With HRS4R certification, Dauphine is applying an approach to continually improve its HR strategy in research.

Since 2019, Université Paris Dauphine - PSL has engaged the HRS4R (Human Resources Strategy for Researchers) approach, alongside all Université PSL institutions. The university obtained the certification on October 12th, 2020.
For the purposes of this certification, the University has drawn up an Action Plan that aims to improve working conditions for research professors, with some measures that are unique to Dauphine, and others that will be implemented across PSL.
University certification approved for the next three years
In October 2022, Dauphine carried out an internal evaluation to assess the implementation of its Action Plan. This review is planned as part of the accreditation process, two years after the accreditation was granted. The interim report was therefore submitted to the European Commission on 11 October 2022.
Following this review, the Commission forwarded their findings on 28 November 2022. They provided very positive feedback on the actions included in the University’s HRS4R plan, and on the implementation of those actions:
“The institution has a clear vision for how HRS4R will be implemented, of the critical deliverables involved, and of its objectives. The documents enable us to understand not only the way in which the plan is implemented, but also the reasoning behind it […]. The steering committee has done a thorough and meticulous job, the HRS4R initiative has been embedded and integrated”.
The University’s certification has therefore been approved for the next three years. An external evaluation will be carried out by the European Commission in 2025, which will decide whether Université Paris Dauphine – PSL and PSL’s “HR Excellence in Research” certification will be renewed, in view of the progress that has been made.
Improving Operating Conditions
for Research Professors and Researchers
Awarded by the European Commission, the "HR Excellence in Research" certification is based on the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (English version), published in 2005.
This certification is intended to improve the quality of HR practices, as well as operating conditions for research professors and researchers, while enhancing the appeal of these professions. It is also a major asset with regard to calls for proposals in Europe.

HRS4R Certification:
4 main topics
40 principles
Ethical standards and professional responsibilities
Hiring, career development, and mobility
Working and safety conditions and professional environment
Interim report two years in to the implementation of the HRS4R Action Plan
The interim report for the HRS4R Action Plan is a step that has been planned as part of the certification process. It involves carrying out an internal review, which will be conducted by the University before being submitted to the European Commission.
This interim report provides an opportunity to review the progress of the Action Plan. A significant portion of this report has already been carried out; while the other measures are in the process of being actioned, or will be actioned in the near future, thanks to the renewed impetus provided by the University’s leadership team.
There are 44 measures, including:
- 19 that have been implemented effectively;
- 20 that are in the process of being implemented;
- 4 extended measures that are in the process of being implemented;
- The extended measures have a broader scope than those included in the Action Plan.
- 1 new measure.
43% of the Action Plan has been implemented, two years after the certification was awarded.
What progress has been made in implementing the measures set out in the Action Plan?
Measures implemented effectively
Adoption of an Academic Recruitment Charter and development of the OTM-R policy
The Université PSL Academic Recruitment Charter, which was approved in July 2020, reflects our commitment to Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment (OTM-R) and translates this into concrete actions that form an important part of our institution’s Action Plan.
In addition to this charter, advisers for each discipline have been appointed, and have been trained in cognitive bias. They therefore act as a systematic form of prevention, alongside all members of selection and recruitment committees, to ensure that each time a candidate is selected or recruited, it is on the basis of the candidate’s individual merits, and without discrimination.
Observers are appointed to ensure that during the process, the principles of the Recruitment Charter, and therefore the University’s OTM-R policy, are adhered to.
Creation of a shared recruitment website, “PSL Recruitment”, and harmonization of academic job descriptions
Thanks to the shared website, PSL Recruitment, the Human Resources Department is able to centralize all job postings, in particular those related to academic job openings, and ensure that they are widely distributed.
Academic job descriptions have been harmonized, with the creation of a template to be used across PSL, and with the mandatory inclusion of a paragraph referring to our commitment in relation to OTM-R.
Supporting innovative teaching
A training program titled “Support program for teaching practices and digital applications” has been set up, as part of the PSL Internal School, supported by Dauphine.
An Educational Project Leave Scheme has also been set up, which is open to research professors within the University.
In addition, PSL’s Educational Innovation Center (CIP), which is also supported by Dauphine, was established in 2021 to develop innovative teaching practices and mentoring for individuals or teams. The scheme aimed at teaching assistants has also been implemented.
A support service for international research professors has been put in place, through PSL’s Welcome Desk
This new service was launched at the start of 2022 and has helped us to support more than forty research professors during the first half of 2022 alone.
Developing training programs aimed at research professors
Through the Internal School in particular, as well as the Doctoral School, the program offering for research professors has been enhanced with the introduction of specific and general training programs in the fields of management, teaching and risk management (discrimination, equality, PSR, etc.), for example.
Establishing a PSL Ethics Committee and Université Paris Dauphine – PSL’s own Research Ethics Committee, in conjunction with the Scientific Integrity Liaison
Development of Open Science
A working group was set up at the start of the year, for the purpose of carrying out an in-depth review of how Open Science is being developed. In addition, a PSL Open Science Charter was adopted in May 2022.
Chosen Strategy
Within Dauphine - PSL
The strategy was developed through a special working group and steering committee.
Presided over by Isabelle Huault, this brought together research and HR executives in academia, professional experts in human resource management and research support management, as well as research professors representing various fields and positions.
After a process of self-assessment and analysis of Dauphine - PSL's strengths and weaknesses relative to the 40 principles outlined in the charter and code, action proposals were then formulated. In order to involve as many research professors in the strategy as possible, two workshops for introducing, discussing, and offering enrichment in relation to the action plan project were offered to everyone.
The HRS4R action plan project that resulted from this work was then presented to members of the technical committee and the board of directors in a restricted session, both of which voted in favor of the project.
Within Université PSL
The strategy was carried out by leveraging the experience of institutions (Institut Curie) and organizations (CNRS, INSERM, and INRIA) that are already certified, and by collaborating with all project managers in the strategic process, aided by a PSL steering committee and a special project group.
These bodies, involving the participation of Dauphine - PSL's president and project manager, made it possible to share best practices and determine pathways for collective action.

Key Dates
- January 25, 2019 – The seminar that kicked off Université PSL's HRS4R strategy
- October 1, 2019 – A letter was issued endorsing the HRS4R strategy at Dauphine
- May 16, 2019 – Completion of self-assessment and presentation by the steering committee
- October 9, 2019 – Steering committee dealing with the HRS4R action plan
- November 5, 2019 – HR conference at PSL; approval of collective action by PSL incorporated into the action plants of the constituent institutions
- January 16 and 20, 2020 – Workshops for the joint construction of Dauphine's HRS4R action plan
- February 6, 2020 – Presentation given to the technical committee, resulting in a favorable opinion
- February 24, 2020 – Presentation given to the board of directors, resulting in a favorable opinion
Follow-up of implemented actions
Harmonization of academic job descriptions and systematic inclusion of a reference to our commitment to OTM-R
Implementation of the Leave for Pedagogical Project
Open Science Charter
Florence GELIN
DGS – Project manager for Dauphine's HRS4R strategy - coordinator for Université PSL's strategy