Biondi Yuri
CNRS Researcher
Yuri BIONDI is senior tenured research fellow of the CNRS (IRISSO – University Paris Dauphine PSL) and convener of the research group on Dynamic Systems Analysis for Economic Theory and Society (DYNAMETS) in Paris. Graduate of the Bocconi University of Milan (DES), of the University of Lyon (DEA, PhD), of the University of Brescia (PhD) and of the University of Paris I Sorbonne (HDR), he is founding editor of the Journal “Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium” and convener of the SASE Research Network devoted to “Accounting Economics and Law.” He is coordinator of the SIG devoted to 'Business and Financial Law' and council member (2017-2021) of the European Law Institute (ELI). He was chairman of the Financial Accounting Standards Committee (FASC) of the American Accounting Association (AAA) from August 2011 to August 2013 (member since August 2010). His research interests include dynamic systems analysis; economic theory; corporate governance and social responsibility; financial, prudential and accounting regulation; governmental accounting and finances; non-financial reporting and disclosure.
Biondi Y. (2024), Accounting and Finance: Complementarity and Divergence, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol. 14, n°3, p. 329-337
Biondi Y. (2023), Corporate Control and Exceptions to Minimum Corporate Taxation: A Step Toward Fairness or Financialisation?, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol. 13, n°4, p. 407-415
Biondi Y. (2023), Central Banking in Perilous Times: An Open-Ended Chronicle, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol. 13, n°2, p. 49-102
Biondi Y., Graeff I. (2021), Between Prudential Regulation and Shareholder Value: An Empirical Perspective on Bank Shareholder Equity (2001-2017), Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium
Biondi Y. (2021), Accounting for Pandemic: Better Numbers for Management and Policy, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol. 11, n°3
Biondi Y., Righi S. (2020), Much ado about making money: the impact of disclosure, news and rumors on the formation of security market prices over time, Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, vol. 15, p. 333-362
Biondi Y., Olla S. (2020), Financial accumulation implies ever-increasing wealth inequality, Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, vol. 15, p. 943–951
Biondi Y., Haslam C. (2020), Company Capital Management: Safeguarding Financial Resilience for Sustainability, European Company Law, vol. 17, n°5, p. 165-175
Biondi Y. (2020), Ownership (Lost) and Corporate Control: An Enterprise Entity Perspective, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol. 10, n°3
Biondi Y., Zhou F. (2019), Interbank credit and the money manufacturing process: a systemic perspective on financial stability, Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, vol. 14, n°3, p. 437-468
Biondi Y. (2019), Equilibrium and System Analysis in Economic Dynamics. A Comment on the “Guidance of an Enterprise economy” by Martin Shubik and Eric Smith, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol. 9, n°3, p. n°20180027
Biondi Y., Righi S. (2019), Inequality, mobility and the financial accumulation process: a computational economic analysis, Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, vol. 14, n°1, p. 93-119
Biondi Y. (2018), Banking, Money and Credit: A Systemic Perspective, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol. 8, n°2, p. n°20170047
Autenne A., Biondi Y., Cavalier G., Cotiga-Raccah A., Doralt P., Haslam C., Horak H., Malberti C., Philippe D., Sergakis K., Schmidt J. (2018), The Current Challenges for EU Company and Financial Law and Regulation, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol. 8, n°3
Biondi Y., Sierra M. (2018), Pension management between financialization and intergenerational solidarity: a socio-economic analysis and a comprehensive model, Socio-Economic Review, vol. 16, n°4, p. 791-822
Biondi Y. (2017), The Firm as an Enterprise Entity and the Tax Avoidance Conundrum: Perspectives from Accounting Theory and Policy, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol. 7, n°1
Biondi Y. (2017), Accounting for Europe’s Economy and Society: Considerations for Financial Stability, Economic Development and the Public Good, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol. 7, n°2
Biondi Y., Boisseau-Sierra M. (2017), Pension Obligations in the European Union: A Case Study for Accounting Policy, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol. 7, n°3
Biondi Y., Graeff I. (2017), Rethinking bank shareholder equity: The case of Deutsche Bank, Accounting Forum, vol. 41, n°4, p. 318-335
Biondi Y. (2017), Harmonising European Public Sector Accounting Standards (EPSAS): Issues and Perspectives, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol. 7, n°2
Biondi Y. (2016), Sovereign Debt Restructuring, Refinancing and the Financial Market, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol. 6, n°3, p. 179-188
Chapitres d'ouvrage
