The profession of Business Analyst
The Business Analyst helps their company and clients improve all processes and the overall activity of the organization based on data-driven analysis.
Their analytical mindset and IT skills allow them to produce reports and key indicators for continuous performance improvement. They coordinate the IT function and act as a project manager to meet the company's needs.
The Master's in Computer Science at Université Paris Dauphine – PSL trains future Business Analysts through technical courses and a focus on organizational and decision sciences.
Role and Responsibilities of the Business Analyst
The role and responsibilities of the Business Analyst vary depending on the company where they work and whether they are an employee or a functional consultant.

Daily tasks
The Business Analyst carries out the following tasks:
- Implement data collection tools
- Conduct quantitative and qualitative analysis of resources and processes
- Create reports for management to facilitate strategic decision-making
- Map workflows and competencies
- Propose and deploy a process improvement plan
- Participate in the company's commercial strategy
- Gather, understand, and contextualize economic data
Salaries and career progression
The salary of a Business Analyst at the beginning of their career is around €35,000 gross per year. Salary differences depend on the level of responsibility and the employer's sector.
After about ten years of experience and greater responsibilities, a senior Business Analyst's salary ranges between €40,000 and €50,000 gross per year.
Based on their experience and interests, a Business Analyst can progress to roles such as research manager, data miner, project director, or department head.

Required skills
- Excellent knowledge of programming methods and tools
- Proficiency in professional software solutions (CRM like Salesforce, Microsoft Office, web analytics…)
- Strong analytical skills to extract insights from raw data
- Project management and leadership
- Excellent understanding of their company, its positioning, and organization
- Mastery of monitoring techniques and new trends
- Knowledge of technical web marketing (ROI, traffic, affiliation…)
- Strong communicator with a synthesis mindset
What studies are required to become a Business Analyst ?
While this profession is accessible to those looking to change careers, a Master's degree (Bac+5) remains an essential prerequisite for becoming a Business Analyst. A business-oriented education is the preferred path for recruiters and organizations.
Training to become a Business Analyst at Université Paris Dauphine – PSL
Through computer science courses applied to management, the Master's in Computer Science at Université Paris Dauphine – PSL is an excellent program for students aspiring to become Business Analysts.
This Master's program, with its various specialization tracks, allows students to acquire the foundations and mastery of IT technologies essential to the functioning of organizations.
The specializations MIAGE-SITN (Information Systems and Digital Transformation) and MIAGE-IF (Computer Science for Finance) are the recommended paths to become a Business Analyst.