Huillery Élise
Full Professor
Elise Huillery is Professor at the University Paris-Dauphine and research affiliate at J-PAL (Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab), LIEPP (Laboratoire interdisciplinaire d’évaluation des politiques publiques), and EUDN (European Development Network). She holds a M.A in management from the Ecole des Hautes études commerciales (HEC), as well as a M.A in philosophy from the University Paris IV. She subsequently received a PhD in economics from the Paris School of Economics. She was then a post-doctorate fellow at J-PAL and an Assistant Professor at Sciences Po. She also regularly serves as a columnist at France Culture. Her research focuses on the determinants of poverty and inequalities mostly in Africa and in France, as well as public policies that can reduce it. She has worked in collaboration with governments in several countries with the aim to help design and evaluate the impact of social policies related to health, labor and education.
Boon-Falleur M., Bouguen A., Charpentier A., Algan Y., Huillery É., Chevallier C. (2022), Simple questionnaires outperform behavioral tasks to measure socio-emotional skills in students, Scientific Reports, vol. 12, p. n°442
Chuang E., Dupas P., Huillery É., Seban J. (2021), Sex, Lies and Measurement: Consistency tests for Indirect Response Survey Methods, Journal of Development Economics, vol. 148, p. 102582
Guyon N., Huillery É. (2020), Biased Aspirations and Social Inequality at School: Evidence from French Teenagers, The Economic Journal
Huillery É., Seban J. (2019), Financial Incentives, Efforts, and Performances in the Health Sector: Experimental Evidence from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Economic Development and Cultural Change
Huillery É., Dupas P., Seban J. (2018), Risk Information, Risk Salience, and Teenagers Sexual Behavior: Experimental Evidence from Cameroon, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 145, p. 151–175
Huillery É., Beasley E. (2017), Willing but Not Able: Short-Term Experimental Evidence on Parent Empowerment and School Quality, The World Bank Economic Review, vol. 31, n°2, p. 531 - 552
Huillery É. (2014), The Black Man's Burden - The Cost of Colonization of French West Africa, The Journal of Economic History, vol. 74, n°1, p. 1-38
Huillery É. (2011), The Impact of European Settlement within French West Africa. Did pre-colonial prosperous areas fall behind?, Journal of African Economies, vol. 20, n°2, p. 263-311
Huillery É. (2009), History Matters: The Long Term Impact of Colonial Public Investments in French West Africa, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, vol. 1, n°2, p. 176-215
Algan Y., Huillery É. (2022), L'économie du savoir-être, Paris: Presses de Sciences Po, 124 p.
Chapitres d'ouvrage
Huillery É. (2019), Entre mérite et inégalité : renouveler la réflexion de la gauche sur l'éducation, in Collectif Télémaque, La gauche du réel. Un progressisme pour aujourd'hui, La Tour d'Aigue (Vaucluse): Editions de l'Aube
Huillery É. (2019), Viser la création d’entreprise et accéder à l’emploi : résultats inattendus d’une expérimentation, in Aude Kérivel et Samuel James, Lutter contre les discriminations et les inégalités, Paris: La Documentation française, p. 226
Huillery É. (2016), En France, les enfants d’immigrés réussissent-ils moins à l’école que les autres ?, in Thiollet, Hélène, Migrants et migration : 50 questions pour se faire une idée, Paris: Armand Colin
Huillery É. (2015), Esclavage, colonisation : quand l’histoire laisse des traces, in Vidal, Dominique ; Badie, Bertrand, L'état du monde 2016, Paris: La Découverte, p. 45-59
Huillery É. (2013), Transmission de la confiance entre les générations : la formation des ambitions comme facteur de la reproduction sociale, in Hagège, Claude et alii, En quête de confiance, Paris: Textuel
Prépublications / Cahiers de recherche
Huillery É. (2006), Colonisation and Development in the Former French West Africa: The Long-term Impact of the Colonial Public Policy, Paris, DIAL Documents de travail, 48 p.
Fack G., Huillery É. (2021), Enseignement supérieur : Pour un investissement plus juste et plus efficace, Conseil d'analyse économique, 12 p.
Algan Y., Huillery É., Prost C. (2018), Confiance, coopération et autonomie : pour une école du XXIe siècle, Conseil d'analyse économique, 12 p.
Carcillo S., Huillery É., L'Horty Y. (2017), Prévenir la pauvreté par l'emploi, l'éducation et la mobilité, Conseil d'analyse économique, 12 p.
Huillery É., Laat (de) J., Gertler P. (2017), Supporting Disadvantaged Children Enter Kindergarten: Experimental Evidence from Bulgaria, The World Bank, 63 p.