Arnault Louis - CV


Arnault Louis

Project research engineer

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Office : P100



Arnault L., Juin S. (2021), Santé du parent et choix de localisation des enfants, Gérontologie et société, vol. 43, n°165, p. 179-203

Arnault L. (2021), The Effect of the 2015 Reform of the Personalized Autonomy Allowance on the Care Plans Notified to Beneficiaries, Economie et statistique / Economics and Statistics, n°524-525, p. 85-102

Arnault L., Jusot F., Renaud T. (2021), Economic vulnerability and unmet healthcare needs among the population aged 50 + years during the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe, European Journal of Ageing, vol. 19, p. 811–825

Arnault L., Dartigues J-F., Helmer C., Pérès K., Wittwer J. (2020), Do partners of severely disabled elderly protect against nursing home entry? Evidence from a French cohort, The Journal of the Economics of Ageing, vol. 15, p. 100207

Chapitres d'ouvrage

Arnault L., Jusot F., Sirven N., Brieu M-A., Halimi D., Forette F. (2019), 8 Persistence in inequalities of frailty at older age: A comparison of nine EU countries, in Axel Börsch-Supan, Johanna Bristle, Karen Andersen-Ranberg, Agar Brugiavini, Florence Jusot, Howard Litwin and Guglielmo Weber, Health and socio-economic status over the life course De Gruyter, p. 85-90

Communications sans actes

Arnault L., Goltz A. (2013), How would informal caregivers react to an increase in formal home-care use by their elderly dependent relatives in France?, 62nd annual meeting of the AFSE, Marseille, France

Goltz A., Wittwer J., Arnault L. (2012), Micro-econometric analysis of care for the dependent elderly in France : How do formal and informal care interact ?, 34èmes journées des économistes de la santé français, Reims, France

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Arnault L., Goltz A. (2014), Can formal home care reduce the burden of informal care for elderly dependents? Evidence from France., Paris, Document de travail LEDa-LEGOS, 27 p.

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