Belhajjame Khalid
Associate Professor
I am a lecturer (Maitre de Conférences) at the University Paris-Dauphine, where I am a member of the LAMSADE research lab. Before moving to Paris, I have been a researcher forseveral years at the University of Manchester, and prior to that a PhD student at the University of Grenoble. My research interests lie in the areas of information and knowledge management. In particular, I have made key contributions to the areas of pay-as-you data integration, e-Science, scientific workflow management, provenance tracking and exploitation, and semantic web services. I have published over 50 papers in the aforementioned topics. Most of my research proposals were validated against real-world applications from the fields of astronomy, biodiversity and life sciences. I am a member of the editorial board of the MethodX Elsevier paper. I have participated in multiple European-, French- and UK-funded projects, and have been an active member of the W3C Provenance working group, the NSF funded DataONE working group on scientific workflows and provenance, and more recently the Research Object for Scholarly Communication Community Group. I am also co-leading the provenance benchmarking activity ProvBench, which seeks to produce a family of benchmarks for testing provenance proposals.
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