Université Paris Dauphine-PSL is a scientific, cultural and professional public institution, to which the status of Great Institution applies.
It is governed by the modified decree n°2004-186 of 26 February 2004.
Dauphine is a component establishment of PSL, alongside ten other prestigious Parisian establishments within this university center created in 2010.
Education Departments
Organizational Sciences Bachelor's (LSO) - Director : Baptiste VENET
Organizational Sciences Master's (MSO) - Director : Rouba CHANTIRI
Mathematics and Informatics of Decision-Making and Organizations (MIDO) - Director : Patrick BERNARD et Andre ROSSI
Dauphine Executive Education (continuing education) - Director : Sébastien DUIZABO
School of Journalism (IPJ) - Director : Pascal GUENEE
Doctoral school of Sciences of decision-making, organization, society and exchange (SDOSE) - Director : Véronique PERRET
Research laboratories
- CEREMADE - Laboratory Director : Mathieu LEWIN
- CR2D - Laboratory Director : Arnaud RAYNOUARD
- DRM - Laboratory Director : Gwenaëlle NOGATCHEWSKY
- IRISSO - Laboratory Director : Eric AGRIKOLIANSKY
- LAMSADE - Laboratory Director : Jérôme LANG
- LEDA - Laboratory Director : Philippe DE VREYER
Advisory committees
Many committees play an advisory and consultative role to the president:
The single social report
An exhaustive document presents the university's social data: staff numbers and jobs, exercise and work conditions, remuneration, training, working conditions, etc.
Download The single social report