L'équipe pédagogique
Sabrina Buti
Professor of Finance, Université Paris Dauphine - PSL
Cours : Careers in Finance
Sabrina Buti est professeure de finance à l’Université Paris Dauphine - PSL depuis 2016. Avant de rejoindre Dauphine, elle était Assistant Professor à la Joseph L. Rotman School of Management de l'Université de Toronto. Elle a obtenu son doctorat en économie de l'Université de Toulouse en 2007. Elle a été chercheuse invitée au Swedish Institute for Financial Research (SIFR) en 2006. Ses recherches portent sur la microstructure des marchés et en particulier sur la conception et la régulation optimales des bourses.
Julie Bucher
Cours : Soft Skills
Master en Financial Markets (2013), ancienne associée chez Goldman Sachs à Londres et New York, et fondatrice de Humanspace, une société dédiée à l'excellence professionnelle et au bien-être au travail.
Alix Cravero
Conseiller juridique en charge de la coordination du pôle « Sécurité Financière », Société Générale
Cours : Ethics, Prof. Stand & Compliance
Alix Cravero est experte en sécurité financière et en droit pénal des affaires. Elle a débuté sa carrière comme juriste au sein du département « Group Dispute Resolution » de BNP Paribas, puis comme chef de mission à l'Inspection Générale. Avant de rejoindre la Société Générale, elle a exercé en tant qu’avocat et a occupé le rôle de Financial Security Manager, ce qui l'a amenée à travailler sur diverses questions de conformité et de remédiation dans un contexte international.
Alix est diplômée de l'Université d'Aix-Marseille III (Master 2 « Lutte contre la criminalité financière et organisée ») et de l'Ecole des avocats de Marseille (CAPA).
Thibault Godbillon
Policy expert , European Banking Authority
Course : Regulation and Financial Markets
Thibault Godbillon is a policy expert in the supervisory review, recovery and resolution unit at the European Banking Authority (EBA). He focuses on matters relating to resolution planning - MREL and resolvability assessment in particular.
Prior to joining the EBA, Thibault was a manager within the resolution directorate of the Bank of England where he contributed to the execution of the Bank’s MREL policy (MREL setting, MREL reporting and monitoring), led resolution planning for a Global Systemic Important Institution, contributed to active contingency planning and to developing the resolvability assessment framework.
Before joining the regulatory side, Thibault was Assistant Vice President at DBRS in London after having gained experience in financial auditing, M&A and economic research in Paris.
Juan F. Imbet
Assistant Professor of Finance, Université Paris Dauphine - PSL
Cours : Programming 1: VBA & Python
Juan F. Imbet est enseignant-chercheur en finance à l'Université Paris Dauphine et PSL Junior Fellow. Ses recherches se concentrent sur la finance d'entreprise, la tarification des actifs et la finance computationnelle, en particulier sur l'impact de l'industrie financière offshore sur les politiques d'entreprise et le rôle des médias sociaux dans les décisions d'investissement. Juan a obtenu son doctorat en finance à l'Universitat Pompeu Fabra, où il a également obtenu son M.Res et son M.Sc.
Aymeric Kalife
CEO, iDigital Partners, Adjunct Professor, Université Paris Dauphine - PSL
Courses : Financial Derivatives & Sustainable Finance
Graduate from HEC, Science-Po and ENSAE, Aymeric holds a mathematical finance Ph.D from Dauphine University & ESSEC. Rates derivatives quant at ABN AMRO then on commodities derivaties at EDF, he has worked as an hybrids derivatives structurer at Merrill Lynch, then as a volatility strategist at Deutsche Bank. He then joined AXA for 11 years where he subsequently held the positions of Deputy Chief Risk Officer at AXA Hedging Services, “Head of "Structuring, Hedging, Modelling", "Global Head of Unit-Linked Guaranteed Products" and “Global Head of Savings & Group Deputy Life Chief Actuary” at AXA Group. He is now the founder and CEO of iDigital Partners, specialized in Investments advisory while leveraging on digital technologies. He is also adjunct professor at Université Paris - Dauphine since 2012.
He teaches finance at Dauphine University and HEC Paris, and his research interests are in hedging market liquidity risk for flow and structured products, Variable Annuities product design and hedging strategies, and the modelling of insurance products policyholders’ behaviour.
