Update in progress
For any questions related to courses and learning agreement, please contact the Courses Coordinators of the International Office at courses.exchange@dauphine.fr
The course documents marked with a excalmation mark (!) are being updated as soon as possible
If a course is in grey, it doesn’t mean it isn’t proposed, only that the syllabus is not on this page or isn’t available yet.
For the first semester (September to December) the page is usually updated between May and July.
For the second semester, (January to April), the page is usually updated between October and December.
Download the Calendar of courses open to exchange students 2024-2025, the Rules and Course Catalogue 2024-2025and the French as a Foreign Language In Dauphine - PSL
(For any other/general questions related to your exchange semester at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, please write to the Student Exchange Office at contact.echanges@dauphine.fr)
1st Semester
Undergraduate courses in Business & Management
Semester, title, code, ECTS, Department
In English
- S1, Corporate Strategy (0IBUSX09), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, Data Science for Marketing Analytics (0IBUSX13), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, Digital Marketing (0IBUSX14), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, Entrepreneurship (0IBUSX28) 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, Financial Markets (0IBUSX10),6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, Management Information System, (0IBUSX01), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, Advanced Leadership & Management (0IBUSX17), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, Marketing Culture (0IBUSX27), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, Sustainable Marketing: Driving transformation for a sustainable future (0IBUSX18), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, Management Control (3LMGOX62), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Principles of Marketing Management (3LMGOX65), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Accounting and Financial Reporting (3LMGOX66), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Human Resource Management (3LMGOX67),6 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Applied Statistics for Management (3LMGOX68), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Sociology (3LMGOX69), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Management Science - Operations Research (3LMGOX70), 3 ECTS, LSO
- 1, Basics of Strategy (3LMGOX71), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Corporate Finance (3LMGOX61), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Lean Start-up (3LMGOO04), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Data & Business Insight (3LMGOO09), 3 ECTS, LSO
In French
- S1, Contrôle et pilotage des organisations (3LMGOX02), 6 ects LSO
- S1, Comptabilité et informations financières (3LMGOX06), 6 ects LSO
- S1, Finance d’Entreprise (3LMGOX01), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Fiscalité d’Entreprise (3LMGOX03), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Fondamentaux de la stratégie (3LMGOX11), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Gestion des ressources humaines (3LMGOX07), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Management scientifique et aide à la décision (3LMGOX10), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Marketing (3LMGOX05), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Mathématiques financières (3LMGOO06), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Statistiques appliquées à la gestion (3LMGOX08), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Sociologie : normes, pouvoir, organisations (3LMGOX09), 3 ECTS, LSO
Undergraduate courses in Economics
Semester, title, code, ECTS, Department
In English
- S1, Data Analysis (0IECOX09), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, Econometrics (0IECOX12), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, Energy and Climate Change Economics (0IECOX02), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, Introduction to Game Theory (0IECOX05), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, Economics of Globalization (0IECOX07), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, History of Economic Thought (0IECOX04), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, Regional and Urban Economics (0IECOX10), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, Microeconomics (3LECOX01), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Statistics (3LECOX02), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Applied Mathematics for Economics and Business (3LECOX03), 6 ECTS, LSO
In French
- S1, Histoire comparée du développement (1800-2000) (3LECOX24), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Economie Internationale (3LECOX09), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Economie du développement (3LECOX10), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Economie Industrielle de la concurrence(3LECOX12), 3 ECTS, LSO
Undergraduate courses in Law
Semester, title, code, ECTS, Department
In English
- S1, Introduction to French Law (0IDROX02), 3 ECTS, DAI
- S1, Comparative Dispute Resolution (0IDROX03), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, Tort Law (3LDROX09), 3 ECTS, LSO
In French
