The profession of trader
A trader is a financial negotiation professional They monitor financial markets by analyzing risks to make a decision on whether to buy or sell financial assets.
They use fluctuations in currency markets to create the biggest possible margins for their clients. Traders constantly monitor market changes and currency exchange developments in order to decide on the best strategy to adopt. Becoming a trader requires completion of five years of post-secondary education in finance and mathematics.
Roles and missions of a trader
A trader makes financial investments, speculates and invests in the stock market on behalf of their clients. They may operate on behalf of banks, insurance companies or stock market listed companies. They may also work freelance as an online trader.

A trader performs the following tasks:
- Constant monitoring of markets, the stock exchange, market prices, exchange rates and applicable laws
- Analysis of financial risks and definition of the strategy to adopt
- Speculation on shares likely to gain or lose value
- Financial investments
- Investing in the stock market, managing securities, bonds or shares
- Advising clients
Salaries and career development
A trader’s earnings vary considerably according to their experience but above all their bonuses. A trader’s gross annual salary at the start of their career is between €48,000 and €70,000 plus bonus. It depends on their background, specialization and the company for which they operate.
During their career, traders may specialize in an asset type such as treasury bonds, currency or raw materials. They may also evolve to other careers in finance such as financial analyst, portfolio manager or company treasurer.

- Curiosity
- Reactivity
- Excellent stress management
- Ability to work under pressure
- Appreciation for risk-taking
- Fluent English
- Advanced skills in mathematics related to the stock market
- Mastery of IT tools and software
- Advanced knowledge of finance
Which studies to become a trader?
Becoming a trader requires excellence knowledge of financial markets. Becoming a trader requires completion of five years of post-secondary education in finance and mathematics, along with experience as intern in a company. An individual wishing to become a trader may take a Master's degree in economics and management, in mathematics or finance, such as the one offered by Université Paris Dauphine – PSL.
Program to become a trader at Université Paris Dauphine – PSL
Université Paris Dauphine – PSL offers a Master's degree in Finance, giving all the skills needed to become a trader. This high-level program offers future graduates the in-depth technical skills for each professional sector, as well as managerial skills.
The Financial Markets specialization gives an in-depth study of financial markets and commodities and risk management, also providing technical computer science skills.