Gaëlle Le Fol
Professor in Finance, Université Paris Dauphine - PSL
Courses : Introduction to financial econometrics & Electronic Markets
Gaëlle Le Fol is Professor of Finance at Paris Dauphine - PSL and Resarch Fellow at the CREST (Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistique). She is an economics and econometrics graduate from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon – Sorbonne and holds a Ph.D in Economics from Paris 1 University. Before joining the Université Paris-Dauphine, Gaëlle Le Fol was an Assistant Professor (Maîtres de Conférence) at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon – Sorbonne (1999-2002) and a Professor of Economics at the University of Angers (2002-2006) and the University of Evry (2006-2010).
Her research interests are in financial market microstructure and financial econometrics. Her recent research has included investors behaviors and their impact on the trading characteristics, market liquidity, contagion and systemic risk as well as high frequency algorithmic trading. She teaches financial econometrics and electronic markets.
Louis Le Pas De Sécheval
Quantitative Analyst. Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Cours : Stochastic Calculus 1 – Support class
Diplômé du MSc 203 Financial Markets de l’Université Paris-Dauphine, Louis le Pas de Sécheval a fait un VIE en Trading Crédit Exotique à la Société Générale avant de poursuivre ses études en Finance Quantitative au master Modélisation Aléatoire (M2MO) de Paris VII. Il est analyste quantitatif sur les options de taux d’intérêt chez Bank of America depuis 2022.
Arnaud Levy-Rueff
Managing partner, ExotikEquation
Course : Fixed Income 1
Arnaud has been involved in financial markets since 1995.
Over the years, he has been trading and managing trading desks for banks (Société Générale) and hedge funds ( Millennium Partners), specializing successively in option market-making, fixed income relative value and quantitative equities. He now manages ExotikEquation, a scientific financial consulting company.
Arnaud graduated from Ensae with majors in statistics, economy and finance. He is a member of the French Institute of Actuaries which awarded him the first prize for the best Actuary thesis.
Evgenia Passari
Associate Professor in Financial Economics, Université Paris Dauphine - PSL
Course : International Finance
Evgenia Passari is an Assistant Professor in Financial Economics at Université Paris Dauphine - PSL.
She holds a BS.c. in Banking & Financial Management from the University of Piraeus, Greece, an MS.c. in Economics & Finance from Warwick Business School, and a Ph.D. in Finance from Cass Business School, London. Before the completion of her doctorate in 2013 she worked in the research departments of Société Générale and Goldman Sachs, while from 2012 to 2014 she was a Research Fellow in the Economics Department of London Business School.
Evgenia’s research work has focused on international finance, empirical asset pricing and political economy and has been published in the Economic Journal and in the Brooking's Papers on Economic Activity.
Her research has been recognised with the 2017 Fondation Banque de France/ILB Young Researcher in Economics Prize.
Filippos Siozos
Juriste financier, Société Générale
Cours : Ethics, Prof. Stand & Compliance
Filippos est un avocat diplômé de l'UE spécialisé en droit financier, qui travaille actuellement à la Société Générale. Il est titulaire du Master II en droit bancaire et Fintech de l'Université de la Côte d'Azur et du LL.B. de l'Université d'Athènes. Son parcours professionnel englobe des fonctions de conseil juridique et de conformité au sein de la Société Générale et de la Banque nationale de Grèce. Maîtrisant le grec, l'anglais, le français et l'italien, il est également secrétaire général de l'AEDBF Europe.
Fabrice Riva
Professor in Finance, Université Paris Dauphine - PSL
Course : Investment and financial markets
Fabrice Riva, PhD, Professor at Université Paris Dauphine - PSL and a Research Fellow at DRM Finance (CNRS, UMR 7088). He teaches finance at both undergraduate (investments and financial markets, financial modeling) and graduate (market microstructure, event studies) levels.
His research focuses on market microstructure. In particular, he is interested on the role of frictions for capital market equilibrium. He has published several articles in international refereed journals. He is also the author of the textbook "Applications Financières sous Excel en Visual Basic".
Vincent Tena
Assistant Professor, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL
Course : Derivative Pricing & Stochastic Calculus 1
Vincent Tena is an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Université Paris-Dauphine.
He holds a Ph.D. degree in Finance from the Toulouse School of Management (Université Toulouse Capitole). He also graduated from the Toulouse School of Economics, where he received a master’s degree in Economics with a specialization in Finance.
His current research interests include continuous-time problems in Finance and Contract Theory.
Des programmes nourris par la recherche
Les formations sont construites au contact des programmes de recherche de niveau international de Dauphine, qui leur assure exigence et innovation.
La recherche est organisée autour de 6 disciplines toutes centrées sur les sciences des organisations et de la décision.
En savoir plus sur la recherche à Dauphine