- S1, Droit des sociétés (3LDGPX01), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Droit des sociétés (3LDROX01), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Droit international privé (3LDROX02), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Sociologie politique du droit (3LDGPX03), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Droit du travail (3LDROX04), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Droit processuel public (3LDGPX12), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Protection des droits fondamentaux (3LDROX11), 3 ECTS, LSO
Undergraduate courses in Sociology & Political Science
Semester, title, code, ECTS, Department
In English
- S1, Lebanon: Consociational Politics, Civil War and Resistance (1975-2018) (0ISSLX01), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, Islam and the State: Paradigms, Practice and Sociopolitical Change (0ISSLX04), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, Studying the American City: Urban Ethnography, Race and Marginality (0ISSLX07), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, Global Media: Fabrication, Circulations & Identities (0ISSLX06), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, Managing Politico-Military Crises (0ISSLX05), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, Powers and Institutions in France: Building the 5th Republic (0ISSLX09), 6 ECTS, DAI
In French
- S1, Sociologie de la politisation et de la participation politique (3LESSX01), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Sociologie de l'état et de l'action publique (3LESSX02), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Sociologie de l’éducation (3LESSX06), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Sociologie de l’administration (3LESSX06), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Sociologie économique (3LESSX07), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S1, Sociologie du journalisme (3LESSX16), 3 ECTS, LSO
Semester, title, code, ECTS, Department
- S1, Pop Art (0IELSX01), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, Sport (0IELSX08), 3 ECTS
- S1, Cross-cultural Communication and Management (0IELSX06), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, France and the arts (0IELSX15), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, International Business Ethics (0IELSX02), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, Management Technologies (0IELSX11), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, Material Culture (0IELSX17), 6 ECTS, DAI
French as a Foreign Language (FLE)
Semester, title, code, ECTS, Department
- S1, Séminaire Intensif de Français Septembre (0IFLEX01), 3 ECTS, DAI
- S1, FLE Cours Elémentaire (0IFA0X01), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, FLE A1: Cours Général (0IFA1X01), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, FLE A2: Cours Général (0IFA2X01), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, FLE B1 : Paroles et chansons (0IFB1X04), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, FLE B1: Paris Cité des arts (0IFB1X03), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, FLE B2: Gastronomie et œnologie (0IFB2X05), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, FLE B2: Lexique Thématique et Production orale (0IFB2X04), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S1, FLE B2/C1: Les Enjeux de l'actualité (0IFB2X01), 6 ECTS, DAI
S1, FLE C1 : Le Français des Affaires (0IFC1X01), 6 ECTS, DAI
Undergraduate courses in Mathematics and Computer Science
MIDO courses (exclusively for students majoring in computer science or mathematics)
Semester, title, code, ECTS, Department
Graduate courses in Business & Management
MSO courses: restricted access
Semester, title, code, ECTS, Department
In English
- S1, Management Accounting (4MGMTP14), 3 ECTS, MSO
- S1, Organisational Theory (4MGMTP15), 3 ECTS, MSO
- S1, Marketing (4MGMTP16), 3 ECTS, MSO
- S1, Human Resource Management (4MGMTP18), 3 ECTS, MSO
- S1, Strategic Management (4MMEOZ32), 6 ECTS, MSO
- S1, Services Marketing (4MMESZ08), 3 ECTS, MSO
- S1, Marketing B to B (4MMESZ09), 3 ECTS, MSO
- S1, Derivatives Instruments and Markets (MFCEZ17), 6 ECTS, MSO
- S1, Financial Analysis (4MFCEZ01), 6 ECTS, MSO
- S1, Fixed Income Market (4MFCEZ60), 6 ECTS, MSO
- S1, International Finance (4MFCEZ03), 3 ECTS, MSO
- S1, Investment and financial markets (4MFCEZ05), 6 ECTS, MSO
- S1, Microeconomics for Finance (4MFCEZ64), 3 ECTS, MSO
- S1, Private Equity (4MFCEZ08), 3 ECTS, MSO
- S1, Python (4MFCEZ62), 3 ECTS, MSO
Graduate courses in Economics
MSO courses : restricted access for Master 2 ( Year 2 of Graduate program)
On the registration platform, the French names may appear. Search by codes.
Semester, title, code, ECTS, Department
In English
- S1, Microeconomics 1 (4MQUEZ03 ), 6 ECTS, MSO<o:p></o:p>
- S1, Macroeconomics 1 (4MQUEZ04 ), 6 ECTS, MSO<o:p></o:p>
S1, Game Theory (4MQUEZ06 ), 6 ECTS, MSO
Gradute courses in Law
MSO courses : restricted access for Master 2 (Year 2 of Graduate program)
Semester, title, code, ECTS, Department
In English
- S1,Interdisciplinary Research (4MDROP020), 3 ECTS, MSO
- S1,Comparative Business Law (4MDROZ22), 3 ECTS, MSO
Graduate courses in Mathematics and Computer Science
MIDO courses (exclusively for students majoring in computer science or mathematics)
On the registration platform, the French names may appear. Search by codes.