Biondi Y. (2024), The OECD/G20 agreement on minimum corporate taxation: scope for fairness or financialisation?, in Thomas Clarke, Wafa Khlif, Coral Ingley, Elgar Encyclopedia of Corporate Governance, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, p. 154-155
Biondi Y. (2024), Corporate governance, in Thomas Clarke ; Wafa Khlif ; Coral Ingley, Elgar Encyclopedia of Corporate Governance, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, p. 27-29
Biondi Y., Oulasvirta L. (2023), Accounting for Public Sector Assets: Comparing Historical Cost and Current Value Models, in Josette Caruana ; Marco Bisogno ; Mariafrancesca Sicilia, Measurement in Public Sector Financial Reporting: Theoretical Basis and Empirical Evidence Emerald Publishing
Biondi Y. (2023), Specificities of Public Sector Accounting: Insights for Governmental Accounting from History and Theory, in Peter C. Lorson ; Susana Jorge ; Ellen Haustein, European Public Sector Accounting Coimbra University Press
Biondi Y. (2018), Fair Value and the Formation of Financial Market Prices Through Ignorance and Hazard, in Gilad Livne, Garen Markarian, The Routledge Companion to Fair Value in Accounting Routledge
Biondi Y., Soverchia M., Fradeani A. (2018), I proventi degli enti locali da operazioni senza corrispettivo equivalente: un’analisi comparativa tra Italia e Francia, in Francesca Manes Rossi and Eugenio Caperchione, L’armonizzazione contabile nelle pubbliche amministrazioni in una prospettiva internazionale, Milano: Franco Angeli
Biondi Y., Boisseau-Sierra M. (2017), Financial Sustainability and Public Debt Management in Central Government, in Manuel Pedro Rodríguez Bolívar, Financial Sustainability in Public Administration Springer, p. 167-191
Directions d'ouvrage
Biondi Y., Canziani A., Kirat T. (2007), The firm as an entity : implications for economics, accounting and the law, Londres: Taylor & Francis, 387 p.
Communications sans actes
Biondi Y. (2024), SASE Annual Meeting, Research Network P Conference, SASE Annual Meeting, Limerick, Irlande
Aversano N., Biondi Y., Oulasvirta L. (2024), Stakeholder perspectives on the IPSAS conceptual framework: a comment letter meta-analysis concerning ED76, ED77 and ED on key characteristics, EGPA XII Group Spring workshop, Matera, Italie
Biondi Y., Haslam C., Malberti C. (2024), ELI Guidance Presentation at "Corporate Sustainability Reporting: Breakthrough or Regulatory Capture?”, SASE 2024 Annual Meeting, Limerick, Irlande
Biondi Y. (2024), European Accounting Association Conference, Scientific Committee Member, European Accounting Association (EAA) 2024, 46th EAA Annual Congress, Bucarest, Roumanie
Li H., Biondi Y. (2024), Disclosure requirements and Compliance Quality for Financial Reporting of Business Combinations in China, 2024 Annual Academic Conference of the Enterprise Accounting Standards Section of the Accounting Society of China, Beijing, Chine
Biondi Y. (2023), Accounting Economics and Law Network Conference - SASE Annual Meeting, Accounting Economics and Law Network Conference - SASE Annual Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, BrÉsil
Biondi Y. (2023), Aux origines de la mathématique sociale et financière : les échanges entre Condorcet et Duvillard, Colloque Condorcet, Paris, France
Biondi Y. (2022), Accounting, Economics and Law Network Conference - SASE Annual Meeting, Accounting, Economics and Law Network Conference - SASE Annual Meeting, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas
Biondi Y. (2022), Accounting for public sector assets: Comparing historical cost and current value models, CIGAR 2022 Workshop, Berlin, Allemagne
Biondi Y., Righi S., Olla S. (2021), Modelling agent behaviour and institutions: financial markets and accumulation, Computational Social Science Society of the Americas 2021 International Conference (CSS 2021), États-Unis
Biondi Y., Righi S. (2021), Formation of Financial Market Prices over Time: A Mathematical Institutional Economic Analysis Through Simulation and Experiment, First International Workshop on Agentization: Rendering Conventional Models with Agent-Based Computing, États-Unis
Biondi Y., Veryshenko I. (2020), Sources of Properties of Security Market Pricing: Institutional Design and Agent Rationality, The First Conference on Zero/Minimal Intelligence Agents, New Haven, États-Unis
Veryshenko I., Biondi Y. (2019), Where security market pricing quality comes from? Combined analysis of institutional design and individual rationality, SCE 25th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance (CEF 2019), Ottawa, Canada
Biondi Y., del Barrio Arleo C. (2019), Unravelling economic solidarity: An alternative view on risk-sharing in the European banking sector, Financial Stability Conference - FSC Research Workshop 2019, Berlin, Allemagne
Biondi Y. (2019), Accounting, Economics and Law Network Conference - SASE Annual Meeting, Accounting, Economics and Law Network Conference - SASE Annual Meeting, New York, États-Unis
Biondi Y., del Barrio C. (2018), The single market´s catch-22: supervisory centralisation in a fragmented banking landscape, Financial Stability Conference - FSC Research Workshop 2018, Berlin, Allemagne
