Harutyunyan Ararat - CV


Harutyunyan Ararat

Associate Professor

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Phone : 0631186345

Office : P641



Harutyunyan A., Lampis M., Melissinos N. (2024), Digraph Coloring and Distance to Acyclicity, Theory of Computing Systems, vol. 68, n°4, p. 986-1013

Gourvès L., Harutyunyan A., Lampis M., Melissinos N. (2024), Filling crosswords is very hard, Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 982, p. 114275

Denat T., Harutyunyan A., Melissinos N., Paschos V. (2024), Average-case complexity of a branch-and-bound algorithm for Min Dominating Set, Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 345, p. 4-8

Harutyunyan A., Harutyunyan L., Hovhannisyan H. (2024), Coloring k -partite sparse digraphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 353, p. 1-3

Harutyunyan A., Horn P., Verstraete J. (2021), Independent dominating sets in graphs of girth five, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, vol. 30, n°3, p. 344-359

Harutyunyan A., Pastor L., Thomassé S. (2021), Disproving the normal graph conjecture, Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B, vol. 147, p. 238-251

Harutyunyan A., Lampis M., Lozin V., Monnot J. (2020), Maximum independent sets in subcubic graphs: New results, Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 846, p. 14-26

Harutyunyan A., Le T-N., Thomassé S., Wu H. (2019), Coloring tournaments: From local to global, Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B, vol. 138, p. 166-171

Bousquet N., Esperet L., Harutyunyan A., De Joannis de Verclos R. (2019), Exact Distance Colouring in Trees, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, vol. 28, n°2, p. 177-186

Beynier A., Chevaleyre Y., Gourvès L., Harutyunyan A., Lesca J., Maudet N., Wilczynski A. (2019), Local envy-freeness in house allocation problems, Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, vol. 33, n°5, p. 591–627

Harutyunyan A., Le T-N., Newman A., Thomassé S. (2019), Coloring Dense Digraphs, Combinatorica, vol. 39, n°5, p. 1021-1053

Bensmail J., Harutyunyan A., Le T-N., Thomassé S. (2019), Edge-Partitioning a Graph into Paths: Beyond the Barát-Thomassen Conjecture, Combinatorica, vol. 39, n°2, p. 239-263

Bensmail J., Harutyunyan A., Le T-N., Merker M., Thomassé S. (2017), A proof of the Barát–Thomassen conjecture, Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B, vol. 124, p. 39-55

Harutyunyan A., Le T-N., Newman A., Thomassé S. (2017), Coloring dense digraphs, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, vol. 61, p. 577-583

Communications avec actes

Belmonte R., Harutyunyan A., Kohler N., Melissinos N. (2023), Odd Chromatic Number of Graph Classes, in Daniël Paulusma ; Bernard Ries, Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, Springer Nature Switzerland, 44-58 p.

Gourvès L., Harutyunyan A., Lampis M., Melissinos N. (2021), Filling Crosswords is Very Hard, in , Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik

Harutyunyan A., Lampis M., Melissinos N. (2021), Digraph Coloring and Distance to Acyclicity, in Markus Bläser, Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, 41:1-41:15 p.

Harutyunyan A., Khosravian Ghadikolaei M., Melissinos N., Monnot J., Pagourtzis A. (2020), On the Complexity of the Upper r-Tolerant Edge Cover Problem, in Luís S. Barbosa, Mohammad Ali Abam, Springer, 32-47 p.

Harutyunyan A., Lampis M., Lozin V., Monnot J. (2019), Maximum Independent Sets in Subcubic Graphs: New Results, in Ignasi Sau, Dimitrios M. Thilikos, Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG 2019), Springer International Publishing, 40-52 p.

Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche

Abgaryan H., Chevaleyre Y., Harutyunyan A., Le T-N. (2022), House allocation with randomly generated preference lists, Cahiers du LAMSADE, 16 p.

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