MSO courses : restricted access for Master 2 ( Year 2 of Graduate program)
Semester, title, code, ECTS, Department
In English
- S1, Functional analysis (4AAPFX02), 6 ECTS, MIDO
- S1, Advanced continuous process (4AAPFY02), 6 ECTS, MIDO
- S1, Portfolio Management (4AAPQO02), 6 ECTS, MIDO
- S1, Time Series (4AAPQO04), 6 ECTS, MIDO
- S1, Statistical learning (4AAPQO06), 6 ECTS, MIDO
- S1, Discrete Processes (4AAPQX01), 6 ECTS, MIDO
- S1, Optimisation (4AAPQX02), 6 ECTS, MIDO
- S1, Monte-Carlo methods (4AAPQZ02), 6 ECTS, MIDO
- S1, Game Theory (4AIDDO02), 6 ECTS, MIDO
- S1, Graph Theory (4AIDDY04), 6 ECTS, MIDO
- S1, Artificial Intelligence (4AMIAX02), 3 ECTS, MIDO
In French
S1, Algorithms and advanced programming / algorithmique et programmation avancée (4AIDDY05), 6 ECTS, MIDO
2nd Semester
Undergraduate courses in Business & Management
Semester, title, code, ECTS, Department
In English
- S2, Applied Mathematics for Finance (0IBUSY28), 3 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Consumer behaviour and Digital culture (0IBUSY33), 3 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Country Risk Management (0IBUSY24), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Entrepreneurship (0IBUSY21), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Financial Markets (0IBUSY11), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Advanced Leadership & Management (0IBUSY30), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, International Consumer Behavious (0IBUSY10), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Lean Start-Up (0IBUSY32), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Management Control (0IBUSY05), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Management Information System (0IBUSY01), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Operations Management (0IBUSY09), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Performance Marketing : Unlocking growth with Social Media Advertising (0IBUSY29), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Personal & Business Branding (0IBUSY20), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Sustainable Finance (0IBUSY18), 3 ECTS, DAI
- S2, The Art of Negociation (0IBUSY13), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Corporate Heritage Marketing (0IBUSY34), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Comparative business law (3LMGOO61), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Management control (3LMGOY62), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Principles of marketing management (3LMGOY65), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Accounting and Financial Reporting (3LMGOY66), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Human resource management (3LMGOY67), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Applied statistics for management (3LMGOY68), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Basics of Strategy (3LMGOY71), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Business law (3LMGOY74), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Economic aspects of globalization (3LMGOY75), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Data and business insights, 3 ECTS, LSO
In French
- S2, Finance (3LMGOY01), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Fiscalité de l'entreprise (3LMGOY03), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Marketing (FR) (3LMGOY05), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Gestion des Ressources Humaines (3LMGOY07), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Statistiques appliquées à la gestion (3LMGOY08), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Fondamentaux de la stratégie (3LMGOY11), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Fondamentaux de la stratégie (3LMGOY11), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Comptabilité et information financière, 6 ECTS, LSO
Undergraduate courses in Economics
Semester, title, code, ECTS, Department
In English
