
Throughout their career, the Social Sciences Research Officer will carry out the following tasks:
- Conduct competitive monitoring
- Develop strategic studies aligned with the company's needs
- Collect, analyze, and interpret data
- Implement appropriate methodologies (qualitative or quantitative studies, timelines, budgets, etc.)
- Manage external providers responsible for gathering study data
- Build a database
- Ensure the reliability of the collected data
- Write studies and reports
- Develop statistical indicators to monitor the evolution of the studied topic
- Summarize and present study results to the relevant departments
- Support management in decision-making processes
Salaries and career progression
The salary of a Social Sciences Research Officer depends on their experience and the organization that employs them. A recent graduate with a Master's in Economic and Social Sciences from Université Paris-Dauphine PSL can expect an annual gross salary ranging between €25,000 and €32,000. After 5 years of experience, this salary can increase to between €32,000 and €45,000 gross per year.
Depending on their goals and the organization they work for, a Social Sciences Research Officer may progress towards positions such as project manager or head of a research department during their career.

Required skills
- Strong analytical and synthesis skills
- Good interpersonal skills
- Strong written and verbal communication skills
- Curiosity and diplomacy
- Rigor and autonomy
- Excellent mastery of documentary research tools
- Proficiency in specific software tools related to databases
- Knowledge of statistical modeling techniques based on study needs
- Proficiency in various interview techniques for qualitative studies
- Good command of English
- Strong writing skills
What studies are required to become a social sciences research officer ?
To become a Social Sciences Research Officer, a Master's degree (BAC+5) in the field of economic and social sciences is required. Future graduates can pursue a Master's in Economic and Social Sciences, such as the one offered by Université Paris Dauphine – PSL, or they can also opt for a PhD in economics or human sciences with a specialization in their chosen field of activity.
Training to become a Social Sciences Research Officer at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL
Université Paris Dauphine – PSL offers a Master's in Economic and Social Sciences to train the scientists, managers, and experts of tomorrow. This program provides an interdisciplinary curriculum that studies social sciences for a better understanding of the economy. Future graduates will learn survey methods and data collection techniques, acquiring all the knowledge needed to become a Social Sciences Research Officer.