Bertelli Olivia - CV


Bertelli Olivia

Associate Professor

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Phone : 0144054741

Office : P111


My research interests lie in the fields of development microeconomics, in particular gender, conflicts and agricultural production.

I am currently the Project Investigator in charge of the randomized impact evaluation of the Sahel Women Empowerment and Demographic Dividend (SWEDD) initiative in Mali, a women's empowerment project. Gender-related, focusing on mothers, is another randomized impact evaluation of a parental training program in Nepal I am in charge of - toghether with two other colleagues at Paris-Dauphine - that aims at improving early childhood development. I also have a special interest in social norms and attitudes, how to measure them and their inter-generational transmission. Together with Mary Di Santolo (Uni Dauphine), we are assessing the impact of reservation quotas for women in India and the transmission of gender social norms. At the cross-roads between conflict and gender, I coordinate a research project on the mesurement of attitudes about GBV and towards authoritarian regimes in collaboration with an international and interdisciplinary network of researchers, funded by IRD with a 5-year research grant GDRI MOV (Mesurer et Observer les Violences). Together with Sikandra Kurdi (IFPRI) we are assessing the impact of the current civil conflict in Yemen on trust and cooperativeness measured with a lab-in-the-field conducted among people participating in the Social Fund for Development program. Recently, we also began a randomized impact evaluation of the SFD Cash-for-Work program in Yemen.

Previously, during my PhD, I have been investigating agricultural production investment decisions of farmers and technology knowledge diffusion in rural Uganda with the East Africa Dairy Development project initiative.

I enjoy teaching Public Policies in Developing countreis and Development Micro-Econometrics to second year Master students, as well as Micro-econometrics, Stata and Gender Economics to first year Master students at Dauphine.



Bertelli O., Fall F. (2024), Reaching out to socially distant trainees. Experimental evidence from variations on the standard farmer trainer system., European Review of Agricultural Economics, vol. 51, n°2, p. 533-588

Bertelli O., Lavallée E., Calvo T., Mercier M., Coulibaly M., Mesplé-Somps S., Coulibaly M., Traoré O. (2023), Collecter des données sur des expériences et attitudes sensibles : le cas du Mali, Global Africa, n°4, p. 159-176

Bertelli O., Mercier M., Mesplé-Somps S., Calvo T., Lavallée E. (2022), Expériences et opinions liées à l’insécurité : une analyse des biais déclaratifs au Mali, Revue d'économie du développement, vol. 31, n°2-3, p. 169-175

Bertelli O., Calvo T., Lavallée E., Mercier M., Mesplé-Somps S. (2020), Measurement and observation of gender-based violence and conflict-related violence in developing countries, Dialogue, n°57, p. 8

Bertelli O. (2020), Food security measures in Sub-Saharan Africa. A validation of the LSMS-ISA scale, Journal of African Economies, vol. 19, n°1, p. 90-120

Communications sans actes

Bertelli O., Kurdi S. (2019), Trust and conflict. Experimental evidence from Yemen, Séminaire GREThA, Bordeaux, France

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Calvo T., Bertelli O., Lavallée E., Mercier M., Mesplé-Somps S. (2024), What one thinks, what one says and what one does: male justifications and practices of gender-based violence in Mali, Paris, Preprints LEDa

Bertelli O., Calvo T., Lavallée E., Mercier M., Mesplé-Somps S. (2023), Measuring insecurity-related experiences and preferences in a fragile State. A list experiment in Mali., DIAL Documents de travail, 43 p.

Bertelli O., Kurdi S., Mahmoud M., Al-Maweri M., Al Bass T. (2019), Impacts on trust and social capital of a youth employment program in Yemen : Evaluation of the rural and urban advocates working for development intervention for the Social Fund for Development, IFPRI Working Paper series, 28 p.

Bertelli O. (2019), Investing in Agriculture when it is worth it. Empirical evidence from rural Uganda, DIAL Documents de travail, 29 p.

Bertelli O. (2016), The more the merrier? Adjusting fertility to weather shocks, PSE Working Paper, 61 p.

Bertelli O., Macours K. (2014), Food security and agriculture in developing countries: measurement and hypothesis for impact evaluations, FOODSECURE Working papers, 56 p.

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