- S2, Globalization of firms (0IECOY01), 3 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Adaptive Regions : Policies to Global Challenges(0IEC0Y02), 3 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Industrial Organization (0IECOY03), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, International Financial Institutions: Functioning, Evolution and Challenges (0IECOY05), 3 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Regional and Urban Economics (0IECOY07), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Data Analysis (0IECOY09), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Economics of Globalization (0IECOY27), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Latin America Contemporary Development Challenges (0IECOY32), 3 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Markets and Stategies in Industrial Organizations (0IECOY33 ), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Economic Growth theory (3LECOO10), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Industrial economics (3LECOY09), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Development Economics (3LECOO60), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Econometrics (3LECOY01), 6 ECTS, LSO
S2, Macroeconomics (3LECOY02), 6 ECTS, LSO
In French
- S2, Economie internationale appliquée (3LECOY11), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Régulation européenne des marchés (3LECOO07), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Economie publique I (3LECOO01), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Economie du crime/Corruption (3LECOO19), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Sociologie des pratiques de gestion et résolution des confilts (3LECOO16), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Econométrie (3LECOY01), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Macroéconomie (3LECOY02), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Contrôle et pilotage des organisations (3LMGOY02), 6 ECTS, LSO
Undergraduate courses in Law
Semester, title, code, ECTS, Department
In English
- S2, The legal dimension(s) of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)(0IDROY01), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, EU’s Challenges’ in the XXIst Century (0IDROY02), 3 ECTS, DAI
- S2, European Economic Law (0IDROY03), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, European Human rights Law ( 0IDROY04),3 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Économie du droit (Law and economics) ( 3LDGPY04), 3 ECTS,LSO
- S2, Comparative Public Law (3LDGPY14), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Contract Law (3LDROY10), 3 ECTS, LSO
In French
- S2, Droit processuel privé (3LDROY13), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Droit de l'Union Européenne (3LDGPY02), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Droit international public (3LDGPY09), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Développement Durable - approche juridique (3LDGPY15), 3 ECTS, LSO
Undergraduate courses in Sociology & Political Science
Semester, title, code, ECTS, Department
In English
- S2, Lebanon: Consociational Politics, Civil War and Resistance (0ISSLY04), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Islam and the State: Paradigms, Practice and Sociopolitical Change (0ISSLY08), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Understanding Contemporary Issues: A Sociological Outlook (0ISSLY10), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Migrations in Globalization (0ISSLY11), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Foreign Affairs in France and the European Union (0ISSLY12), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Current issues in british and american politics (3LESSO11), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Social Network Analysis (3LESSO15), 3 ECTS, LSO
In French
- S2, Economie Publique et des politiques publiques (3LESSY09), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Politique comparée du monde arabe (3LESSO10), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Politiques sociales (3LESSY03), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Questions contemporaines (3LESSY11), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Sociologie des institutions et de la professionnalisation politiques (3LESSY13), 6 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Sociologie du droit (3LESSY16), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Sociologie urbaine (3LESSY08), 3 ECTS, LSO
- S2, Politique comparée et sociologie de l'Europe (3LESSY01), 6 ECTS, LSO
Semester, title, code, ECTS, Department
In English
- S2, Pop Art (0IELSY01), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Sports* (0IELSY08), 3 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Computer Science ( 0IELSY09), 6 ECTS , DAI
