One of the most athletic universities in France
The Dauphine-PSL SUAPS (University Services for Physical and Sporting Activities) offers a wide range of athletic activities, with the added benefit of being centrally located on the Dauphine campus.
Another highly praised advantage of a sports membership is access to the weightlifting room until 10 p.m. on weekdays, and until 6 p.m. on Saturdays. The room is supervised around the clock by a coach who is available to develop custom programs to meet your specific goals.
This is a dual offer! Since SUAPS runs the full sports offering at PSL, Dauphine students also have access to all courses offered at the Montagne Sainte-Geneviève location (refer to both schedules).
40% of Dauphine students are regularly registered in a sports activity offered by the university.
Four approaches to
athletic activities

Recreational Sports
Whether martial arts, fitness and cross-training, gentle practices (e.g. yoga), team and racket sports, or swimming and rock climbing, Dauphine-PSL provides a whole range of solutions for students to train physically, make progress, and maintain their health and wellness.

For-Credit Sports
Sports can be pursued as an elective, allowing students to earn ECTS credits (15 sports are offered this way). Students are assessed on the basis of three criteria: progress and physical performance; theoretical knowledge; and attendance and commitment.

Competitive Sports
Every Thursday, students represent their respective Dauphine-PSL schools in individual and group sports under the auspices of the French Federation of College Sports (FFSU). There is a competition elective for students who wish to receive credit.

Sports for Health and Wellness
"Healthy body, healthy mind, healthy relationships." We offer activities for this purpose, including: conferences and fitness reports for new L1 students, with proposed fitness programs; and sophrology (relaxation therapy), pilates, yoga, and first-aid training.

All Sporting Activities at PSL
As SUAPS runs all the sports offered at PSL, most of the activities available near the Dauphine-PSL campus are also accessible at Montagne Sainte-Geneviève in central Paris. Several courses at this location require pre-registration.
Advantages of Joining PSL Sports
Free osteopathic sessions at Dauphine-PSL
An offer for all-inclusive ski trips
An offer to earn a boating license
High-level athletes: Find a program adapted to your schedule
Dauphine Talents Program
Students complete their 1st and 2nd years of the Bachelor's program as part of a group, over 6 semesters instead of 4. The curriculum is the same.
Sporting Facilities
- The Dauphine-PSL location is equipped with a weightlifting room, dance room, sparring room, table tennis room, and a squash court. The gyms used for team sports are all located within close proximity, easily accessible by walking or by bus (under 15 minutes).
- The Montagne Sainte-Geneviève site is mainly centered around the Sarrailh University Sports Center in the 5th arrondissement, and the University Campus in the 14th arrondissement. There are other facilities located in the 5th arrondissement (Maison des Mines, INJS, etc.).
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Sports Department