Ettinger David - CV


Ettinger David

Full Professor

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David Ettinger is professor of economics, member of LEDa (Laboratoire d'Economie de Dauphine). Specialist in microeconomics and game theory, he works on limited rationality, auction theory, industrial organization and incentives. His more applied works deal with the privatization of freeway companies, microcredit, takeover bids ... He has been the director of LEDa since 2016. 



Biancini S., Ettinger D., Venet B. (2023), When pro-poor microcredit institutions favour richer borrowers: A moral hazard story, Canadian Journal of Economics, p. 1-18

Ettinger D., Jehiel P. (2021), An experiment on deception, reputation and trust, Experimental Economics, vol. 24, p. 821-853

Ettinger D., Michelucci F. (2019), Jump Bids and the Winner's Curse, Annals of Economics and Statistics, vol. 133, p. 87-92

Ettinger D., Biancini S. (2017), Vertical Integration and Downstream Collusion, International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 53, p. 99-113

Ettinger D., Michelucci F. (2016), Hiding Information in Open Auctions with Jump Bids, The Economic Journal, vol. 126, n°594, p. 1484–1502

Ettinger D., Michelucci F. (2016), Creating a Winner's Curse via Jump Bids, Review of Economic Design, vol. 20, n°3, p. 173-186

Dragicevic A., Ettinger D. (2011), Private Valuation of a Public Good in Three Auction Mechanisms, Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, vol. 2, n°2, p. art. 4

Ettinger D. (2010), Bidding among friends and enemies with symmetric information, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, vol. 166, n°2, p. 365-385

Ettinger D., Jehiel P. (2010), A theory of deception, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, vol. 2, n°1, p. 1-20

Ettinger D. (2009), Takeover contests, toeholds and deterrence, The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, vol. 111, n°1, p. 103-124

Ettinger D. (2008), Auctions and shareholdings, Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, n°90, p. 233-257

Ettinger D. (2008), Privatisation des sociétés d'autoroute et marché aval, Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, n°89, p. 63-90

Ettinger D. (2003), Efficiency in auctions with crossholdings, Economics Letters, vol. 80, n°1, p. 1-7

Communications avec actes

Ettinger D., Michelucci F. (2014), Hiding Information in Open Auctions, in , European Economic Association annual congress, Toulouse, 40 p.

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Jehiel P., Ettinger D. (2007), Towards a Theory of Deception, Los Angeles, Levine's Bibliography, 27 p.

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