The SDOSE Doctoral School and Thesis Defenses

The Doctoral School "Sciences of Decision, Organizations, Society and Exchange" (SDOSE)

The SDOSE Doctoral School is shared by Paris Dauphine-PSL University and MINES ParisTech by extending the scope of the Dauphine Doctoral School to include the MINES ParisTech laboratories in Economics, Management and STS (Sciences, Technologies, Société). It is supported by Université PSL and attached to the PSL doctoral college. 

The SDOSE Doctoral School is made up of 7 doctoral programs

  • A doctoral program in Law based at the CR2D
  • A doctoral program in Economics based at the CERNA and the LEDA
  • A doctoral program in Finance based at DRM 
  • A doctoral program in Computer Science based at the LAMSADE 
  • A doctoral program in Management based at the CGS and at DRM 
  • A doctoral program in Mathematics, based at the CEREMADE 
  • A doctoral program in Social Sciences based at the CSI and at the IRISSO