- S2, Company Culture (0IELSY10), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, France & the Arts (0IELSY15), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Global Climate Politics (0IELSY17), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Management (0IELSY18), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, Working in Contexts of Political Crisis . Ethics and methodology (0IELSY19), 6 ECTS, DAI
French as a Foreign Language (FLE)
French as a foreign language courses are open to students of all levels.
Semester, title, code, ECTS, Department
S2, Intensive French as a Foreign Language Seminar (0IFLEY01), 3 ECTS, DAI
S2, FLE A0 Cours Élementaire (Elementary course) (0IFA0Y01), 6 ECTS, DAI
S2, FLE A1 Cours Général (General course)(0IFA1Y01), 6 ECTS, , DAI
S2, FLE A2 Cours Général (General course)(0IFA2Y01), 6 ECTS, DAI
S2, FLE B1 Paris Cité des arts (Paris, City of the Arts)(0IFB1Y03), 6 ECTS, DAI
S2, FLE B1 Paroles et Chansons (Lyrics and Songs)(0IFB1Y04), 6 ECTS, DAI
S2, FLE B2 French Touch, Langue et Culture (Language & Culture)(0IFB2Y03), 6 ECTS, DAI
S2, FLE C1 Le Français des Affaires (Business French)(0IFC1Y01), 6 ECTS, DAI
- S2, FLE B2/C1 Les Enjeux de l'actualité (Current Events)(0IFLEY06), 6 ECTS, DAI
Undergraduate courses in Mathematics and Computer Science
MIDO courses (exclusively for students majoring in computer science or mathematics)
Semester, title, code, ECTS, Department
In English
- S2, Critical Thinking (3AIMDY04), 3 ECTS, EN, MIDO
- S2, Introduction to finance (2AMECZ01), 6 ECTS, MIDO
In French
- S2, Algorithms and programming 2 (1AMIEY03), 6 ECTS, MIDO
Graduate courses in Mathematics and Computer Science
MIDO courses (exclusively for students majoring in computer science or mathematics)
MIDO courses : restricted access for Master 2 ( Year 2 of Graduate program)
Semester, title, code, ECTS, Department
In English
- S2, Advanced convex analysis (4AAPFY01), 6 ECTS, MIDO
- S2, Algorithms and programming 2 (1AMIEY03), 6 ECTS, MIDO
- S2, Introduction to finance (2AMECZ01), 6 ECTS, MIDO
- S2, Differential Equations (3AEFAY04), 6 ECTS, MIDO
- S2, Critical Thinking (3AIMDY04), 3 ECTS, MIDO
- S2, Geometry and differential equations (4AAPFX03), 6 ECTS, MIDO
- S2, Brownian motion (4AAPQY01), 6 ECTS, MIDO
- S2, Numerical Methods : time-dependent problems (4AAPQZ03), 6 ECTS, MIDO
- S2, Logic theory (4AIDDO10), 6 ECTS, MIDO
- S2, Database management system (4AIDDY01), 6 ECTS, MIDO
- S2, Computer ethics & data protection (4AIDDY03), 3 ECTS, MIDO
- S2, Combinatorial optimisation (4AIDDZ01), 6 ECTS, MIDO
- S2, Machine learning (4AIDDZ07), 6 ECTS, MIDO
- S2, Poisson Process (4AAPQY02), 6 ECTS, MIDO
Graduate courses in Business & Management
MSO courses : restricted access for Master 2 ( Year 2 of Graduate program)
Semester, title, code, ECTS, Department
In English
- S2, Human Ressources Management ( 4MGMTP18), 3 ECTS, MSO
- S2, Banking And Financial Intermediation, English, (4MFCEZ61), 6 ECTS, MSO
- S2, Banking And Financial Intermediation, English, (4MFCEZ61), 6 ECTS, MSO
- S2, Business Valuation, English, (4MFCEZ11), 3 ECTS,MSO
- S2, Financial Law, English, (4MFCEZ06), 3 ECTS, MSO
- S2, Financial Macroeconomics, English, (4MFCEP03), 3 ECTS,MSO
- S2, Financial Modeling And Applications (Vba/Python), English, (4MFCEZ41), 6 ECTS,MSO
- S2, Management Control, English, (4MGMTP19), 3 ECTS, MSO
- S2, Risk Premia, English, (4MFCEZ25), 3 ECTS,MSO
- S2, Innovation, English, (4MGMTP24), 3 ECTS, MSO
- S2, Management Of Information Systems, English, (4MGMTP21), 3 ECTS,MSO
- S2, Communication Marketing (4MMESZ16), 3 ECTS, MSO
In French
- S2, Risk Premia, (4MFCEZ25), 3 ECTS,MSO
Graduate courses in Economics
MSO courses : restricted access for Master 2 ( Year 2 of Graduate program)
Semester, title, code, ECTS, Department
In English
- S2, Macroeconomics II, English (4MQUEZ14), 6 ECTS, MSO
- S2, Population Economics, English (4MQUEZ22), 3 ECTS, MSO
- S2, Measurement Issues With Applications To GDP, Poverty And Inequality, English (4MQUEZ20), 3 ECTS, MSO
- S2, Advanced Industrial Organisation, English (4MQUEZ13), 3 ECTS, MSO
- S2, Sociology of Armed Conflicts 2 ( 4MAIDZ78), 3 ECTS, MSO
Graduate courses in Law
MSO courses : restricted access for Master 2 ( Year 2 of Graduate program)
Semester, title, code, ECTS, Department
(English track not included)
In English
- S2, Interdisciplinary Research (4MDROP02), 3 ECTS, MSO
- S2, Arbitration, English (4MDROZ23), 3 ECTS, MSO
Graduate courses in Social Sciences
MSO courses : restricted access for Master 2 ( Year 2 of Graduate program)