Biondi Y. (2018), Accounting, Economics and Law Network Conference - SASE Annual Meeting, Accounting, Economics and Law Network Conference - SASE Annual Meeting, Kyoto, Japon
Biondi Y. (2018), Interbank credit and financial stability, First Annual Conference, European Commission, Joint Research Center - Community of Practice in Financial Research, Bruxelles, Belgique
Biondi Y. (2018), Interbank credit and financial stability, DYSES 2018 (Dynamics of Socio Economic Systems) Conference, Paris, France
Biondi Y., Sierra Torre M. (2017), Accounting for pension obligations in the EU : a case study for epsas and transnational budgetary supervision, 83rd International Atlantic Economic Conference (IAES), Berlin, Allemagne
Biondi Y. (2017), Accounting, Economics and Law Network Conference - SASE Annual Meeting, Accounting, Economics and Law Network Conference - SASE Annual Meeting, Lyon, France
Biondi Y., Graeff I. (2017), Rethinking Bank Shareholder Equity: The case of Deutsche Bank, 34th Symposium on Money, Banking and Finance, University of Paris Ouest Nanterre, Paris, 5-6 July 2017, Paris, France
Biondi Y., Sierra Torre M. (2017), Financial Sustainability and Public Debt Management in Central Government, 16th Biennial CIGAR Conference, Porto, Portugal
Biondi Y., Sierra Torre M. (2017), Financial Sustainability and Public Debt Management in Central Government, EGPA Permanent Study Group XII “Public Sector Financial Management” Spring Workshop, La Valletta, Malte
Biondi Y., Graeff I. (2017), Rethinking Bank Shareholder Equity: The Case of Deutsche Bank, Accounting, Economics and Law Research Network Conference, SASE 2017 Annual Meeting, Lyon, 29 June-1 July 2017, Lyon, France
Biondi Y., Sierra Torre M. (2017), Financial Sustainability and Public Debt Management in Central Government, 83rd International Atlantic Economic Conference (IAES, Berlin, Allemagne
Biondi Y., Zhou F. (2017), Interbank credit and the money manufacturing process. A systemic perspective on financial stability, 3 rd International Workshop on “Financial Markets and N onlinear Dynamics” (FMND), June 1-2, 2017, Paris, France., Paris, France
Biondi Y., Zhou F. (2017), Interbank credit and the money manufacturing process. A systemic perspective on financial stability, WEHIA 2017 22 nd Annual Workshop on Economic Science with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents, Milan, Italie
Biondi Y., Zhou F. (2017), Interbank credit and the money manufacturing process. A systemic perspective on financial stability, 34th Symposium on Money, Banking and Finance, Bank of England, Londres, Royaume-Uni
Présentation(s) dans un séminaire de recherche
Biondi Y. (2018), Interbank credit and financial stability, in Banque de France Seminar, Paris
Biondi Y. (2018), Pension Management and Accounting, in CRIDES, Catholic University of Louvain, Louvain
Biondi Y. (2018), Financial Accumulation and Inequality, in Yale University Workshop, New Haven
Biondi Y. (2018), Interbank credit and financial stability, in Economics and Complexity Lunch Seminar, MSE, Paris
Biondi Y., Haslam C., Malberti C. (2023), European Law Institute (ELI) Guidance on Company Capital and Financial Accounting for Corporate Sustainability, European Law Institute, 52 p.
Editoriaux, directions de revue
Biondi Y. (2024), Framing the policy-making: theories, expertise and the law, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol. 14, n° 1
Biondi Y. (2024), Accounting and Finance, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol. 14, n° 3
Biondi Y. (2023), Accounting, Corporations and Tax Avoidance, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol. 13, n° 4
Biondi Y. (2023), International finance disputes: foreign direct investment and sovereign debt crises, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol. 13, n° 1
Biondi Y. (2023), Central Banking: Current Challenges and Future Perspectives, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol. 13, n° 2
Biondi Y. (2022), Unreliable Accounts, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol. 12, n° 2
Biondi Y. (2022), Economic Transplants on Law-making: Implications for Company and Financial Law, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol. 12, n° 3
Biondi Y., Blair M. (2020), The Corporate Issue: A Tribute to Lynn Stout, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol. 10, n° 3
Biondi Y. (2019), On the Evolutionary Advantage of Cost Accounting and Conservatism, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol. 9, n° 1
Biondi Y. (2019), Tribute to Martin Shubik, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol. 9, n° 3
Biondi Y. (2018), The Financial Sustainability Conundrum in Central Government, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol. 8, n° 3
Biondi Y. (2018), The Money Problem. Perspectives on Money, Banking and Financial Regulation, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol. 8, n° 2
Biondi Y. (2017), A Symposium on International Tax Avoidance, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol. 7, n° 1
Biondi Y. (2017), Which Accounting Regulation for Europe's Economy and Society, Thematic Issue, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, vol. 7, n° 2